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Amal Abdullah Almajdi

The flipped classroom strategy


        The flipped classroom model revolutionizes traditional learning by reversing the typical approach: instead of introducing new material in class and assigning homework for independent study, students are first exposed to the topic at home through pre-recorded videos or online resources. Scientists recognized that students often need more support during homework than during classes, so they created videos for students to watch outside classes, reserving in-class time for discussion and activities.

       In a flipped classroom, students engage with the material independently before coming to class, allowing for more interactive learning experiences when they gather. This approach integrates technology and encourages students to take ownership of their learning. Teachers can use various strategies to reinforce understanding during class time, focusing on individual student needs rather than delivering uniform instruction to the entire class.

        The flipped classroom model aims to foster active learning environments and give teachers more time to provide personalized support. By shifting class-based learning to an at-home setting, students can review material at their convenience and arrive in class prepared for deeper engagement. Classroom time is then utilized for discussions, group work, hands-on activities, and individualized instruction.

      However, the effectiveness of the flipped classroom model relies heavily on teacher preparation and strategic use of technology. Teachers must create engaging and informative video content and maintain communication with students outside of class. Additionally, while there are numerous benefits to this approach, such as improved exam outcomes and increased student engagement, challenges like the time-consuming process of creating video content and potential student resistance should be considered.


Amal Al-Majdi