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Applied Physics Program.     To Review Program Major Sheet in Pdf - Click here
Semester 1 Semester 2
Course No. Course Name Credits
Course No. Course Name Credits
102 Technical English  3 165 Thermal Physics 3
Mathematics (1) 3 167 Properties of Matter 3
113 General Physics 3 160 Electricity & Magnetism 3
110 General Chemistry 3 168 Instrumentation 3
128 Islamic Culture 2 162 Writing Technical Report  3
Total 14 Total 15

Semester 3
Semester 4
Course No. Course Name Credits Course No. Course Name Credits
166 Optics 3 203 Modern Physics 3
202 Physical Electronics 3 260 Optical instruments 3
169 Radiation Physics (1)
3 171 Communication Skills 3
206 Computer Applications in Physics 3 General Elective Course 3
106 Mathematics (2) 3 105/75
Scientific culture 2
Total 15 298  Industrial Safety 2
Total 16

Semester 5
Course No. Course Name
208 Waves and Sound 3
270 Radiation Physics (2)
399 Field Training 4
Major Elective Course 3
Major Elective Course 3
Total 15

Applied Chemistry Program      To Review Program Major Sheet in Pdf - Click here
Semester 1
Semester 2
Course No. Course Name Credits Course No. Course Name Credits
102 Technical English  3 112 Analytical Chemistry 3
Mathematics (1) 3 121 Inorganic Chemistry 3
110 General  Chemistry 3 130 organic Chemistry 3
113 General Physics 3 105/75
Scientific culture 2
101 Islamic Culture 2 106 Mathematics (2) 3
Total 14 162 Writing Technical Report  3
Total 17
Semester 3 Semester 4
Course No. Course Name
Credits Course No. Course Name Credits
210 Instrumental Analysis (1)
3 213 Instrumental Analysis (2)
215 Environmental Pollution 3 331 Applied organic Chemistry 3
219 Nuclear & Radiation Chemistry 2 333 Petrol and Petrochemistry 3
231 Physical Chemistry (1)
3 270 Computer Applications in Chemistry 3
171 Communication Skills 3 General Elective Course 3
Total 14 Total 15

Semester 5
Course No. Course Name Credits
312 Applied Analytical Chemistry 3
298  Industrial Safety 2
399 Field Training 4
Major Elective Course 3
Major Elective Course 3
Total 15