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notification المنصات التعليمية
notification الدعم الفني

للتواصل مع مكتب المساعدة الخاص بالحاسب الآلي الاتصال على الرقم

او رقم البدالة في الفترة الصباحية 1806611 داخلي 1333

اضغط هنا للتواصل مع ادارات ومراكز الهيئة

 ارسال رسالة للشكاوى الى البريد الإلكتروني

للتحدث مع موظفي الدعم الفني لأي مشكلة تقنية اضغط هنا


Decision Support Center was established pursuant to resolution no. (2226/2001) issued on: December 3, 2001, and it was among the agencies affiliated to Director General of public authority for applied education and training until resolution no. (1/2008) was issued on: 7/1/2008, in which the center was included among the agencies of planning and development sector.

 One of its main functions is to support the decision maker in education and training issues according to the vision of His Highness Amir of the country and according to the objectives of development plan in the country, by monitoring the reality and analyzing the current situation through the internal and external effects of the authority to identify and analyze the major problems, and then develop proposals for solutions to address those problems.

 It is also the authority concerned with identifying general problems and issues within the authority, working to study them, collecting data and information related thereto,
and analyzing them to identify the alternatives and priorities and the best ones thereof to serve as a support when making a decision, coordinating with the parties related to the implementation of decision, and following up its results and changes that occur thereto.
 It is also concerned with inclusion of decisions and regulations on the system of authority.

This center was administered by the following distinguished persons:

Mrs. Fatima Khaled Al-KhawariSince 2015Till Present
Mr. Salem Mansour Al-DallalSince 2012Until 2015
Mrs. Ibtisam ShaabanSince 2010Until 2012
Mr. Faisal Al-BarjasSince 2001Until 2010

Administrative Organization
organizational unit name: Decision Support Center
Organizational level: Department
Organizational affiliation: Deputy Director General for Planning and Development - Decision Support Control
Affiliate organizational units:
                              1- Documentation and Databases Subdepartment
                              2- Information Analysis Subdepartment
                               3- Studies and Decision Support Subdepartment


Achievements of Decision Support Center in past period

  •   An automated program (system of regulations and decisions regulating the work of the authority) was documented and about to launching the system on the home page of authority.
  • A number of data related to students, faculty and training staff were collected to monitor the most important obstacles facing the authority currently and in the future, in order to provide advice to decision makers.

Management Achievements

  •  Supervise the designs required for decision support systems.
  • Provide support and assistance to educational, training, planning, administrative and financial systems in the authority, which helps to find alternatives and solutions for development and upgrading of such systems and to suggest appropriate solutions to the obstacles they face.
  • Create and provide a mechanism for advice and expertise for the purpose of identifying issues, topics and decisions that require a database of data which must be provided for the authority.
  • Cooperate with information systems center to design and prepare special analytical systems for decision support center to be used in addressing issues and obstacles facing the authority to find appropriate solutions and produce them in the form of reports, and then submit the necessary suggestions and recommendations to senior management.
  •  Study the external and internal environmental factors affecting the Authority's activities and addressing them to find appropriate solutions and presenting proposals and alternatives to the senior management.
  • Identify the quality of the data required to make the appropriate decision, by defining the mechanism of action to reach the appropriate opinion for decision-making.
  • Submit final reports after developing alternatives and solutions to address issues and problems to senior management for decision-making.
  • Prepare a data bank to serve decision makers, in cooperation with information systems center.
  • Carry out the functions assigned to it without prejudice to regulations and laws.


Future plans for decision support center

  • Create a decision support center on modern scientific bases and according to the latest technology.
  • Provide the information required to support decision-making in fields of comprehensive development.
  • Plan and create information bases which help the various sectors and centers of the authority in developing their capabilities for study and decision-making.
  •  Address the educational and training issues of concern to decision makers in the field of education and training and prepare full reports thereon.
  •  Create and provide systems of advice and experience which support the decision maker by formulating possible and alternative scenarios for problems and issues on which the decision maker needs to express an opinion.
  • Future forecasting of educational and training phenomena in the field of applied education and training, analyzing their potential effects on the local, regional and international situations by early identification to the various issues and potential developments and studying their future trends, and accordingly enabling the decision maker to take effective measures to deal with the expected problems and crises.
  •  Liaison and coordinating locally with databases of government and private agencies which the authority deals with.
  • Active participation in local, regional and international activities, and cooperation with specialized agencies in the fields of information and decision-making support.
  • Follow up the implementation of the performance management methodology for all operational and administrative levels, starting with defining strategic and operational performance indicators and working to review and develop them periodically.
  • Prepare performance determination reports and discuss them with all organizational levels periodically and prepare appropriate corrective recommendations for development and improvement.
  • Enhance performance monitoring and evaluation processes to be one of the logistic pillars and service development pillars.