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 ارسال رسالة للشكاوى الى البريد الإلكتروني  GITHelpDesk@paaet.edu.kw

للتحدث مع موظفي الدعم الفني لأي مشكلة تقنية اضغط هنا

البحوث المنشورة في الكلية

1. Al-Saleh, B., Al-Awadi, N., Al-Kandari, H., Abdel-Khalik, M. and Elnagdi, M.H. (2000). Studies with 2H pyranones: Synthesis of new 3-substituted-4-hydroxy2Hpyran-2-ones. J. chem. Res. S16-17

2. Al-Kandari, H., Al-Kharafi, F. and Katrib, A. (2004) The bifunctional catalytic properties of partially reduced. MoO3. Catal. Comm. (5)

3. Belatel, H., Al-Kandari, H., Al-Kharafi, F., Katrib, A. and Garin, F.  (2004) Catalytic reaction of methylcyclohexane (MCH) on partially reduced MoO3. Appl.Catal. (275), A: Gen.

4.  Al-Kandari, H., Al-Kharafi, F., Al-Awadi, N., El-Dusouqui, M. and Katrib, A. (2005). The catalytic active sites in partially reduced MoO3 for hydro isomerization of 1-pentene and n-pentane 11 O.M. Appl. Catal. (295)

5.  Al-Kandari, H., Al-Kharafi, F., AlAwadi, N., El-Dusouqui, M. and Katrib, A. (2006) Surface electronic structure-catalytic activity relationships of partially reduced WO3 bulk or deposited on TiO2 of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. O.M. (151), 128-134

6.  Al-Kandari, H., Al-Kharafi, F. and AlAwadi, N. (2007) Catalytic reactions of methylcyclohexane (MCH) on partially reduced tungsten oxide(s). Appl. Catal. (277) A: Gen.  227-233

7.  Al-Kandari, S., Al-Kandari, H., Al-Kharafi, F.  and Katrib, F. (2008) The catalytic reactions of n-pentane and 1-pentane on different molybdenum oxides surfaces. Appl. Catal. A: Gen. (341), 160-167

8.  Al-Kandari, H., Al-Kharafi, F. and Katrib, F. (2008) Isomerization reaction of n-hexane on partially reduced MoO3/TiO2.  Catal. Comm. (9), 847

9.  Al-Kandari, H., Al-Kharafi, F. and Katrib, F. (2008). Catalytic activity-surface correlation of molybdenum based catalysts. J. Mol. Catal. 287 (1-2): 128-13

10. Al-Kandari, H., Al-Kharafi, F. and Katrib, F. (2008) Different catalytic reactions of n-hexane and 1-hexene on molybdenum-based catalysts. Catal. Lett. 2008, 123(3-4), 269-275

11. Al-Kandari, H., Al-Kharafi, F. and Katrib, F. (2009) Large scale hydro-isomerization reactions of n-heptane on partially reduced MoO3/TiO2. Kuwait: Appl. Catal. A: Gen. 361(1-2, 20), 81-85

12. Al-Kandari, H., Al-Kandari, S., Al-Kharafi, F. and Katrib, A. (2009) Molybdenum based catalysts for upgrading light naphtha linear hydrocarbon compounds. Energy and Fuel. (23), 5737-5742

13. Al-Kandari, H., Mohamed, A.M., Al-Kharafi, F. and Katrib, A. (2010) Surface electronic structure-catalytic activity of different Mo oxidation states for olefins and saturated hydrocarbon molecules. Catal, Lett. (139), 134-140

14. Al-Kandari, H., Mohamed, A. M., Al-Kharafi, A.M.  and Katrib, F. (2011) Effect of Pt addition on the isomerization properties of MoO -x(OH)y deposited on TiO2. Kuwait: Catal. Comm. (12), 1188-1192

15. Al-Kandari, H., Al-Kharafi, A.M. and Katrib, F. (2011) XPS-UPS,ISS Characterization studies and the effect of Pt and K addition on the catalytic properties of MoO2−x(OH)y deposited on TiO2. J. of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 472-478

16. Al-Kandari, H., Al-Kharafi F. and Zaki, A. (2012) Modification of the catalytic properties of MoO2-x(OH)y dispersed on TiO2 by Pt and Cs additives. App. Catal., A: Gen, 417-418, 298-305

17. Al-Kandari, H., Mohamed, A. M., Al-Kandari, S., AlKharafi, F., Mekhemer, G.A., Zaki, M. I. and Katrib, A. (2013) Spectroscopic characterization-catalytic activity correlation of molybdena based catalysts. J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical, 368-369, 1-8

18. Al-Kandari, S., AlKandari, H., Mohamed, A. M.,Al-Kharafi, F. and Katrib, A. ( 2013) Catalytic Active Sites in Molybdenum based catalysis, MRC. 2, 1-7

19. Al-Kandari, S., Al-Kandari, H., Mohamed, A. M., Al-Kharafi, F. and Katrib, A. (2014) Tailoring acid-metals functions formation in molybdenum oxide: Catalytic and XPS-UPS, ISS characterization study, App. Catal. A: Gen., (475), 497-502

20. Al-Kandari, H., Al-Kandari, S., Mohamed, A.M., Al-Kharafi, F. and Katrib A. (2015) Catalytic Hydrogenation Reactions on Molybdenum oxide. MRC, (4), 36- 42

21. Al-Kandari, H., Mohamed, A.M., Al-Kharafi, F. and Katrib, A. (2015) Catalytic activity of Mo oxide before and after alkali metal addition form ethylcyclohexane and methylcyclopentane compounds. J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical (407), 189-193

22. Al-Kandari, H., Abdullah, A.M., Al-Kandari, S. and Mohamed, A.M. (2015) Effect of the graphene oxide reduction method on the photocatalytic and electrocatalytic activities of reduction graphene oxide/TiO2 composite. RSC Adv. (5), 71988

23. Abdullah, A. M., Al-Thani, N. J., Tawbi K. and Al-Kandari. H. (2016) Carbon/nitrogen-doped TiO2: New synthesis route, characterization and application for phenol degradation. The Arabian Journal of Chemistry. (9), 229-237

24. Al-Kandari, H., Abdullah, A. M., Mohamed, A. M. and Al-Kandari, S. (2016) Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of a phenolic compounds' mixture using a highly efficient TiO2/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite. Journal of Materials Science. 51(18), 8331-8345.

25. Al-Kandari, H., Abdullah, A. M., Mohamed, A. M. and Al-Kandari, S. (2016) Photocatalytic Oxidation of wastewater contaminated with phenol using Graphene/TiO2 nanocomposite. J. adv. Sci. Eng. & Tech. 4(2), 62-64

26. Al-Kandari, H., Abdullah, A. M., Mohamed, A. M. and Al-Kandari, S. (2017) Synergistic Effect of O3 and H2O2 on the Visible Photocatalytic Degradation of Phenolic Compounds Using TiO2/Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite. Science of Advanced Materials (SAM). (9), 739-746

27. Al- Kandari, H., Mohamed, A. M., BinSabt, M. and Katrib, A. (2017) Creation of surface catalytic active sites on tungsten oxide(s) and study of the catalytic behavior in isopropanol and 1-hexene reactions. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, (122), 513-523

28. Al-Kandari, H., Abdullah, A. M., Yahia, H., Ahmad, S., Al-Kandari, S., AlQaradawi Y. and Mohamed, A.M. (2017) An efficient eco advanced oxidation process for phenol mineralization using a 2D/3D nanocomposite photocatalyst and visible light irradiations. Scientific Reports. 7 (9898), 1-12

29. Hasan, M., Mohamed, A. M. and Al-Kandari, H. (2018) Semi-industrial studies of Tungsten-based catalyst for hydroisomerization /hydrocracking of n-hexane and n-heptane.  Molecular catalysis. (452), 1-10.

30. Al-Kandari, H., Peter K., Mohamed, A.M., AlKandari, S., Chorvat Jr. D. and Aboubakr M. A. (2018) Toward a more accurate spectrophotometric evaluation for photocatalysts. Catalysts (8), 576-589

31. Kamel, E., Mostafa, S., Al-Kandari, H., Mohammed, S. and Aboubakr, A. (2019) Rational Synthesis of Porous Graphitic-like Carbon Nitride Nanotubes Codoped with Au and Pd as Efficient Catalyst for Carbon Monoxide Oxidation. Langmuir, (35), 3421-3431

32. Al-Kandari, H., Younes, N., Al-Jamal, O., Zakaria, Z., Najjar, H., Alserr, F., Pintus, J. A., Al-Asmakh, M., Aboubakr, M. and Gheyath, K. (2019) Nasrallah Ecotoxicological Assessment of Thermally- and Hydrogen-Reduced Graphene Oxide/TiO2 Photocatalytic Nanocomposites Using the Zebrafish Embryo Model. Nanomaterials 9(4), 488-502

33. Mohamed, A.M., Hasan, M. and Al-Kandari, H. (2019) The effect of Pt and Ni loading on the catalytic performances of WO3/TiO2 for n-hexane reforming reactions: Scalable studies under industrial conditions. Molecular catalysis. (473), 110394

34. Aboubakr, M., AlKandari, S., Mohamed, A.M. and Al-Kandari, H. (2020) Controlled Synthesis of Carbon Nitride-TiO2 Nanocomposites for Prompt Photocatalytic Degradation of Individual and Mixed Organic Dyes at Room Temperature. Emergent Materials, 3(4), 955-963

35. Al-Kandari, S., Ahmed, M., Aboubakr, M.A., AlMarzouq D.S., Gehyath, K., Nasrallah, M., Sharaf, A., Younes,N.,  Hamdan, M.M., AlTahtamouni, T. and Al-Kandari, H. (2021) Synthesis and Optimization of a Highly Stable and Efficient BN/TiO2 14 Nanocomposite for Phenol Degradation: A Photocatalytic, Mechanistic and Environmental Impact Study.  Chemistry Select (6), 5752 – 5762

36. Al-Kandari, S., Aboubakr, M. A., Al-Kandari, H., Gehyath, K., Nasrallah. M. A., AlMarzouq, S., Mohamed, A.M., Younes, N., Kafour, N. and Al-Tahtamoun, T. (2021) Eco-friendly Highly Efficient BN/rGO/TiO2 Nanocomposite Visible-Light Photocatalyst for Phenol Mineralization. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-11

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38.  Barboza, E., Al-rajab, J. and Kukuruzinska, M. (1988) Regulation of early glycosylation genes in eukaryotes, relevance to salivary secretion. The 77th annual meeting of the American Academy of Periodontolog. (abstract)

39. Al-Ansari, J., Al-ali, W., Al-Sarraf, A.A. and Al-mutawa, S. (1994) Localized juvenile periodontitis. Case reports.

40. Al-Ansari, J., Al-ali, W., Ani, Al-sarraf, A. T. (1994). Cyclosporine induced gingival, case reports. J.K.M.A. (26), no. 2: 209-212

41.  Morris, R., Parise, P. and Al-Ansari, J. (1999) Smoking habits and tobacco cessation programs among public health sector dentists in Kuwait. Dental news, (vi), no iii: 11-14

42. Morris, R., Parise, P., Al-Momen, H. and Al-Ansari, J. (1999) Cigarette use and smoking cessation attitudes in a group of male Kuwaiti students. Dental news, (vi), no iv: 9-12

43. Al-Ansari, J., Al-ali, W., Gillespie, G.M. and Dent, J. (2001) Res Localized juvenile periodontitis in Kuwaiti high school students. (80), special issue Aadr abstracts.

44. Al-Ansari, J. and Gillespie, G.M. (2001) Training and utilization of kuwaiti dental hygienists: results of a survey. The 12th annual conference of the Canadian dental hygienist's association (cdha): ottawa, canada

45. Al-Ansari. J. and Gillespie, G.M. (2002) Training and utilization of kuwaiti dental hygienists: results of a survey. Probe, (36), no., page 35. Cdha conference abstracts.

46. Al Ansari, J., Al Jairan, L. and Gillespie, G.M. (2003) Dietary habits of school population and implications for oral health. J. Dent Res, (82), special issues

47. Al-Ansari, J., Honkala, S. and Honkala, J. (2003) Knowledge and behavior among female students at the college of health sciences in Kuwait. Dent Res Oral Health (82), special issue C.

48. Al-Qattan, M., Al-Ajmi, N., Honkala, S. and Al-Ansari, J. (2003) The effect of oral hygiene education on gingival tissue among recall patients in the college of health sciences. Dent Res, j.  (82), special issue C

49. Al-shammari, K.F., AlAnsari, J., Dashti, A.M. and Al-Duwairi, Y.S. (2003) Oral health knowledge and dental treatment needs of Kuwaiti Subjects. J. Dent Res, (82), special issue c

50. Al-Ansari, J., Honkala, E. and Honkala, S. (2003) Oral health knowledge and behavior among male health sciences college students in Kuwait. BMC Oral Health 3:2

51. Al-Ansari, J.M., Honkala, S. and Honkala, E. (2004) Oral health, knowledge, and behavior of pregnant mothers in Kuwait. J. Den. Res. (83), Special issues A

52. Al-Ansari, J. and Gillespie, G.M. (2004) Training and utilization of dental hygienists in kuwait: results of a survey. Probe (38), no. 2

53. Honkala, S. and Al-Ansari, J. (2005) Self-reported oral health, oral hygiene habits and dental attendance of pregnant women in Kuwait. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 32 (7), 809-814

54. Al-Shammari, K., Al-Ansari, J., Areej, K., Al-khabbaz, F. and Nociti Jr. H. (2005) Factors associated with implant recommendations for single - tooth replacement. and home-lay wang implant dentistry. 14 (2), 201-208

55. Al-Shammari, K., Areej, K., Al-khabaz, F., Al-Ansari, J. and Homlay, R.N. (2005). Wang Risk indicator for tooth loss due to periodontal disease. J. Periodontol. 76: 1910-1918

56. Al-Shammari, K., Mousa, M.A., Al-Ansari, J.  Alduwairy, Y., Honkala, S. and Eino J. (2006) Dental patient awareness of smoking effects on oral health: comparison of smokers and non-smokers. J. Dentistry (34): 173-178

57. Al-Shammari, K., Al- Ansari, J., Alkhabbaz, A.K., Akar, M.H. and Alansari, J. (2006) Implant recommendations as a replacement after tooth loss for periodontal reasons.  Hom-lay wang. Implant dentistry, 15(1): 104-110

58. Alansari, J., Al-Jairan. Y. and Gillespie. G. M. (2006) Dietary habits of the primary to secondary school population and implications for oral health. J. Allied health (35):75-80

59. Al-Ansari. J., Boodai, H., Al-Sumait, N., Al-khabbaz, A.K., Al-shammari, K.F. and Salako, N. (2006) Factors associated with self-reported halitosis in kuwaiti patients. J. Dentistry. (34): 444-449.

60. Khalaf, F., Al-Shammari, M., Al Ansari, J., Nermeen, M., Ben-nakhi, M., Al-aroujm, A. and Wang, H. (2006. Association of periodontal disease severity with diabetes duration and diabetic complications in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Journal of the international academy of periodontology (8): 109-11

61. Al-Shammari, K., Al- Ansari, J., Abu Al-malh, M. and Alkhabaz, A. (2006) Reasons for tooth extraction in Kuwait. Med. Princ. Pract. (215), 417-422.

62. Al-Shammari, K., Al- Ansari, J., Al-khabbaz, A., Dashti, A. and Eino, j. (2007) Self –reported oral hygiene habits and oral health problems of Kuwaiti adults. Med. Princ. Pract. (16): 15- 21

63. Al- Ansari, J. and Honkala, S. (2007) Differences in oral health knowledge and behavior of the health science college students in Kuwait. Allied Health (36): 41-46.

64. Al-Shammari, K., Al- Ansari, J., Al-khabbaz, A.K. and Honkala, S. (2007) Barriers to seeking preventive dental care by kuwaiti adults. Med. Princ. Pract. (16): 413-419

65. Al-Shammari, K., Al- Ansari, J., Al-khabbaz, A. and Dashti, A. (2008) Periodontitis and diabetic complications in patients with type 2 diabetes. The 8th annual conference of the Kuwaiti division of the iadr (kuadr), 23rd December, Abdulrazak auditorium, faculty of medicine, Kuwait University

66. Al-Shammari, K., Al- Ansari, J. and Kamber, F. (2008) Dentist and physician awareness of periodontal disease and pregnancy complications. The 8th annual conference of the Kuwaiti division of the iadr (kuadr), 23rd December, Abdulrazak auditorium, faculty of medicine, Kuwait university

67. Al-Shammari, K., Al- Ansari, J. and Kamber, F.  (2008) Female patient awareness of periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes. The 8th annual conference of the Kuwaiti division of the iadr (kuadr), Abdulrazak auditorium, faculty of medicine, Kuwait University.

68. Al-khabbaz, A., Al-Shammari, A. and Al-Ansari, J. (2010) Diabetes mellitus and periodontal health patients' knowledge. The 15th health sciences center poster conference- Health Sciences Center, Kuwait University.

69. Honkala, S., Al-Ansari, j. and Honkala, E. (2011) Dental pain experience among pregnant women in Kuwait. The 3rd iadr /middle east region (amer) conference, Abuja, Nigeria. Abstract book p 40. 27-30,

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71. Zawawi, A., Forman, R., Smith, H., Mair, I., Jibril, M., Albaqshi, M., Brass, A., Jeremy, P., Derrick, Kathryn, J. (2018) In silico design of a T-cell epitope vaccine candidate for parasitic helminth infection.

72. Almutairi, B., Potts, H. and Alajmi, N. (2018) Medical Dental Practitioners Assessments of Electronic Dental Record in Primary Health Care in Kuwait. The Medical Journal of Cairo University. 1(86):1083-1109

73. Alajmi, N. (2011). Does PBL Require A "Knowledgeable" Tutor? A Study of Three Cohorts in the Bond MBBS Program-Poster. 8th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC)- National University of Singapore, Singapore.

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75. Al Khamis S, Asimakopoulou K, Newton T. and Daly B. (2017) The effect of dental health education on pregnant women's adherence with toothbrushing and flossing - A randomized control trial. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 45(5):469-477. doi: 10.1111/cdoe.12311. Epub. PMID: 28612363.

76. Al Khamis, S., Asimakopoulou, K., Newton, J. and Daly, B. (2016) Oral Health Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions of Pregnant Kuwaiti Women: A Qualitative Study. JDR Clin Trans Res.1(3):211-217. doi: 10.1177/2380084416665075. PMID: 30931741

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78. Al-Damkhi, A., Abdul-Wahab, S., Al-Khalaf, B. and Al-Nafisi, A. (2008) Developing environmental impact statement (EIS) guidelines for the management of environmental quality at major projects in Kuwait. Management of Environmental Quality. An International Journal. 19 (6): 1477-7835

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81. Sabbah, I., Al–Mudhaf, H., Al–Kandari, A. and Al–Sharifi, F. (2012) Remote sensing of desert dust over Kuwait: long–term variation. Atmospheric Pollution Research, (3): 95‐104

82. Alshraifi, F., Alkandari, A., Alkhalaf, B., Alrefaey, I. and Almudhaf, H. (2009) Trace metals and total organic carbon concentrations area in Sulaibikat Bay" Earth And environmental Sciences (36)

83. Al-Mudhaf, H., Abu-Shady, A., Selim, M. and Alsharifi, F. (2009) Survey of haloacetic Acids in household Drinking Water Produced from Thermal Desalination in Kuwait. Open Environmental Sciences, (3): 66-78.

84.  Alsaleh, K., Al-sharifi, F., Al-Khalaf, B. and Elewa, S. (2007) Civil Identification as a Unique Patient Identifier for Hospitals in Kuwait Bulletin of High Institute of Public Health 37(2)

85. Al-sharifi, F., Abusam, A. and Shahalam, A. (2007) Augmenting Water Resources For Agricultural Irrigation in Kuwait through Wastewater Management and Reuse.  Journal of Environmental Sciences, Alexandria Uni. (34)

86. Jafar , Q., Al-Zinki, S.Al-Mouqati, S.Al-Amad, S. Al-Marzouk, A. and Al-Sharifi, F. (2008) Molecular Investigations of Streptococcus Agalactinae isolates from Environmental Samples and Fish Specimens during a Massive Fish Kill in Kuwait Bay. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences.

87. Al-Mudhaf, H., Al-Sharifi, F. and Abu-Shadi, A. (2008) A Survey of Organic Contaminants in Household and Bottled drinking waters in Kuwait.  Science of the Total Environment.

88. Jafar , Q., Nasrallah, H., Alkhalaf, B., Al-Sharifi, F., Al-Sherayfee, A., Almathkouri,,S. and  Al-Saraf, H. (2008) Meteorological Factors, Aeroallergens and Asthma- Related Visit in Kuwait: A 12-month retrospective Study. Ann Saudi Med. (6), 28  

89. Al-Mutairi, N., Al-Sharifi, F. and Al-Shammari, S. (2008) Evaluation Study of a Slaughterhouse Wastewater Treatment Plant Including Contact Assisted Activated Sludge and DAF. Journal of Desalination, 225167- 175

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92.  Alkhalaf, B. (2007) The Relationship Between Emergency Hospital Admission for Respiratory Diseases and Air Pollution in AlAhmadi – Kuwait. Edit. Zannetti, Ambient Air Pollution. Arab School for Science and Technology, The Enviro-comp Institute. pp.171-186

93. Alsaleh, K., Al-Sharifi, F., Al-Khalaf, B.  and Alewa, S. (2007) Civil Identification as a Unique Patient Identifier for Hospitals in Kuwait. Bulletin of High Institute of Public Health (37) (2): 527-541

94. Al-Damkhi, A., Abdul-Wahab, S., Al-Khalaf, B. and Al-Nafisi, A (2008) Developing Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines for the Management of Environmental Quality at Major Projects in Kuwait. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 19 (6): 670-689

95. Qasem, J., Nasrallah, H., Al-Khalaf, B., Al-Sharifi, F., Al-Sherafyee, A., Almathkouri, S. and Al-Saraf, H. (2008) Metrological factors, aeroallergens and asthma-related visits in Kuwait: a 12-months retrospective study. Annals of Saudi Medicine 28 (6): 435-441

96. Al-Sharifi, F. Alkandari, A., Al-Khalaf, B. and Al-Rifay, I. (2009) Trace Metals and Total Organic Carbon Concentrations at Intertidal Area in Sulaibikhat Bay. Kuwait Journal of Science and Engineering 36 (2A):125-145.

97. Al-Khalaf, B., Alsaleh, K. and Alshraifi, F. (2010) The relationship between air pollution levels and hospital admission for respiratory diseases in Al-Ahmadi – Kuwait. Journal of Environmental Sciences, Ain Shams University.

98. Al-Khalaf, B., Al-Khulaifi, N., Al-Taher, I.,  Alsaleh, K. and Abdul Reza, J. (2010) Health Status of Leisure Walkers in Kuwait. Bulletin of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine 46 (2): 47-54

99. Al-Khalaf, B., Al-Khalaf, N. and Mustafa, S. (2013) Effect of ethnicity on erythropoietin therapy response for hemodialysis patients: A retrospective study. Hemodialysis International 17: 510-516

100.Al-Shammari, S., Al-Khalaf, B., Al-Sharaifi, F. and Shahalam, A. (2013) Quality assessment of treated wastewater in Kuwait and possibility to reuse it to meet growing water demand. Desalination and Water Treatment 51: 4497-4505

101.Qasem, J., Al-Khalaf, B., Qasem, A., Ghulam, A.  and Bidass,G.  (2013) Application of three uniplex polymerase chain reaction assays for detection of atypical bacteria in asthmatic patients in Kuwait. Journal of infection and public health. 6: 134-141

102.Al-Khalaf, B., Al-Khalaf, N. and Mustafa, S. (2013) Effect of ethnicity on erythropoietin therapy response for hemodialysis patients: A retrospective study. Hemodialysis International 17: 510-516

103.Al-Moumen, J.A., Al-Khalaf, B. and Qasem, J. (2016) The Effectiveness and Teaching Methods of First Aid Module in PAAET – Kuwait (Qualitative Study). International Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods 4(1): 1-9

104. Al-Khalaf, B.N. (2023) Psychological Factors and Health Impacts on Academic Achievements among Kuwaiti Students. Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health. 7 (4); 387.  ISSN: 2577-2228.

105.  Al-Haifi, A.R., Bumaryoum, N.Y., Al-Awadhi, B.A., Alammar, F.A., Alkhalaf, B.N. and Al-Hazzaa H.M. (2023) How COVID-19 Pandemic Restrictions Affected Kuwaiti College Students' Anthropometry, Lifestyle, and Diet. Nutrients. 15(22);4773. https://doi.org/10.3390

106. Alkhalaf, B.N. and Alammar, F.A. (2024) Health Assessment among PAAET Students on Kuwait: A Retrospective Study. Reports on Global Health Research. 7(2) 198.ISSN: 2690-9480

107. Alsabaani, N.A., Aldhaban, W.A.A., Amawi, K.B., Eleawa, S.M., Alaraj A.M., Ibrahim, W.N., Alkhalaf, B., Alshaikhli, H. and Alkhateeb, M.A. (2024) Nrf-2-dependent Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Effects Underlie the Protective Effect of Esculeoside A Against Retinal Damage in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 173; 116461

108.Alkhalaf, B.N., Alammar, F.A. and Al-Moumen, J.A. (2024) Risk Factors Related to Mobile Phones Use among Higher Education Students in Kuwait: Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health. 8, 439 www.doi.org/10.29011/2577-2228.100439

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