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The English Department prepares trainees at the Higher Institute of Telecommunication and Navigation for academic and professional success by offering both General English and ESP training courses. The training courses run throughout the day and evening periods to cater for trainees' individual needs. Semiannual meetings are regularly held between the English department faculty members and the heads of the four specialized departments for further program developments. Moreover, the programs and curriculum committee works relentlessly on both updating and designing programs to suit the labor market growing needs.

To assure the constant quality improvement of programs' delivery, the English Department relies on different associate training centers such as Ebn Alhaitham training center, Measurement and Assessment center and Community Service center to provide continuous professional development for the faculty members.

To cope with the growing demands of labor markets for competent professionals, blended learning using CMS such as Moodle is integrated in most of the programs for additional language exposure and retention. CBT is also an essential part of many training courses offered by the department. This is implemented by the department's plan to have the two Language Labs more frequently used alongside classroom regular sessions with the aim of encouraging trainees to acquire language skills autonomously. 


The English Department at the Higher Institute of Telecommunication and Navigation seeks to deliver quality language training programs for trainees to acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to thrive in their careers.