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Description of the courses: 

03-30-99  English Language Remedial

 Credits:  None                 Contact hours:  5 hours

Pre-requisite:   E.P.T.

This course is an English remedial course for students joining the College of Health Sciences to shift to scientific majors. It is a communicative course that encourages students to acquire the language they learn and to adapt materials to their own situation.

In order to attain this goal, systematic attention is paid to language form through consolidation that follows each unit, and is devoted to study and practice of grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and writing.


03-30-101  English Language

 Credits:  2                 Contact hours:  3 hours

Pre-requisite:   E.P.T. or 03-30-99  English Language Remedial

This is a general compulsory English course for students who are joining The College of Health Sciences for all specialization. This course aims at helping students acquire the ability to use English for daily communication confidently. The emphasis will be on the basic skills listening, speaking, reading and writing. All four skills must be accomplished by both. This course is given to students scoring 60% and above in the placement test.


03-30-102  English Language ESP/ English for Paramedics

 Credits:  3                Contact hours:  3 hours

Pre-requisite:   03-30-101  English Language

This English course is designed for Paramedics students. It prepares adult students for the work place, the community and the home. Communicative competence in English is of critical importance in achieving self-sufficiency.


03-30-103  English Language ESP/Food Sciences

 Credits:  2                 Contact hours:  3 hours

Pre-requisite:   03-30-101  English Language

This course is for students specializing in Food Sciences and Nutrition. Students will acquire the ability to communicate, read and write in English as a form of English for special purposes. Through this course, the students will utilize structural competence, which they have already acquired. They will also increase their communicative competence through exposure to language, which is of a more scientific nature and will reflect the needs of the students in the field of food sciences and nutrition.


03-30-104  English Language

 Credits:  3                 Contact hours:  5 hours

Pre-requisite:   E.P.T. or 03-30-99  English Language Remedial

This is a general compulsory English course for students who are joining the College of Health Sciences for all specializations. This course aims at helping students acquire the ability to use English for daily communication confidently. The emphasis will be on the basic skills listening, speaking, reading and writing. All four skills must be accomplished by both. This course is given to students scoring 60% and above in the placement test. 


03-30-109  English Language ESP/Medical Laboratories

 Credits:  2                 Contact hours:  3 hours

Pre-requisite:   03-30-101  English Language

This is an ESP course for Medical Laboratory students. It acquaints the students with the types of language lexicon and structures used in communicative situations in medical laboratory. It also develops the students' skills of turn talking and role-play at the medical laboratory. Students will be able to write laboratory reports and fill in applications and order forms.

03-30-111  English Language ESP/Medical Records

 Credits:  5                 Contact hours:  10 hours

This is an intensive general English course for Medical Records students. The course aims to help students communicate in oral and written English confidently in the field of Medical Records.


03-30-117  English Language Composition

 Credits:  3                 Contact hours:  4 hours

Pre-requisite:   03-30-101  English Language

This is an English Writing Course for the students of Environmental Health Department. It is a basic writing course that will help students write in paragraphs to express clearly & directly what they mean to communicate. Students will also describe & explain in good English what they see & experience.


03-30-161  English Language ESP/Medical Records

 Credits:  2                 Contact hours:  4 hours

Pre-requisite:   03-30-111  English Language ESP/Medical Records

This is the first part of a two-part English (ESP) compulsory course for students specializing in medical records. Students taking this course have knowledge of English at the territory level. This course, if completed successfully, is entitled to help students understand the specific forms of English used in the field of Medical Records. Secondly, communicate through a variety of ESP forms used in daily professional situations and thirdly, receive and give messages in ESP orally and / or in written form.


03-30-211  English Language Composition ESP/Medical Records

 Credits:  3                 Contact hours:  4 hours

Pre-requisite:   03-30-161  English Language ESP/Medical Records

This is the second part of a two-part compulsory ESP course for students of Medical Records who have an intermediate knowledge of ESP in the field of medical records. Upon successful completion of this course students are expected to communicate and express themselves appropriately in situations relating to work. Secondly, read and understand advanced contexts pertaining to their field. Thirdly, write short reports relating to their field.


03-30-212  English Language ESP/ Dental Assistant

 Credits:  3                 Contact hours:  3 hours

Pre-requisite:   03-30-101  English Language

This is an ESP course designed to acquaint learners with the specific language skills needed to perform their numerous and various tasks successfully. This entails some interpersonal and technical skills, as well as the awareness of the specific language and genres used in dentistry which this course attempt to provide].


03-30-217  English Language Advanced Reading

 Credits:  2                 Contact hours:  2 hours

Pre-requisite:   03-30-101  English Language

This is an English Reading Course for the students of Environmental Health Department. It is a reading course that will help students read to build reading speed & comprehension. This course give students practice in reading & understanding informational articles in the content area of science. It also provides systematic , structured reading practice that helps students improve their reading & comprehension skills.


توصيف / لكل مقرر

  • English (Remedial)
    0 عدد الوحدات
    رقم المادة 03-30-99
    نوع المادة إجبارى
    ساعات المادة 5
    المسبق او المتلازم E.P.T.
  • English Language
    2 عدد الوحدات
    رقم المادة 03-30-101
    نوع المادة إجبارى
    ساعات المادة 3
    المسبق او المتلازم E.P.T. or 03-30-99
  • English Language ESP/Food Sciences
    2 عدد الوحدات
    رقم المادة 03-31-103
    نوع المادة إجبارى
    ساعات المادة 3
    المسبق او المتلازم 03-30-101
  • English Language
    3 عدد الوحدات
    رقم المادة 03-30-104
    نوع المادة إجبارى
    ساعات المادة 5
    المسبق او المتلازم E.P.T. or 03-30-99
  • English Language ESP/Medical Laboratories
    2 عدد الوحدات
    رقم المادة 03-30-109
    نوع المادة إجبارى
    ساعات المادة 3
    المسبق او المتلازم 03-30-101
  • English Language ESP/Medical Records
    5 عدد الوحدات
    رقم المادة 03-30-111
    نوع المادة إجبارى
    ساعات المادة 10
    المسبق او المتلازم -
  • English Language Composition
    3 عدد الوحدات
    رقم المادة 03-30-117
    نوع المادة إجبارى
    ساعات المادة 4
    المسبق او المتلازم 03-30-101
  • English Language ESP/Medical Records
    2 عدد الوحدات
    رقم المادة 03-30-161
    نوع المادة إجبارى
    ساعات المادة 4
    المسبق او المتلازم 03-30-111
  • English Language Composition ESP/Medical Records
    3 عدد الوحدات
    رقم المادة 03-30-211
    نوع المادة إجبارى
    ساعات المادة 4
    المسبق او المتلازم 03-30-161
  • English Language Advanced Reading
    2 عدد الوحدات
    رقم المادة 03-30-217
    نوع المادة إجبارى
    ساعات المادة 2
    المسبق او المتلازم 03-30-101
  • English Language ESP/ English for Paramedics
    3 عدد الوحدات
    رقم المادة 03-30-102
    نوع المادة إجبارى
    ساعات المادة 3
    المسبق او المتلازم 03-30-101 English L
  • English Language ESP/ Dental Assistant
    3 عدد الوحدات
    رقم المادة 03-30-212
    نوع المادة إجبارى
    ساعات المادة 3
    المسبق او المتلازم 03-30-101
