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اضغط هنا للتواصل مع ادارات ومراكز الهيئة

 ارسال رسالة للشكاوى الى البريد الإلكتروني  GITHelpDesk@paaet.edu.kw

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Sara Al Abdulmuhseen

Ways to Support ADHD learners


 Supporting ADHD learners involves addressing the multifaceted nature of the disorder beyond just Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity, and Impulsivity.


Utilizing Visual Aids

 Short-term memory deficits often accompany ADHD, contributing to heightened anxiety. Implementing visual aids, such as tactile and electronic schedules, can alleviate stress and empower students.


Customizing Timetables

 Tailoring the timetable's creation and placement to the individual student's needs fosters structure and comprehension. Whether prepared overnight or in the morning, the timetable serves as a vital tool for navigating daily activities.


Utilizing "Now and Next"

 For students overwhelmed by extensive daily tasks, employing a "now and next" approach offers clarity and focus. This method prompts students to identify current and upcoming activities, promoting task-oriented behaviour.


Choosing Layout Wisely

 Opting for a vertical layout accommodates ADHD and autistic students' limited peripheral vision, enhancing readability and comprehension.


Expanding Attention Span

 Acknowledging the challenge posed by short attention spans inherent in ADHD, incorporating activities aligned with students' interests can extend focus duration significantly.





Implementing Movement Tools

 Tools like discreet fidget devices effectively channel excess energy in students prone to motor hyperactivity, fostering a conducive learning environment.


Utilizing Timers Effectively

 Breaking tasks into manageable segments with the aid of electronic or sand timers not only aids concentration but also provides clear time boundaries for students.


Promoting Active Engagement

  Recognizing that movement aids cognitive processing, encouraging physical activity during learning fosters engagement and comprehension.


Fostering Active Learning Opportunities

 Integrating interactive learning methods like songs, board games, ICT activities, and brief bursts of activity enhances retention and participation among students with ADHD.A