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Major Sheet of Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree (Generic):

Year & SemesterCourse CodeCourse TitleNo. of CreditsContact HoursTheoryLabClinicalPrerequisite

Year 1, Semester1

GSC 101Chemistry4532--
GSC 125Finite Math333---
EN 180English Language510-10-Pass English placement test or E 98
SS 172Sociology333---
IS 101Islamic Culture222---
Year 1, Semester 2BMS 155Anatomy4532-EN 180


CP 108Introduction to Computers3422--
EN 190English Language510-10-EN 180
GSC 155Microbiology3422--
Year 2, Semester 1BMS 156Physiology333--BMS 155


EN280English Language36-6-EN 190
NUR 201Introduction to Nursing333--EN180
GSC 210Foundation in Org.& Biochemistry3422--
BMS 220Psychology & Medical Care333--EN180
Year 2, Semester 2BMS 241Pharmacology333--BMS 156 EN190


NUR 140Pathophysiology333--BMS 156 EN190
NUR 202Foundations of Nursing Practice510244NUR 201 BMS 155
NUR 203Nursing Assessment2312-NUR 201 BMS 155



Year 3, Semester1

NUR 321Client Education222--NUR 202

NUR 313Adult Health Nursing666--NUR 202
NUR 203
BMS 156

NUR 314Adult Health Nursing Practice414-212NUR 202
NUR 203
BMS 156
BMS 160Biostatistics333--EN 180
Year 3, Semester2​NUR 315
​Family Health Nursing
​NUR 313
NUR 314
NUR 140



​NUR 316
​Family Health Nursing Practice
​NUR 313
NUR 314
BMS 241
​BMS 322
​Applied Nutrition
​BMS 156
Year 4, Semester1​NUR 415
​Nursing Research
​BMS 160
NUR 315
EN 280
​NUR 418
​Community Mental Health Nursing
​NUR 315
NUR 316
BMS 220
​NUR 419
​Community Mental Health Nursing Practice
​NUR 315
NUR 316
EN 280
​NUR 204
​First Aid
​NUR 202
NUR 203

Year 4, Semester2​NUR 420
​Nursing Management
​NUR 418
NUR 419
​NUR 424
​Complex Health Alteration
​NUR 418
NUR 419
​NUR 425
​Professional Issues in Nursing
​NUR 418
NUR 419
​NUR 426
​Intensive Nursing Practice
​NUR 418
NUR 419
Grand Total

Major Sheet of Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree (Post-Basic):

Year 1 Semester 1
Code & NumberCourse TitleNo. of CreditsContact hoursTheoryLabClinicalPrerequisite
EN 190English Language510-10- 
GSC 101General Chemistry4532- 
BMS 158Anatomy and Physiology4532- 
GSC 125Finite Mathematics333-- 
 Sub Total1623914- 
 Year 1 Semester 2
Code & NumberCourse TitleNo. of CreditsContact hoursTheoryLabClinicalPrerequisite
EN 280English Language36-6-EN 190
SS 172Sociology333-- 
GSC 210Organic and Biochemistry3422- 
BMS 160Biostatistics333-- 
NUR 203Nursing Assessment2312-BMS158
NUR 220Psychology of Medical Care333-- 
 Sub Total17221210- 
Year 2 Semester 1
Code & NumberCourse TitleNo. of CreditsContact hoursTheoryLabClinicalPrerequisite
NUR 321Client Education222-- 
BMS 322Applied Nutrition333--BMS 158
NUR 415Nursing Research333--BMS 160
EN 280,
NUR 203
NUR 417Community Mental Health Nursing5142-12NUR 203
Sub Total152412-14 
 Year 2 Semester 2
Code & NumberCourse TitleNo. of CreditsContact hoursTheoryLabClinicalPrerequisite
NUR 420Nursing Management333--NUR 417
NUR 424Complex Health Alterations333--NUR 417
NUR 425 Professional Issues in Nursing222--NUR 417
NUR 426Intensive Nursing Practice520--20NUR 417
 Sub Total13288-20 

Major Sheet of Bachelor of Science  (School Health Nursing option): 

Year 1 / 1st Semester
CodeNumberCourse Name No. of CreditsContact HoursTheory LabClinical Prerequisites
GSC101Chemistry 4532--
GSC125Finite Math 333---
EN180English Language510-10-Pass English Placement Test Or EN 98
SS172Sociology 333---
CP108Introduction to Computer3422--
 Sub-total 1825 
Year 1 / 2nd Semester
CodeNumberCourse Name No. of CreditsContact HoursTheory LabClinical Prerequisites
BMS155Anatomy 4532-EN 180
EN190English Language 510-10-EN 180
GSC155Microbiology 3422--
GSC210Foundation in Organic & Biochemistry3422--
NUR201Introduction to Nursing333--EN 180
 Sub-total 1826 
Year 2 / 1st Semester
CodeNumberCourse Name No. of CreditsContact HoursTheory LabClinical Prerequisites
BMS156Physiology 333--BMS 155
EN280English 36-6-EN 190
NUR202Foundation of Nursing Practice510244NUR 201
BMS 155
BMS220Psychology of Medical Care333--EN 180 
NUR206Nursing Assessment3422-NUR 201
BMS 155
 Sub-total 1726 
Year 2 / 2nd Semester
CodeNumberCourse Name No. of CreditsContact HoursTheory LabClinical Prerequisites
BMS241Pharmacology 333--BMS 156
 EN 190
NUR140Pathophysiology333BMS 156
EN 190
NUR313Adult Health Nursing 666--NUR 202
NUR 206
BMS 156
NUR314Adult Health Nursing Practice414-212
101Islamic Culture222---
 Sub-total 1828 

Year 3 / 1st Semester
CodeNumberCourse Name No. of CreditsContact HoursTheory LabClinical Prerequisites
NUR323Client Education333--NUR 202
NUR315Family Health Nursing 666--NUR 313
NUR 314
BMS 140
NUR316Family Health Nursing Practice414-212NUR 313
NUR 314
BMS 241
NUR226Growth & Development 333--NUR 201
 Sub-total 1828
Year 3 / 2nd Semester
CodeNumberCourse Name No. of CreditsContact HoursTheory LabClinical Prerequisites
NUR 418Community Mental Health Nursing 666--NUR 315
NUR 316
BMS 220
NUR 419Community Mental Health Nursing Practice520--20NUR 315
NUR 316
EN 280
BMS160Biostatistics333--EN 180
BMS322Applied Nutrition 333--BMS156
 Sub-total 1732 
Year 4 / 1st Semester
CodeNumberCourse Name No. of CreditsContact HoursTheory LabClinical Prerequisites
NUR 415Nursing Research 333--BMS 160
NUR 315
EN 280
NUR 424Complex Health Alterations333--NUR 418
NUR 419
NUR 426Intensive Nursing Practice 520--20NUR 418
NUR 419
NUR205Emergency Care Skills3422-NUR202
NUR 206
 Sub-total 1632 
Year 4 / 2nd Semester
CodeNumberCourse Name No. of CreditsContact HoursTheory LabClinical Prerequisites
NUR 422Management and Professional Issues in School Nursing 444--NUR 424
NUR 426
NUR 428School Health Nursing333--NUR 424
NUR 426
NUR 429School Health Nursing Practice416 --16
3 days
NUR 424
NUR 426
NUR 421Introduction to Care of Special Needs and Exceptional Learner333--NUR 424
NUR 426
 Sub-total 1426 
Grand Total 136223 

Total number of credits = 136; Total program hours= 223