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notification المنصات التعليمية
notification الدعم الفني

للتواصل مع مكتب المساعدة الخاص بالحاسب الآلي الاتصال على الرقم

او رقم البدالة في الفترة الصباحية 1806611 داخلي 1333

اضغط هنا للتواصل مع ادارات ومراكز الهيئة

 ارسال رسالة للشكاوى الى البريد الإلكتروني

للتحدث مع موظفي الدعم الفني لأي مشكلة تقنية اضغط هنا

 About Sector

Sector overview:

The planning and development sector was established according to the ministerial decision NO. (1/2008) on 7/1/2008 And it is one of the most important sectors in the public authority for applied education and training, which is the responsible for carrying out the tasks of the planning and the coordinating among the sectors of the authority, and preparing the development plans and programs of the authority in manner appropriate with the directions of the development plans of the State to achieve the goal for which the organization was established, which is provide and develop the national manpower in order to meet the labor market requirements of the technical workers.

The Planning and development sector includes the following:

·      Planning and follow-up department

·      Administrative development department

·      Curriculum and program development center

·      Graduates' follow-up department and the labor market

·      Decision support center


This sector has been administrated by the following gentlemen:

-Jassem Mohammad Alostad                                                  since 2021                  till present

-Doctor Fatima Hasan Alkanderi                                             since 2015                  till 2021

-Professor Sabah Khaled Albahar                                            since 2011                 till 2015

-Doctor Abdulaziz Taqi (mandate)                                         since 2009                 till 2011


Administrative management

Organizational unit name: Deputy Director-General for planning and development

Organizational level: sector

Organizational subsidiarity: Director-General

Affiliate organizational units:

1-Assistant deputy director for institutional development

2-office of the deputy director general for planning and development

3-graduates follow-up department and the labor market

4- Administrative development and training department

5- planning and follow-up department

6- curriculum and program development Center

7- Decision Support Center.

Management functions

1-Suggesting policies for the planning and development activities which is carried out by the Authority and suggesting disciplines and standards governing these activities.

2-Guiding, developing, coordinating and following up work among the sector's agencies.

3-Represent the Authority with institutions and centers for planning, policy development, government work program and decision-making in the State, and coordinate with it in the preparation and follow-up of the plans, programs and objectives of the Authority.

4-Supervise the preparation of strategic plans, annual executive plans and workforce plans of the Authority and follow up their implementation with different sectors and departments in accordance with the approved follow-up system

5-Supervise management development processes including organizational structures, characterize and evaluate jobs, prepare, review and amend working procedures and regulations manuals.

6-Oversee the design and implementation of a quality management system in the Authority, through which plans and initiatives for improvement and continuous development in different sectors and departments are supported.

7-Work to assist graduates in their search for job opportunities and communicate with them in order to strengthen their loyalty to the Authority and encourage them to contribute to creating job opportunities for their colleagues.

8-Communicating and cooperating with different sectors of the State to learn about their national employment needs and explore their views on the level of graduates and how to improve their level.

9-Analysis of information and statistics - especially those related to the labour market - with a view to identifying patterns, devising and supporting decision-making in the Authority, including acceptance policy, specializations, programs provided and absorptive capacity.

10-Measuring the institutional performance of the authority and presenting policy proposals and strategic initiatives to decision makers.

11-Preparing and developing educational and training curricula and programs to bring them into line with the best international standards on the one hand, and with the State's development plans and the requirements of the labour market on the other.

12-Supervise the provision of training courses to the labour market and to the employees of the Authority from teaching, training and administrative cadres, in accordance with best practices, professional standards and labour market needs through the Center for the Development of Programs and Curricula.

13-Coordinate with colleges and institutes in providing technical and administrative consultations in accordance with the need of the labour market.

14-Implementation of cooperation agreements in the fields of consultation and training between the Authority and external institutions.

15-Budget proposal for the planning and development sector.

16-Prepare periodic and annual completion reports for the Authority and submit them to the Director General of the Authority.

17-Perform any other work-related tasks entrusted to it by the Direct supervisor.