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Reem Almuwaizri

Teaching Methods That Makes MY Classroom More Effective


1. Active Learning

     By engaging in activities and hands-on, students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. Group projects, and peer teaching are one of the examples of active learning techniques.

2. Technology Integration

     Technology plays an important role in education, it can encourage student to participate and provide interactive learning opportunities.

Examples of effective technology integration whiteboards and educational apps such as teams .

3. Project-Based Learning or presentations

      Meaningful projects that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This method involves identifying problems, planning and collaboration, and presenting and reflecting.

4. Classroom Discussions and Questioning

     Classroom discussions and effective questioning techniques promote critical thinking, active participation, and deeper understanding. By creating respectful environment, teachers can monitor  rich discussions. Examples of effective questioning techniques include open-ended questions , and think-pair-share activities.





                                                                               Prepared by:

                                                                                         Instructor. Reem Al-Muwaizri