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Norah Alghadhoory

Inspiring active learning


Student participation is an important aspect of teaching and learning process. Learners who engage in student participation activities retain more information and give their teachers important visibility into how they understand concepts and communicate better in classrooms.

Studies always show the positive relationship between students' participation and learning. They also show the value in students' comments in class. These students felt that classroom participation helped confirm what they'd learned, facilitated retention of the information, provided clarification, and deepened their understanding of topics.

It is always said that participation in class can be difficult for teachers to foster, especially in large classes. Many students my find it hard to voice their opinions or questions in front of a group. It's important to create an environment where all students feel encouraged to speak up, ask questions and express their excitement or concerns. Teachers must continually break down barriers to ensure that students are being active in their learning. Active learning, where students are engaged with each other and their teachers, results in better outcomes.

Inspiring active learning can be done in many ways, but primarily it comes from encouraging students to work with their classmates in engaging classroom activities that allow them to ask questions, display their understanding of topics and learn from their classmates. In this environment, teachers can observe and quickly measure areas where multiple students are struggling to understand a topic. Student participation activities can help both educators and students do their best.