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A Parent's Role In Education


A child's education is extremely important as it can dictate their career path and success. Many factors contribute to the success, or lack of, in the child's progress.  An often-overlooked factor of education is the role of the parent in the student's education. Parents play an extremely important role in their child's educational journey and mental development. Their involvement and support, or lack of, has a big impact on a child's success in the classroom.

When parents actively participate in their child's education, whether its indirect or direct, can make or break the learner. Direct participation would be following up with the students' teachers and progress. Indirect participation would be how the parent influences the learner in terms of education. For example, if the parent thinks that education is just means to get a certificate, the chance that the student will be successful in their learning journey is slim. However, if the parent continuously supports the learner and motivates them to study more and learn more, they will have a higher chance to succeed in their learning path. Indirect participation is crucial because not only are they influencing their child, but they also serve as role models for their children, instilling values such as discipline, and a love for learning. Their encouragement and positivity will eventually boost their child's confidence and motivation to do well in school. If a child notices that their parent does not show interest in their progress, the child will no longer have an interest to succeed. If a parent does not reward or react to any good progress in the school, this will make the child believe that whether they put in effort in their study, the result will be the same.

This goes to note that a parent's involvement in the child's education shows a strong sense of connection between home and school, creating a healthy learning environment where the students get support from both their teachers and their parents which leads to shaping a child's attitude towards learning and succeeding.