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Water Network Operation Program

​The program aims to prepare technicians capable of operating water pumping stations, whether main or subsidiary, and distribution networks spread throughout the State of Kuwait, as well as the operation of accessories of this network such as pumps, valves, measuring and control devices and be capable of identifying faults and deal with water network leakage.

A. Program Educational Objectives

The program educational objectives (PEOs) support the missions of the institution and of the college. The program educational objectives are published
as part of the official program documentation since
1968 in our on-line site and in institute brochures

The Water Network Operation Program at HIE expects the graduates since many years of graduation to attain the following

 Be effective in the operation and supervising of the pumping stations and fresh water network installation and design with application of up-to-date engineering technology and to highest quality.

 Effectively work within team, cooperate, communicate, show flexibility, and demonstrate ethical behavior.

An ability to apply engineering knowledge, up-to-date technology and utilize modern tools to identify, analyze and solve technical problems

B. Student outcome As part of the continues improvement of the program outcomes and objectives and to get closer to the ABET ETAC accreditation requirement the department decided early 2012 to adapt the same student outcomes as listed in ABET student outcomes criterion 3 namely:

a.  An ability to apply the knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of the discipline to narrowly defined engineering technology activities

b.  An ability to apply a knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to engineering technology problems that require limited application of principles but extensive practical knowledge

c.   An ability to conduct standard tests and measurements, and to conduct, analyze, and interpret experiments

d.  An ability to function effectively as a member of a technical team

e.  An ability to identify, analyze, and solve narrowly defined engineering technology problems

f.    An ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in both technical and non-technical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature

g.  An understanding of the need for and an ability to engage in self-directed continuing professional development

h.  An understanding of and a commitment to address professional and ethical responsibilities, including a respect for diversity

i. A commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement

Click here to view the program major sheet 

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