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رقم البدالة في الفترة الصباحية 1806611 داخلي 1333

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 ارسال رسالة للشكاوى الى البريد الإلكتروني  GITHelpDesk@paaet.edu.kw

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مشروع تطوير برمجيات/ DEVELOPMENT PRO

6 عدد الوحدات
رقم المادة 252
نوع المادة إجبارى
ساعات المادة 7
المسبق او المتلازم 205 – VISUAL PROGRAMMING 2
​اهداف المادة

​1. Identify the different programming pieces involved in commercial web applications. 2. Connect different programming pieces to fulfill user requests. 3. Understand user interaction and system feedback. 4. Manage user authentication and privileges. 5. Integrate the database view, with the application view. 6. Produce printable reports via web application. 7. Send emails via web application. 8. Prepare project presentation.

تفا​صيل كامله عن المادة​​​​​

​This course brings together all of the elements of web site design, user interaction scenarios, graphics, data storage, and data security. To construct a fully functional commercial web site application. The course will start by introducing some basic data structures' constructs, highly involved in web-application development. The student will learn how to connect to a data source, and how to secure any internet connection. The student will make use of some industry standard software products - for example, to generate reports and send emails; however, the student will develop the complete web-application from scratch.