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Dr. Reem Faraj AlShammari

Global Thought Leader in Cyber Security & Technology, Energy Sector Digital Transformation Leader of Corporate Solutions & Digital Oil Fields, Kuwait Oil Company A Multiplyer, Founding Partner, Harvard Business School Alumni, Co-Author, Awards Winner, IKE Fellow, UK-Gulf WiC Fellow, Certified Innovation Leader (CIL), UN's Civil Society. Stakeholder, TEDx & Keynote Speaker, Judge, Board member, Advisory Board member, Global Mentor, Inclusion and Diversity Advocate, Servant & Empathetic Leader. Ranked # 1 at IFSEC Global Top Influencers in Security & Fire "CyberSecurity Category" The CIO50 Middle East Award 2022 Winner and IDC's Top 50 Women Achievers LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-reem-faraj-alshammari-b6324159 Twitter: https://twitter.com/q8thunders Reem's TEDx Talk: https://youtu.be/SRjWFC9oJ0A Dr.Reem's Statement at UN's OEWG: https://documents.unoda.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Youth-for-Privacy-1.pdf Biography "We meet many people in life, they are either a Plus (+), or a Minus (-), Dr. Reem, on the other hand, is a Multiplyer (x)… She is able to Multiply from One single Step or Initiative to a Multiple of them in Short Time." – Kuwait Oil Company's Deputy CEO, Bader AlAttar. Dr. Reem is a Global Thought leader in Cyber Security and Digital Transformation, In addition for being a Multiplyer, She is also A Certified Innovation Leader (CIL) and a Fellow in the Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (FIKE), A Fellow in the UK-Gulf Women in CyberSecurity, A Global Mentor in the UN's ITU Women in Cyber Mentorship Program. First United Nation's Civil Society Stakeholder's Representative from Women in CyberSecurity Groups who delivered an official Statement at the United Nations' Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Security 2021- 2025 located in United Nations Headquarters, New York (Copy of Statement available on UN's OEWG website provided above). With more than two decades of experience, She had excelled in leading significant changes to the maturity of CyberSecurity and Digital technology in Energy sector on various levels which is closely linked to Kuwait's National CyberSecurity posture and Digital Oil Fields transformation journeys. She is a Passionate, Empathetic, and Servant leader whose valuable contribution to cybersecurity and technology is quite recognized at national, regional and international levels where she's recognized by World, Country and Industry leaders: H.H the Crown Prince of Kuwait, Head of UAE's Cyber Security Council, CEOs and Deputy CEOs at Kuwait's Oil Sector. She strongly promotes diversity as she is the Founding Partner and Board member of Women in CyberSecurity MiddleEast Group with +2000 Women members covering +20 Countries., and plays vital leading roles at the Diversity and Inclusion Council of Kuwait's Oil Sector as she was the First Female CISO in Kuwait's Energy Sector who contributed heavily in the maturity of CyberSecurity journey. Having a number of Academic and Professional degrees such as Engineering, MBA, PhD and Harvard's Business School Executives Program provides her with a great mixture of technical and management skills that enrich her current Leadership role. Dr. Reem represents her country in a number of regional and global program and forums, and is recognized as an "Innovator" and "Wild Card" who continues to 'push the envelope' to get to the most optimum outcome on an initiative or a project. She is an Awards winner of various national, regional and global accolades such as Global EWF's Regional Leadership Award, ranked #1 at IFSEC Global Top Influencers in Security & Fire, MESA's Women Security Leaders Award, IDC's Top 50 Women Achievers (Business and Digital Transformation Leader), The CIO50 Middle East Awardee, and The Arab CISO of the Year. She's a very active contributor to Cyber Security Community promoting collaboration via sharing of knowledge "#StrongerTogether", organizing various CyberSecurity related workshops/events and forums, as well as participating in various national, regional, and international forums as Judge in various Prestigious Awards, as Civil Society Stakeholder at United Nations' Open-ended Working Groups Forums, an Advisory Board member and a Keynote Speaker. She contributed as Co-Author various publications including SPE Articles, MIT Review Articles, CyberSecurity Books and PhD researches. Dr. Reem is a community member in the World Economic Forum's Program "Cyber Resilience in Oil & Gas", and in the "Women in Security & Resillience Alliance (WiSCERA). She's a TEDx Speaker where her TEDx Talk is titled "Let your passion lead the way" to inspire others to follow their dreams. She is a true inspiration to a number of young Women to strive for more. As she strongly believe that when any Woman Rise, we ALL as women Rise along with her.

    رائدة الفكر العالمي في مجال الأمن السيبراني والتكنولوجيا ، وشريك مؤسس وعضو مجلس إدارة المرأة في الأمن السيبراني الشرق الأوسط ،