Colors in Education
Using colors as a method of teaching makes the learning process very interesting and effective. Colors help the learners to develop their attention. It improves short term and long-term memory.
How do colors effect learning:
Psychologically, using the right color affects the behavior, attention, and the feelings of the learner.
1- Green: Concentration
Low wavelength colors such as green improve efficiency and focus.
2- Orange: Mood lifter
Orange is a welcoming color. It promotes comfort and improves the neural functioning.
Some theories argue that an environment which is rich in orange color increases the oxygen supply to the brain.
3- Blue: Productivity
Some researches said that people with high intellectual work would be more productive in an environment that is rich in blue color. Blue best be used in challenging situations. It also helps to improve reading comprehension.
Blue promotes high levels of thought. But too much of it can cause disattachm4ent and coldness.
4- Red: Energizer
Red encourages creativity. It also increases adrenalin and generates the feeling of anger. Using red in class can give the students energy boost.
5- Yellow: The Attention Grabber
Yellow is the king of colors that grabs the students' attention.
Write the important information or materials in yellow or on a yellow board to attract the attention.