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Eng. Athoub Zuwaid

By; Athoub Zuwaid

CCTV Monitoring Applications

The use of Close Circuit Television has grown very popular over the last few decades as more countries contend with rising insecurity as well as the need for great accountability or transparency. Despite the fact that the growth of CCTV has been slowing down over the last few years, it is estimated that there are at least one billion CCTV surveillance cameras in use around the globe. Asia alone accounts for at least 65% of CCTV installations. CCTV deployment has aided the growth of state surveillance, crime prevention measures, as well as advancements of social monitoring and control (Kumar & Svensson, 2015). There has been increased criticism from members of the public and policy makers who feel that some aspects of CCTV usage infringe on the right to privacy which is considered very important by most Americans. This is especially in the digital age where individual privacy has continuously been eroded as Big Tech monopolizes customer information. Recently, CCTV has shifted towards the internet-based products and systems, necessitating the use of various applications or software. There are numerous CCTV applications that can be relied upon by individuals as well as businesses to increase their safety or security. The utility of such applications depends on the cost of acquisition as well as maintenance, the needs of the consumer, the functionality of the said application, and the ease of its use.


Eng. Athoub ALZuwaid