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للتحدث مع موظفي الدعم الفني لأي مشكلة تقنية اضغط هنا

Noura Mohamad

OSCAR Coaching Model in Training

          Without any slight of doubt , a trainer plays an important role in promoting students' level .However, There are new techniques and theories arising everyday which would help       a lot in this field. OSCAR coaching model is a model created by Karen Whittle worth in 2002. It's a framework that helps others to achieve their goals and elevate performance .In this article , we would learn how to apply this model in the training process .OSCAR is an acronym , so each letter stands for a word  :

  1. Outcome :What do trainers expect to gain from this course including voc., grammar , and skills .
  2. Situation : The trainer needs to determine students' situation and position in the language and what holds them back ?
  3. Choices: Trainers must focus on the best choices or methods that suit trainees' level and support them to acquire more of the subject by asking them questions and getting their feedback .
  4. Actions : Now , trainees must implement the choices and ideas and run them into actions .
  5. Review: It's the final part of the model . In this stage , a trainer should evaluate his/her methods through students' feedback . The evaluation could be at the end of each lecture as a wrap-up stage and also at the end of the semester through final exams . The final grades would be a good indicator to measure the successfulness of the OSCAR model and if it's effective or no .


At the end , a successful learning depends basically on both the trainer and the trainees . Both should unite to achieve the ultimate goals of the process .