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Dental Assistant Program Courses Outline

DA 101 Introduction to Dentistry

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

This course is designed to introduce the dental assisting students to the science of dentistry and the profession of dental assistant.


DA 102 Clinical Applications in Dentistry

Credits 3 Contact Hours 4 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

In this course, the students will be familiar with the instruments and equipments used in dental field. Also this course provides the students with basic theoretical and clinical information necessary in dental assistant practice.



AMS 245 Anatomy and Physiology

Credits 3 Contact Hours 4 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

This course is designed to introduce student to the structure and organization of various systems in the human body. It deals with the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, circulatory system, blood, digestive system, urinary system, and endocrine and reproductive system.

Using a body system approach, the course emphasize the interrelationship between structure and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization of the entire human body


CS 108 Introduction to Computer Science

Credits 3 Contact Hours 4 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

This course will survey the field of computer technology and information systems. You will acquire a basic understanding of how computers process information through the integrated use of hardware and software. Computer laboratory sessions will introduce students to a variety of software packages that will include word processing, spreadsheets, graphics, communications, and database management functions.

EL 101 English Language

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category General Education Requirement

Required Yes

Course Description

This course is a critical reading for special purposes and expository writing offers training in the writing process, the development and organization of expository prose, and research techniques. The course emphasizes quality in logic and direction


NSC 155 Microbiology

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category Core Course Required Yes
Course Description

This course will introduce the morphology, physiology, and

taxonomy of microorganisms and how they relate to man and the environment as well as new developments in the field of microbiology and what influences they will have in the future.


DA 111 Clinical Practice in Dentistry I

Credits 2 Contact Hours 8 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

A comprehensive course designed to acquaint the student with the many aspects of assisting at chair-side in the treatment of dental patients. Among the areas included are: patients Management techniques; taking and recording medical and dental histories; vital signs; performing and assisting with clinical- examinations and charting; assisting with local anesthesia and all areas of dental treatment, also operating and maintaining dental equipment and sterilization.


Dental Materials I

Credits 3 Contact Hours 5 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

A study of the clinical application of dental materials. and their relationship to the oral environment is essential for the dental assistant. This course is designed to provide the dental assistant with a sound knowledge base in the science of dental materials. Emphasis will be placed on why specific material is used rather solely upon the techniques of manipulating materials. Objectives will be equally balanced among .the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains of learning and within the dental assistant scope of practice. A

primary objective of this course is to enhance the student's ability to make clinical judgments regarding the application of dental materials and the ways in which these materials react to the oral environment.


DA 113 Dental Radiology

Credits 3 Contact Hours 5 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

This course is designed to introduce the students to the science of radiology. It will explain the basic concepts of the x-ray image formation and will give the student the access to the new techniques of x-ray. In addition, it will enable the students to differentiate between t anatomical landmark and pathological defects that are found in both the maxillary and mandibular arches of the oral cavity


SP 123 human Relations

Credits 3Contact Hours 3 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

An analysis of the basic principles of learning theory as well as physical, social, and moral development as they are applied to classroom learning with emphasis upon the application of theory to practical educational situations. Basics of standardized measurement, behavior management as applied to the classroom, and the influence of socio-cultural forces in society on education are discussed. Educational exceptionalities and laws related to them are also examined


ESP 105 English for Dentistry

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category General Education Requirement

Required Yes

Course Description

This course is specially designed for dental assisting program by utilizing previously learned competencies and apply it in depth in dental aspects.


DA 116 Infection Control in Dentistry

Credits 3Contact Hours 3Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description This course is designed to give the student an overview of the microbiological burden encountered in the dental office, the philosophy of infection control in dentistry, and the methods of protecting. Both patient and staff. In addition, current concepts of occupational safety and health risks encountered in the dental clinic environment well be presented with strategies to lower risks and improved the working environment.

DA 201 Clinical Practice in Dentistry II

Credits 4 Contact Hours 16 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

A continuation to DA 111 to acquaint student with more aspects of assisting at chair-side in the treatment of different dental specialty . Among the areas included are: patients Management techniques; taking and recording medical and dental histories; vital signs; performing and assisting with clinical- examinations and charting; assisting with local anesthesia and all areas of dental treatment, also operating and maintaining dental equipment and sterilization.

DA 203 Oral Pathology and Histology

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

This course will provide the student with the basic understanding of diseases of the mouth and surrounding structures, and the skills necessary to detect deviations from normal in the evaluation of the .patient's health status. In addition, it will provide an overview of the embryogical development of the oral cavity and surrounding structures, and the histological structure of oral tissues. The student is provided the opportunity to learn the development, structure, morphology, eruption and function of the primary and permanent dentition.

DA 114 Management of Dental Office

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive overview of the dental business. Emphasis is on practice management, communication management, business office systems, and interview techniques.


DA 202 Dental Materials I I

Credits 3 Contact Hours 4 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

This Course will emphasize on teaching the students clinical applications of materials used in dentistry, e.g. restorative dentistry (gold- ceramics, acrylics, cements, modeis'materials and impression materials), operative dentistry (filling materials, liner, bases, and preventive materials), orthodontic and periodontics

materials (wires, stainless steel, rubbers)and implant dentistry (titanium, and all related materials. In addition, the course will demonstrate clinical handling of different dental instrumentation and the use of dental equipment used to polish, mix and set different dental materials.


DA 204 Medical Emergencies in Dentistry

Credits 3 Contact Hours 4 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

This course will provide the student with the basic information necessary to successfully manage the most common emergency conditions that would occur in the dental clinic.


DA 211Clinical Practice in Dentistry III

Credits 4 Contact Hours 16 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

This clinical experience is a continuation of Clinical Practice and Instrumentation I, II. Each student will gain additional chair-side assisting skills and experience and begin to incorporate the advanced functions into patient treatment procedures. In addition, this course will provide an internship for each student with a practitioner of dentistry. Arrangements are made with each dentist and dental hygienist taking part in the program to enable the student to obtain experience in all aspects of dental office procedures. Major part of this course will be at the Ministry of Health (MOH) were students will be assigned in different dental offices.


DA 205 Dental Public Health

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

This course prepares students to promote oral health and prevent oral diseases-in a community. It provides students with a broad understanding of the health care system and an objective view of the significant social, political, psychological,, and economic forces directing the system. This course will provide students with knowledge and skills necessary to meet specific oral health needs of community groups as distinct from the traditional clinical approach, which is designed to meet the needs of individual patients. In addition, the course trains student to educate dental clinics in dental office and public. Emphasis is on health education theories, plaque control aids, nutrient, smoking cessation and fluoride.


DA 206 Dental Seminar

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category Core Course Required Yes

Course Description

This course is a continuation to DA 114. Students will be exposed to more emphasis on practice management, communication management, business office systems, and interview techniques.



SS 101 Islamic Education

Credits 2 Contact Hours 2 Category General Education Requirement

Required Yes

Course Description This course will introduce the main concepts of Islam as a comprehensive way of life.



Three General Electives Courses

Credits 2 (each) Contact Hours 2 Category General Electives Required


Course Description The student can register in any elective course at any time.

Dental Assistant Major Sheet

Semester/ YearCourse#Course TitleCr.Hrs.Th.Pr.Field Tr.Comments
1/1DA 101

Introduction to


1/1DA 102

Clinical applications

in Dentistry

1/1AMS 245

Anatomy and


1/1CS 108

Introduction To

Computer Science

1/1EL 99English 55   
1/1EL 101English333  

Prerequisites either passing

the Basic English skills test or EL 99

1/1NSC 155Microbiology3422  
1/1 Total1827198  
Semester/ YearCourse#Course TitleCr.Hrs.Th.Pr.Field Tr.Comments
2/1DA 111

Clinical Practice in

Dentistry (I)

28  8Prerequisite DA 102
2/1DA 112Dental Materials (I)3514  
2/1DA 113Dental Radiology3514  
2/1DA 116

Infection Control in


2/1DA 114

Management of

Dental Office

2/1ESP 105English for Dentistry333  Prerequisite EL 101
2/1 Total17271188 
Semester/ YearCourse#Course TitleCr.Hrs.Th.Pr.Field Tr.Comments
1/2DA 201

Clinical Practice in

Dentistry (II)

416  16Prerequisite DA 111
1/2DA 202Dental Materials (II)3422 Prerequisite DA 112
1/2DA 203

Oral Pathology and


1/2DA 204

Medical Emergencies

in Dentistry

1/2BS 123Human Relations222   
1/2 Total15299416 
Semester/ YearCourse#Course TitleCr.Hrs.Th.Pr.Field Tr.Comments
2/2DA 211

Clinical Practice in

Dentistry (III)

416  16Prerequisite DA 201
2/2DA 205Dental Public Health333   
2/2DA 206Dental Seminar333   
2/2SS 101Islamic Education222   
2/2 Elective222  Students are allowed to register for Elective courses at any semester.
2/2 Elective222  
2/2 Elective222  
2/2 Total183014 16 
Diploma Certificate        
  Total Credits68     


College :          HEALTH SCIENCES                                                                 Term :                        SECOND SEMESTER 2016-2017

Department :  ﻋﻴﺎﺩﺓ ﻓﻨﻲ - ﺃﺳﻨﺎﻥ ﻭ ﻓﻢ ﺻﺤﺔ ﻗﺴﻢ                                                            Program :                    DP-0315                                                                                                           Dental Assistant Program

Degree:           ﺩﺑﻠﻮﻡ                                                                                          No. of units required for graduation :                       68                                                                                            at least

 Credit (17)                   ﻣﻘﺮﺭﺍﺕ ﺛﻘﺎﻓﻴﺔ ﻋﺎﻣﺔ 1-

Course No.

03 50 115

03 50 201

03 50 202

03 50 203

03 50 204

03 50 211

03 50 212

03 50 213


Course No.

03 03 123

03 42 166

03 46 155

Course Title

Infection Control in Dentistry Clinical Practice in Dentistry (2) Dental Material (2)

Oral Pathology and Histology Medical Emergencies in Dentistry Clinical Practice in Dentistry (3) Dental Public Health

Dental Seminar




Course Title


Dental Anatomy and Physiology GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY

Units               Hours

3               3

4               8

3               4

3               3

3               4

4              16

3               3

3               3

(8) Credit

(8) Credit Units               Hours

2               2

3               4

3               4



03 50 111

03 50 112



03 50 201







 Credit (13)                     ﻣﺠﻤﻮﻋﺔ ﺇﺟﺒﺎﺭﻳﺔ
Course No.                           Course TitleUnits               HoursPre-requisit
03 01 101      ISLAMIC CULTURE2             2 
03 03 112      LOYALTY AND VALUES OF3             3 
03 24 108      COMPUTERS3             4 
03 30 101      ENGLISH LANGUAGE (1)2             303 30 99
03 30 212      English For specific purpose (3             303 30 101
03 30 99       BEGINNER''S ENGLISH LANGUAGE0             5 

ﻣﺠﻤﻮﻋﺔ ﺇﺧﺘﻴﺎﺭﻳﺔ

(4) Credit 
Course No.                           Course TitleUnits               HoursPre-requisit
03 03 125      KUWAIT AND DEVELOPMENT2             2 
ﺍﻟﻔﻦ ﻭﺍﻟﺤﻴﺎﻩ  104 07 032             2 
ﺍﻟﻠﻴﺎﻗﻪ ﺍﻟﺒﺪﻧﻴﻪ ﻭﺍﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﻪ  197 08 032             3 
03 15 114      INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY2             2 
ﺍﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﺍﻹﺳﺒﺎﻧﻴﺔ  101 18 032             3 
03 22 104      Establishments & Management of2             2 
small Projects  
03 30 107      General french language 12             3 
03 41 102      FIRST AID2             2 

ﻣﻘﺮﺭﺍﺕ ﺗﺨﺼﺼﻴﺔ 2-

(43) Credit 
ﻣﺠﻤﻮﻋﺔ ﺇﺟﺒﺎﺭﻳﺔ(43) Credit 
Course No.                           Course TitleUnits               HoursPre-requisit
03 50 101      Introduction to Dentistry3             3 
03 50 102      Clinical Application in Dentistry3             4 
03 50 111      Clinical Practice in Dentistry (1)2             403 50 102
03 50 112      Dental Materials 13             5 
03 50 113      Dental Radiology3             5 
03 50 114      Management of Dental Office3             3 


Click here to Review Major sheet in pdf

Program Dental

Program Information
Instructional Level Two-Year Technical Diploma
Instructional Area Dental
Program Manager Dental and Oral Health Department
Original Developer(s) Nourah Al-Ajmy , Waheeda Al-Mayyan , Suad Al-Kamis
Target Population
Female student from high school , Kuwaiti nationalities, and not younger than 18 years old     ( non Kuwaitis have at least one year experience)
Dental assistant technician is a member of dental health care providers. The dental assistant program prepares graduates to work with dentists as they examine and treat dental clients. Dental assistant technician also may carryout variety of laboratory, clinical and office duties. Graduate works primarily under the direct supervision of the dentist.
Career/Job Titles
1.Dental Assisting Technician
Related DACUM Studies
DACUM Title Dental Assistant
Entry Requirements
1.High school grade of 65% (science)
2.Pass personal interview
Evaluation Summary
This program will be evaluated after five years from implementation
External Standards
  1. American Dental Association
  1. American Dental Education Association
  1. American Dental Assistant Association

Program Outcomes

  1. Collect diagnostic and treatment data
  2. Manage infection and hazard control
  3. Perform clinical supportive treatments
  4. Take diagnostic radiographs
  5. Perform dental laboratory procedures
  6. Provide patient oral health instruction
  7. Assist in managing medical emergencies
  8. Model professional behaviors, ethics, and appearance
  9. Carry out dental office procedures


Core Abilities
1.PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL ETHICS- Apply a collection of generally accepted ethical standards for "right conduct" in both personal and professional areas
2.TEAMWORK- Work effectively and cooperatively in a group setting
3.STRESS MANAGEMENT- Manage stress in appropriate ways
4.Act responsibly
5.STRESS MANAGEMENT- Manage stress in appropriate ways
6.Work cooperatively and efficiently
7.Communicate effectively
8.Think critically and creatively
9.PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: Demonstrate self-management through practices that promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being and encourage lifelong learning opportunities.
10.TIME MANAGEMENT- Organize activities to accomplish desired tasks in time available

 Course Configuration

Semester /YearCourse # Course Title Credits  Total Contact Hrs Category  
1/1 DA 102 Introduction to Dentistry 2  45 Core Course  
1/1 AMS 155Anatomy and Physiology 3  60 Core Course  
1/1 DA 101 Clinical Practice and Instrumentation I 3  60 Core Course  
1/1CS 108 Introduction To Computer Science 3  
60 Core Course  
1/1EL 101 English 1 2  45General Education Requirement  
1/1 NSC 155Microbiology 3  60Core Course  
   Total 16    
2/1 DA 113 Dental Radiology 3  75 Core Course  
2/1 DA 112 Dental Material I 3  75 Core Course  
2/1 SS 101 Islamic Education 2  30 General Education Requirement  
2/1 DA 111 Clinical Practice and Instrumentation II 3  135 Core Course  
2/1 DA 114 Management of Dental Office 2  30 Core Course  
2/1 DA 115 Infection Control in Dentistry 2  30 Core Course  
2/1 AMS 254Anatomy of Head And Neck 3  60 Core Course  
   Total 18    
1/2 DA 201 Clinical Practice and Instrumentation III 4  240 Core Course  
1/2 DA 205 Community Dental Health 2  45 Core Course  
1/2 DA 202 Dental Material II 3  60 Core Course  
1/2 DA 203 Oral Pathology and Histology 2  30 Core Course  
1/2 DA 204 Medical Emergencies in Dentistry 3  60 Core Course  
1/2 SS 112 Work Ethics and Loyalty 3  45 General Education Requirement  
  Total 17    
2/2 DA 211 Clinical Practice and Instrumentation IV 5  300 Core Course  
2/2 DA 212 Oral Health Education 2  45 Core Course  
2/2 PH 116Oral Pharmacology 2  45 Core Course  
2/2 SP 455Communication Psychology 2  30Core Course  
2/2  Elective 2  30 Elective  
2/2  Elective 2  30 Elective  
   Total 15    
1/3 DA 221 Summer Training 3  450 Core Course  
   Total 3 450  
   Total Graduation 69    

Program Course Detail

Course 1. -- Introduction to Dentistry
Course Number DA 102
Course Title Introduction to Dentistry
Semester/Year 1/1
Credits 2
Contact Hours 3
Total Hours 45
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This course is designed to introduce the dental assisting students to the science of dentistry and the profession of dental assistant.

Course 2. -- Anatomy and Physiology

Course Number AMS 122
Course Title Anatomy and Physiology
Semester/Year 1/1
Credits 3
Contact Hours 4
Total Hours 60
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course DescriptionThis course is designed to introduce student to the structure and organization of various systems in the human body. It deals with the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, circulatory system, blood, digestive system, urinary system, and endocrine and reproductive system. Using a body system approach, the course emphasize the interrelationship between structure and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization of the entire human body.
Course 3. -- Clinical Practice and Instrumentation I
Course Number DA 101
Course Title Clinical Practice and Instrumentation I
Semester/Year 1/1
Credits 3
Contact Hours 4
Total Hours 60
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description The students will be familiar with the instruments and equipments used in dental field. Also this course provides the students with basic theoretical and clinical information necessary in dental assistant practice.
Course 4. -- Introduction To Computer Science
Course Number CS 108
Course Title Introduction To Computer Science
Credits 3
Contact Hours 4
Total Hours 60
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description
This course will survey the field of computer technology and information systems. You will acquire a basic understanding of how computers process information through the integrated use of hardware and software. Computer laboratory sessions will introduce students to a variety of software packages that will include word processing, spreadsheets, graphics, communications, and database management functions
Course 5. -- English Language
Course Number EL 101
Course Title English Language
Credits 2
Contact Hours 2
Total Hours 30
Category General Education Requirement
Required Yes
Course DescriptionThis course is a critical reading for special purposes and expository writing offers training in the writing process, the development and organization of expository prose, and research techniques. The course emphasizes quality in logic and direction

Course 6. -- Microbiology

Course Number NSC 155
Course Title Microbiology
Semester/Year 1/1
Credits 3
Contact Hours 3
Total Hours 45
Category Core Course



Course DescriptionThis course will introduce the morphology, physiology, and taxonomy of microorganisms and how they relate to man and the environment as well as new developments in the field of microbiology and what influences they will have in the future.
Course 7. -- Dental Radiology
Course Number DA 113
Course Title Dental Radiology
Semester/Year 2/1
Credits 3
Contact Hours 5
Total Hours 75
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This, course is designed to introduce the students to the science of radiology. It will explain the basic concepts of the x-ray image formation.. and will give the student the access to the new techniques of x-ray. In addition, it will enable the students to differentiate between t anatomical landmark and pathological defects that are found in both the maxillary and mandibular arches of the oral cavity
Course 8. -- Dental Material I
Course Number DA 112
Course Title Dental Material I
Semester/Year 2/1
Credits 3
Contact Hours 5
Total Hours 75
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description A study of the clinical application of dental materials. and their relationship to the oral environment is essential for the dental assistant. This course is designed to provide the dental assistant with a sound knowledge base in the science of dental materials. Emphasis will be placed on why specific material is used rather solely upon the techniques of manipulating materials. Objectives will be equally balanced among .the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains of learning and within the dental assistant scope of practice. A primary objective of this course is to enhance the student's ability to make clinical judgments regarding the application of dental materials and the ways in which these materials react to the oral environment.
 Course 9. -- Islamic Education
Course Number SS 101
Course Title Islamic Education
Semester/Year 2/1
Credits 2
Contact Hours 2
Total Hours 30
General Education Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course will introduce the main concepts of Islam as a comprehensive way of life, covering all aspects that human beings are in need for and focusing on the major rulings of Islamic faith and Prayers.


 Course 10. -- Clinical Practice and Instrumentation II
Course Number DA 111
Course Title Clinical Practice and Instrumentation II
Semester/Year 2/1
Credits 3
Contact Hours 9
Total Hours 135
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description A comprehensive course designed to acquaint the student with the many aspects of assisting at chair-side in the treatment of dental patients. Among the areas included are: patients Management techniques; taking and recording medical and dental histories; vital signs; performing and assisting with clinical-examinations and charting; assisting with local anesthesia and all areas of dental treatment, also operating and maintaining dental equipment and sterilization.
Course 11. -- Management of Dental Office
Course Number DA 114
Course Title Management of Dental Office
Semester/Year 2/1
Credits 2
Contact Hours 2
Total Hours 30
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive overview of the dental business. Emphasis is on practice management, communication management, business office systems, and interview techniques.
Course 12. -- Infection Control in Dentistry
Course Number DA 115
Course Title Infection Control in Dentistry
Semester/Year 2/1
Credits 2
Contact Hours 2
Total Hours 30
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This course is designed to give the student an overview of the microbiological burden encountered in the dental office, the philosophy of infection control in dentistry, and the methods of protecting. Both patient and staff. In addition, current concepts of occupational safety and health risks encountered in the dental clinic environment well be presented with strategies to lower risks and improved the working environment.


Course 13. -- Anatomy of Head And Neck
Course Number AMS 254
Course Title Anatomy of Head And Neck
Semester/Year 2/1
Credits 3
Contact Hours 4
Total Hours 60
Category Core Course
Required Yes

Course Description


 This course explains the structure and function of head and neck. It will focus on histological and embryologic development and structural microanatomy to gain an understanding of clinical and oral manifestation of the regions of the head and neck.  
Course 14. -- Clinical Practice and Instrumentation III
Course Number DA 201
Course Title Clinical Practice and Instrumentation III
Semester/Year 1/2
Credits 4
Contact Hours 16
Total Hours 240
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description A clinical experience in which each student will be given-the opportunity to learn and utilize basic assisting skills. Students will be assigned a given number of dental patients. Each student will assist with introducing the patients t the clinic operating policies, establishing records, taking vital signs, charting, planning appointments assisting with or performing certain dental services, performing bookkeeping entries, and dismissing patients.
Course 15. -- Community Dental Health
Course Number DA 205
Course Title Community Dental Health
Semester/Year 1/2
Credits 2
Contact Hours 3
Total Hours 45
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This course prepares students to promote oral health and prevent oral diseases-in a community. It provides students with a broad understanding of the health care system and an objective view of the significant social, political, psychological,, and economic forces-directing the system. This course will provide students with knowledge and skills necessary to meet specific oral health needs of community groups as distinct from the traditional clinical approach, which is designed to meet the needs of individual patients.

Course 16. -- Dental Material II
Course Number DA 202
Course Title Dental Material II
Semester/Year 1/2
Credits 3
Contact Hours 4
Total Hours 60
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This Course will emphasize on teaching the students clinical applications of materials used in dentistry, e.g. restorative dentistry (gold- ceramics, acrylics, cements, modeis'materials and impression materials), operative dentistry (filling materials, liner, bases, and preventive materials), orthodontic and periodontics materials (wires, stainless steel, rubbers)and implant dentistry (titanium, and all related materials. In addition, the course will demonstrate clinical -handling of different dental instrumentation and the use of dental equipment used to polish, mix and set different dental materials.
Course 17. -- Oral Pathology and Histology
Course Number DA 203
Course Title Oral Pathology and Histology
Semester/Year 1/2
Credits 2
Contact Hours 2
Total Hours 30
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This course will provide the student with the basic understanding of diseases of the mouth and surrounding structures, and the skills necessary to detect deviations from normal in the evaluation of the .patient's health status. In addition, it will provide an overview of the embryogical development of the oral cavity and surrounding structures, and the histologic structure of oral tissues. The student is provided the opportunity to learn the development, structure, morphology, eruption and function of the primary and permanent dentition.
Course 18. -- Medical Emergencies in Dentistry
Course Number DA 204
Course Title Medical Emergencies in Dentistry
Semester/Year 1/2
Credits 3
Contact Hours 4
Total Hours 60
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This course will provide the student with the basic information necessary to successfully manage the most common emergency conditions that would occur in the dental clinic.
Course 19. -- Work Ethics and Loyalty
Course Number SS 112
Course Title Work Ethics and Loyalty
Semester/Year 1/2
Credits 3
Contact Hours 3
Total Hours 45
Category General Education Requirement
Required Yes
Course DescriptionThe course focuses on social work profession to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people. A historic and defining feature of social work is the profession's focus on individual well-being in a social context and the well-being of society. Fundamental to social work is attention to the environmental forces that create, contribute to, and address problems in living.
Course 20. -- Clinical Practice and Instrumentation IV
Course Number DA 211
Course Title Clinical Practice and Instrumentation IV
Semester/Year 2/2
Credits 5
Contact Hours 20
Total Hours 300
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This clinical experience is a continuation of Clinical Practice and Instrumentation I, II. Each student will gain additional chair-side assisting skills and experience and begin to incorporate the advanced functions into patient treatment procedures.
Course 21. -- Oral Health Education
Course Number DA 212
Course Title Oral Health Education
Semester/Year 2/2
Credits 2
Contact Hours 3
Total Hours 45
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description A comprehensive course designed to acquaint students with the art and science of oral health education. This course trains student to educate dental clinics in dental office and public. Emphasis is on health education theories, plaque control aids, nutrient, smoking cessation and fluoride.

Course 22. -- Oral Pharmacology

Course Number PH 116
Course Title Oral Pharmacology
Semester/Year 2/2
Credits 2
Contact Hours 2
Total Hours 45
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description
It is an effect of the clinical practice of dental hygiene and dentistry. Drugs commonly used in dentistry and correct methods for their use. Emphasis on pharmacological aspects of anesthesia. 

Course 23. – Communication Psychology

Course Number SP 455
Course Title Communication Psychology  
Semester/Year 2/2
Credits 2
Contact Hours 3
Total Hours 45
Category Core Course
Required Yes
 An analysis of the basic principles of learning theory as well as physical, social, and moral development as they are applied to classroom learning with emphasis upon the application of theory to practical educational situations. Basics of standardized measurement, behavior management as applied to the classroom, and the influence of socio-cultural forces in society on education are discussed. Educational exceptionalities and laws related to them are also examined
Course 24. -- Elective
Course Title Elective
Semester/Year 2/2
Credits 2
Contact Hours 2
Total Hours 30
Category Elective
Required Yes
Course 25. -- Elective
Course Title Elective
Semester/Year 2/2
Credits 2
Contact Hours 2
Total Hours 30
Category Elective
Required Yes
Course 26. -- Summer Training
Course Number DA 221
Course Title Summer Training
Semester/Year 1/3
Credits 3
Contact Hours 30
Total Hours 450
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This practical course is designed as an internship for each student with a practitioner of dentistry. Arrangements are made with each dentist and dental hygienist taking part in the program to enable the student to obtain experience in all aspects of dental office procedures. Each student will be assigned to two offices for a period of three weeks in each office.
Course 13. -- Anatomy of Head And Neck
Course Number AMS 254
Course Title Anatomy of Head And Neck
Semester/Year 2/1
Credits 3
Contact Hours 4
Total Hours 60
Category Core Course
Required Yes

Course Description


 This course explains the structure and function of head and neck. It will focus on histological and embryologic development and structural microanatomy to gain an understanding of clinical and oral manifestation of the regions of the head and neck.  
Course 14. -- Clinical Practice and Instrumentation III
Course Number DA 201
Course Title Clinical Practice and Instrumentation III
Semester/Year 1/2
Credits 4
Contact Hours 16
Total Hours 240
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description A clinical experience in which each student will be given-the opportunity to learn and utilize basic assisting skills. Students will be assigned a given number of dental patients. Each student will assist with introducing the patients t the clinic operating policies, establishing records, taking vital signs, charting, planning appointments assisting with or performing certain dental services, performing bookkeeping entries, and dismissing patients.
Course 15. -- Community Dental Health
Course Number DA 205
Course Title Community Dental Health
Semester/Year 1/2
Credits 2
Contact Hours 3
Total Hours 45
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This course prepares students to promote oral health and prevent oral diseases-in a community. It provides students with a broad understanding of the health care system and an objective view of the significant social, political, psychological,, and economic forces-directing the system. This course will provide students with knowledge and skills necessary to meet specific oral health needs of community groups as distinct from the traditional clinical approach, which is designed to meet the needs of individual patients.

Course 16. -- Dental Material II
Course Number DA 202
Course Title Dental Material II
Semester/Year 1/2
Credits 3
Contact Hours 4
Total Hours 60
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This Course will emphasize on teaching the students clinical applications of materials used in dentistry, e.g. restorative dentistry (gold- ceramics, acrylics, cements, modeis'materials and impression materials), operative dentistry (filling materials, liner, bases, and preventive materials), orthodontic and periodontics materials (wires, stainless steel, rubbers)and implant dentistry (titanium, and all related materials. In addition, the course will demonstrate clinical -handling of different dental instrumentation and the use of dental equipment used to polish, mix and set different dental materials.
Course 17. -- Oral Pathology and Histology
Course Number DA 203
Course Title Oral Pathology and Histology
Semester/Year 1/2
Credits 2
Contact Hours 2
Total Hours 30
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This course will provide the student with the basic understanding of diseases of the mouth and surrounding structures, and the skills necessary to detect deviations from normal in the evaluation of the .patient's health status. In addition, it will provide an overview of the embryogical development of the oral cavity and surrounding structures, and the histologic structure of oral tissues. The student is provided the opportunity to learn the development, structure, morphology, eruption and function of the primary and permanent dentition.
Course 18. -- Medical Emergencies in Dentistry
Course Number DA 204
Course Title Medical Emergencies in Dentistry
Semester/Year 1/2
Credits 3
Contact Hours 4
Total Hours 60
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This course will provide the student with the basic information necessary to successfully manage the most common emergency conditions that would occur in the dental clinic.
Course 19. -- Work Ethics and Loyalty
Course Number SS 112
Course Title Work Ethics and Loyalty
Semester/Year 1/2
Credits 3
Contact Hours 3
Total Hours 45
Category General Education Requirement
Required Yes
Course DescriptionThe course focuses on social work profession to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people. A historic and defining feature of social work is the profession's focus on individual well-being in a social context and the well-being of society. Fundamental to social work is attention to the environmental forces that create, contribute to, and address problems in living.
Course 20. -- Clinical Practice and Instrumentation IV
Course Number DA 211
Course Title Clinical Practice and Instrumentation IV
Semester/Year 2/2
Credits 5
Contact Hours 20
Total Hours 300
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This clinical experience is a continuation of Clinical Practice and Instrumentation I, II. Each student will gain additional chair-side assisting skills and experience and begin to incorporate the advanced functions into patient treatment procedures.
Course 21. -- Oral Health Education
Course Number DA 212
Course Title Oral Health Education
Semester/Year 2/2
Credits 2
Contact Hours 3
Total Hours 45
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description A comprehensive course designed to acquaint students with the art and science of oral health education. This course trains student to educate dental clinics in dental office and public. Emphasis is on health education theories, plaque control aids, nutrient, smoking cessation and fluoride.

Course 22. -- Oral Pharmacology

Course Number PH 116
Course Title Oral Pharmacology
Semester/Year 2/2
Credits 2
Contact Hours 2
Total Hours 45
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description
It is an effect of the clinical practice of dental hygiene and dentistry. Drugs commonly used in dentistry and correct methods for their use. Emphasis on pharmacological aspects of anesthesia. 

Course 23. – Communication Psychology

Course Number SP 455
Course Title Communication Psychology  
Semester/Year 2/2
Credits 2
Contact Hours 3
Total Hours 45
Category Core Course
Required Yes
 An analysis of the basic principles of learning theory as well as physical, social, and moral development as they are applied to classroom learning with emphasis upon the application of theory to practical educational situations. Basics of standardized measurement, behavior management as applied to the classroom, and the influence of socio-cultural forces in society on education are discussed. Educational exceptionalities and laws related to them are also examined
Course 24. -- Elective
Course Title Elective
Semester/Year 2/2
Credits 2
Contact Hours 2
Total Hours 30
Category Elective
Required Yes
Course 25. -- Elective
Course Title Elective
Semester/Year 2/2
Credits 2
Contact Hours 2
Total Hours 30
Category Elective
Required Yes
Course 26. -- Summer Training
Course Number DA 221
Course Title Summer Training
Semester/Year 1/3
Credits 3
Contact Hours 30
Total Hours 450
Category Core Course
Required Yes
Course Description This practical course is designed as an internship for each student with a practitioner of dentistry. Arrangements are made with each dentist and dental hygienist taking part in the program to enable the student to obtain experience in all aspects of dental office procedures. Each student will be assigned to two offices for a period of three weeks in each office.