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Asmaa Alkandari

6 Strategies for Teachers in Monitoring Student Use of Artificial Intelligence in Homework 

We are in a time where technology plays a dominant role in education, and teachers face the challenge of ensuring academic integrity and authentic student learning, particularly when it comes to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in completing homework assignments. Students have easy access to AI-powered tools and resources therefore instructors must adopt practical strategies to monitor and assess student engagement and knowledge. Here are some effective methods to identify if the learners are using AI when completing their assignments: 


1-     Establish Clear Expectations: Before assigning homework tasks, clearly share your expectations regarding the use of AI tools and resources. Emphasize the importance of independent thinking, problem-solving, and authentic learning experiences. Technology is a supplement to their learning, rather than an alternative for their critical thinking.  


2-     Offer Various Assessment Methods:This approach allows teachers to assess the depth of student understanding. Therefore, use in-class on going assessments to integrate different methods beyond traditional homework tasks to assess the students ongoing understanding and mastery of ideas. Add in-class activities such as presentations, discussions, group projects, and working tasks that require them to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in different ways.  


3-     Review Work for Authenticity: When reviewing homework submissions, pay attention to the quality, coherence, and originality of students' responses. Look for signs of inconsistency, such as sudden improvements in performance or language proficiency, which may indicate the use of AI. Compare students' written work with their previous assignments and class participation to identify any differences.  


4-     Encourage Transparency and Accountability: Encourage students to openly discuss their use of AI tools and resources. Create a supportive classroom environment where students feel free sharing their sources of information and seeking guidance when needed. Emphasize the importance of academic integrity and the ethical use of technology in learning. 


5-     Promote Critical Thinking Skills: Design homework assignments that require higher-order thinking skills and problem-solving abilities, which cannot be easily produced by AI systems. Encourage students to analyze, evaluate, and combine information from multiple sources to develop their insights and perspectives. Provide opportunities for students to engage in open-ended questions and creative tasks that stimulate intellectual curiosity.  


6-     Utilize Technology for Monitoring: Use technology to monitor student activity and engagement during homework assignments. The online platforms will help to track students' progress, monitor completion rates, and identify patterns of behavior that may indicate the use of AI tools. Also, implement plagiarism detection.  


By implementing these strategies, teachers may effectively monitor and assess student use of AI in HW assignments while promoting a culture of academic honesty, critical thinking, and authentic learning experiences. Also, emphasizing the importance of independent inquiry, problem-solving, and ethical use of technology, educators can empower students to become accountable digital citizens and lifelong learners in an increasingly technologically driven world 

Ins. Asmaa Alkandari