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Khadija Alrashidi

Sustainable Leadership in Higher Education

By: Khadija Alrashidi


Sustainable leadership in higher education goes beyond merely maintaining the status quo, aiming instead to cultivate environments that thrive over the long term for the benefit of both current and future generations. It intertwines environmental, social, and economic sustainability with leadership strategies to prepare students as tomorrow's responsible leaders.

Key Aspects of Sustainable Leadership Ethical Foundation:

  • Leaders embody and promote ethics, showing commitment to sustainability.
  • Community Engagement: Encouraging involvement in sustainability projects.
  • Long-term Vision: Focusing on future impacts rather than immediate gains.
  • Inclusive Decision-making: Involving all stakeholders in decision processes.
  • Innovation and Adaptability: Promoting innovation in sustainability and adapting to changing scenarios.

Implementation in Higher Education

  • Curriculum Integration: Incorporating sustainability across all study programs.
  • Campus Initiatives: Leading by example through sustainable campus operations.
  • Student Engagement: Offering sustainability-related activities and projects.
  • Research Support: Encouraging sustainability research and innovation.
  • Global Perspective: Instilling a global viewpoint on local actions and their worldwide impact.

Sustainable leadership in higher education is about building a culture that prioritizes sustainability, preparing students to be innovative and responsible leaders ready to address global challenges.