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The Foundation Course

The foundation course is the first (common) course that all enrolled students (trainees) take after they are accepted in the High Institute for Energy. It is also referred to as Course Zero. The subjects taught in this course serve as a foundation for the rest of the courses in all of the programs.

The Study System
The course is delivered in the afternoon. An enrolled student must pass the foundation course to able to choose his future program and concentration. The course lasts the normal 14 weeks of a semester and has two term tests and a final exam. A course plan is distributed to both the instructors and the students.

Subjects Covered
-Mechanical Technology 4 hours a week
-Electrical Technology 4 hours a week
-Work Ethics 2 hours a week
-English Language 4 hours a week
-Mathematics 4 hours a week

The foundation course aims at giving the junior student a basic knowledge about the contemporary technology and its physical and mathematical foundations. Along with that, the student is introduced to the concept of work ethics. Pure mathematics and English are also taught.

As with the rest of the other courses, a student must attend all the lectures in the foundation course. If a student is absent for five days he will be issued a First Notice of Absence. After a student is absent for ten days, he will obtain a Second Notice of Absence. When a student’s absence in a course reaches fifteen days, he will be dismissed from the course. Nevertheless, the director of the institute has the right to reconsider exceptional cases of some trainees who are absent for not more than twenty days.

Missing two consecutive or separate lectures is counted as one day of absence, and missing one lecture is counted as half a day of absence. Absence with or without permission is the same.
Cases of Dismissals
The trainee is dismissed by a decision from the General Director – or deputy – in the following cases:

- Exceeding the limit of absence.
- Failure in more than two courses in the final exams.
- Failure in the second session exams.
- Absence from first session exams without submitting an accepted excuse.
- Absence from second session exams for any reason.
- Dismissal (expulsion) punishment by a disciplinary committee.
- Repeated cheating in exams.


The trainee who is dismissed for failure or absence can be re-enrolled in the nearest coming course for only once and according to the available conditions. The Training Affairs Committee sets the criteria for re-enrollment.

Assessment System
-The trainee performance is assessed through term exams made by the instructor. These exams are not more than two in addition to the final exam in each course.
-The total mark for the assessment is distributed as follows:
a-40% ( 40 ) marks of the total mark of the term works for the theoretical courses as follows:
-20 marks for first term exam.
-20  marks for second term exam.
-60% (60) marks of the total for the final exams for each course.