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notification المنصات التعليمية
notification الدعم الفني

للتواصل مع مكتب المساعدة الخاص بالحاسب الآلي الاتصال على

رقم البدالة في الفترة الصباحية 1806611 داخلي 1333

اضغط هنا للتواصل مع ادارات ومراكز الهيئة

 ارسال رسالة للشكاوى الى البريد الإلكتروني  GITHelpDesk@paaet.edu.kw

للتحدث مع موظفي الدعم الفني لأي مشكلة تقنية اضغط هنا

برمجة مرئية 2

5 عدد الوحدات
رقم المادة 205
نوع المادة إجبارى
ساعات المادة 6
المسبق او المتلازم 173 - ADVANCED PROGRAMMING / متقدمة برمجة and 153 - VISUAL PROGRAMMING 1 / 1 مرئية برمجة
​اهداف المادة

​1. Familiarize the student with modern web (application) server architectures. 2. Understand the difference between client side and server side programming. 3. Achieve proficiency in Basic Server-side Programming. 4. Understand the server program life-cycle model. 5. Understand Web View. 6. Apply the Model-View-Controller (MVC) concept. 7. Incorporate HTML, Server-side programs, Server-side Views, and File I/O functionality to produce comprehensive dynamic web sites. 8. Work with HTTP Sessions and Cookies.

تفا​صيل كامله عن المادة​​​​​

​This course teaches the fundamentals of Web applications and implementation using the up-todate web programming technologies. This course passes through four major phases. First, review and enhance the I/O concepts discussed earlier (103/173) ensuring that the persistency needs of any software application is fulfilled. Then, the basic knowledge required to develop Web Models will be introduced, followed by the essential methods required to incorporate XHTML within Web Views, and finally, introduce state-full techniques to handle user requests over the stateless HTTP environment. The course shall be taught using an up-to-date Web-enabled IDE. The student will develop a project that incorporates all topics that have been previously covered.