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رقم البدالة في الفترة الصباحية 1806611 داخلي 1333

اضغط هنا للتواصل مع ادارات ومراكز الهيئة

 ارسال رسالة للشكاوى الى البريد الإلكتروني  GITHelpDesk@paaet.edu.kw

للتحدث مع موظفي الدعم الفني لأي مشكلة تقنية اضغط هنا

Ins. Jawaher Alrowayeh
       In education, teaching methods have developed rapidly. Varied models include shifting from the traditional classroom to a technology-embedded, personalized blended learning environment as one way to increase computer science instruction and have achieved great results. Blended learning includes different models, such as, the Rotation Model, Flex Model: Self-Blend Model and Enriched-Virtual Model. In this article, the Rotation Model will be discussed.
The Rotation Model combines traditional instruction with online learning. It uses rotations to direct learners through a variety of learning modalities. There are different variations of the Rotation Model including: Station rotation, Lab rotation, Individual rotation and Flipped classroom.

Station rotation: 

   In this rotation stations are used to direct learners through different modalities learners rotate on a fixed schedule or at the instructor’s discretion among classroom-based learning modalities. Learners should rotate through all the stations, not only those on their custom schedules. In this rotation, both offline and online activities take place in the same class. 

Lab rotation: 

   In Lab Rotation, learners rotate through physical class and digital learning at fixed schedules. This rotation requires learners to physically change rooms. This method can be applied when there is difficulty in incorporating many learners in the same classroom or experimental lab. A computer lab station should be added to the rotation model.

Individual rotation: 

   In this rotation, learners Rotate on an individually customized schedule. They can choose their subjects based on their interest from a custom schedule set by the instructor. This method helps learners to learn depending on their special needs. It is considered the most personalized form of Blended Learning. In this rotation model learners do not necessarily rotate to each available station or modality.

Flipped classroom: 

   This model is a course-by-course model. learners should complete online lessons and/or lectures at home to build content knowledge and then engage in authentic activities during class time. In this model learners rotate on a fixed schedule between traditional instruction at school and online learning from home. This model allows students to choose the location where they receive content and instruction online and to control the pace at which they move through the online elements. This model encourages learners to learn at their own pace, improves their knowledge and preparation skills, saves time spent in class teaching, and achieves effective learning.

To choose the right model for teaching, instructors should ask the following questions:

  • What’s the purpose for switching to a blended learning environment?
  • What type of access to internet-enabled devices do my learners have?
  • What do I want my role as an instructor to be?