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رقم البدالة في الفترة الصباحية 1806611 داخلي 1333

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 ارسال رسالة للشكاوى الى البريد الإلكتروني  GITHelpDesk@paaet.edu.kw

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ANCED PROGRAMMING / برمجه متقدمه

4 عدد الوحدات
رقم المادة 173
نوع المادة إجبارى
ساعات المادة 5
المسبق او المتلازم 103 – PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS / اساسيات برمجه
​اهداف المادة

​1. Automate arrays sorting a searching algorithms 2. Understand class diagram of at least five classes 3. Understand Object Oriented Core Principles a. Abstraction b. Encapsulation - Information hiding c. Inheritance d. Polymorphism 4. Professionally manipulate binary and text files 5. Develop exception aware programs 6. Read API documentation and implement solutions based on knowledge obtained directly from that documentation 7. Generate API documentation for student-written classes

تفا​صيل كامله عن المادة​​​​​

​This course is a continuation of 103 - programming fundamentals, using the same programming language; the course will extend the object-oriented programming principles to a moderate technical level of details. Apart from creating and manipulating members, objects, and classes, using an up-to-date Integrated Development Environment (IDE), the course will start by recapping the previous programming course arrays manipulation section, adding the applications of arrays as well (Sorting and Searching), Emphasis is placed on abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism as the major four concepts of Object Oriented Principles. The course will introduce basic File Input/output, and Exception handling. Upon completion, students should be able to understand, code, test, and debug a class diagram of more than five classes.