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Department of Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Laboratory Science Program

Program Information
Organization              Public Authority for Applied Education and Training / College of Health Sciences
Program Number      309
Instructional Level    Two-Year Technical Diploma
Instructional Area    Health Services
Revised By                 Dr. Abdullmonem Ramadhan &Amani Alshatti

Target Population
High school graduate (Science major), priority for Kuwaiti and GCC male and females or transferred students from other scientific majors according to regulations

The Medical laboratory technology department provides the MLT students with a comprehensive two years course diploma. The objective of our courses is to introduce our MLT students to all the principles of the basic test performed on the various blood and biological material so they can safely and efficiently work in the various domains of the laboratory services as well trained and highly skilled assistant medical laboratory technologist. The course of this diploma are designed to familiarize the students with the major ongoing laboratory activities in particular those related to the fields of applied Clinical Chemistry, Parasitology, Microbiology, Histopathology and Clinical and Immuno Hematology. Didactic lectures, instructions and practical training will be provided according to the standardized regulations and safety of both the Ministry of Health and the administration of laboratory services in Kuwait. Moreover, intensive summer hospital training will be offered in the form of a 25 hr/wk for a period of 7 weeks prior to graduation.

Indirect Measures

  1. Job Placement

    External Requirements
  1. Ministry of health in Kuwait (medical laboratory standards)
  2. Center for Disease Control (CDC) standards

    `1Career/Job Titles

    1. Medical Laboratory Assistant Technician


    Related DACUM Studies


    DACUM Title            Clinical Laboratory Science

    Date                            5/12/2005

    Organization              paaet

    Facilitator                   Noora Alajme, Dhuha Alkhuraief

    Methods                     Other

    Notes                           All DACUM analysis was conducted for Medical Laboratory Technologist from job market.

    Entry Requirements

    1.  Priority for Kuwaitis

    2.  Has a high school degree with major science

    3.  Has to pass the admission tests and medical check

    4.  Has to fulfill all PAAET requirements

    5.  Non-Kuwaiti acceptance has to be under PAAET conditions


    Program Outcomes
  1. Demonstrates the principles of testing procedures and methodologies including theory and application.
  2. Apply blood sampling procedures according to the Ministry of Health rules and instructions.
  3. Handle all duties (night, afternoon and weekend) according to the Ministry of Health rules and instructions.
  4. Evaluate testing procedures with proficiency and specificity in each laboratory department.
  5. Analyze test results from laboratory data including statistical analysis for quality assurance.

    External Standards

    Ministry of Health in Kuwait (Medical laboratory Standards)

    Center for Disease Control (CDC) standards

    Course Configuration
SemesterCourse #Course TitleCreditsContact HrsCategory
Year 1100Laboratory Equipment12Major Requirement
Year 1/semester 1101Introduction to Medical Laboratories11Major Requirement
Year 1/semester 1114Chemistry for Health Sciences45Science Requirement
Year 1/semester 1120Biology11Science Requirement
Year 1/semester 1155General Microbiology34Science Requirement
Year 1/semester 1 General elective22Elective
Year 1/semester 1101English23Language Requirement
Year 1/semester 2110Biostatistics11Science Requirement
Year 1/semester 2158Anatomy and Physiology22Science Requirement
Year 1/semester 2150Medical Terminology11Science Requirement
Year 1/semester 2177Biochemistry34Science Requirement
Year 1/semester 2109English for Medical Lab23Gen Ed Requirement
Year 1/semester 2108Introduction to Computer32Gen Ed Requirement
Year 1/semester 2101Islamic Culture22Gen Ed Requirement
Year 2/semester 1210Parasitology I34Major Requirement
Year 2/semester 1201Medical Microbiology I34Major Requirement
Year 2/semester 1220Histopathology I34Major Requirement
Year 2/semester 1230Hematology I34Major Requirement
Year 2/semester 1240Clinical Chemistry I47Major Requirement
Year 2/semester 2212Parasitology II31Major Requirement
Year 2/semester 1155Quality control and quality assurance23Major Requirement
Year 2/semester 2202Medical Microbiology II31Major Requirement
Year 2/semester 2222Histopathology II31Major Requirement
Year 2/semester 2232Hematology II31Major Requirement
Year 2/semester 2242Clinical Chemistry II41Major Requirement
Year 2/semester 2114Introduction to Psychology22Elective
Year 2/semester 2123Human Relative22Elective
Year 2/semester 2125Kuwait and Development22Elective
Year 2/semester 2111Environment Science 34Elective
Year 2/semester 1103Introduction to medical Record22Elective
Year 1/semester 2101First Aid22Elective
Year 1/ semester 2101Nutrition Science22Elective
Year 2/ summer course250Summer Clinical Science4175Major Requirement
Total required for Graduation  68255 


Program Course Details
Course A -- Laboratory Equipment
Course Number                     100
Credits                                    1
Contact Hours                       2
Total Hours                            0
Category                                Major Requirement
Course Description
This course is designed to prepare the students to properly handling of laboratory chemicals; operate common analytical instruments; describe the theory and applications of various analytical instruments including types of electrophoresis, spectrophotometry, chromatography, autoclave, and centrifugation; and practice laboratory safety.
Course B -- Introduction to Medical Laboratories
Course Number                     101
Credits                                    1
Contact Hours                       1
Total Hours                            0
Category                                Major Requirement
Course Description
An overview and introduction to laboratory safety and basic skills as used in specimen processing and laboratory information systems. Universal precautions and proper procedures in regard to specimen processing will be taught to the student. Laboratory mathematics, quality control, and the proper use of instrumentation will be presented as used in the clinical laboratory, physician's office laboratory, and laboratory science areas.


Course C -- Chemistry for Health Sciences
Course Number                     114
Credits                                    4
Contact Hours                       5
Total Hours                            5
Category                                Science Requirement
Course Description
This course will expose the student to introductory chemistry with an emphasis on topics that are particularly related to health sciences. The course will motivate students to learn chemistry by showing them how to think through a problem and formulate solution strategies. The accompanying labs will reinforce lecture through hands-on experimentation. Students will acquire skills in visualizing the molecular world of health science.
Course D -- Biology
Course Number                     120
Credits                                    1
Contact Hours                       1
Total Hours                            1
Category                                Science Requirement
Course Description
 The course will explore fundamental principles and concepts of Biology. Emphasis is placed on basic biological chemistry, cell structure and function, metabolism and energy transformation, genetics, classification and other related topics.
Course E -- General Microbiology
Course Number                     155
Credits                                    3
Contact Hours                       4
Total Hours                            4
Category                                Science Requirement
Course Description              
This course is an introduction to microbial world. It covers the place of organisms in
the living world; origin of microbes; applied areas of microbiology; microscopy;
morphology and fine structure; cultivation; reproduction and growth; cultural
characteristics; introduction to yeast, algae, molds, protozoa and viruses.
Course F -- General Elective
Credits                                    2
Contact Hours                       2
Total Hours                            2
Category                                Elective
Course G -- English
Course Number                     101
Credits                                    2
Contact Hours                       3
Total Hours                            3
Category                                Language Requirement
Course Description              
This course focuses on the language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Basic vocabulary and grammar are covered, with emphasis on functional, effective
communication. Students read and write short reports and texts, listen to authentic
dialogues produced by native English speakers, and practice giving directions and
Course H -- Quality control and quality assurance
Course Number                     155
Credits                                    2
Contact Hours                       3
Total Hours                            3
Category                                Major Requirement
Course Description     
Quality control is a course in Q.C terminology, practice, troubleshooting for the clinical laboratory. Design for those who have little or no experience with quality control but need a firm grounding. The course aims to impact a working knowledge  with the best practice  in quality assurance and control.

Course I -- Biostatistics
Course Number                     110
Credits                                    1
Contact Hours                       1
Total Hours                            1
Category                                Science Requirement
Course Description
This course will familiarize students with the rudiments of statistical theories and  effective thinking to solve problems and simple equations. Furthermore, applied practices are implemented as part of statistical methods used in academic research. Primary topics  include  graphing  and summarizing  data, probability, estimation, hypothesis testing and simple regression analysis. 

Course J -- Anatomy and Physiology
Course Number                     158
Credits                                    2
Contact Hours                       2
Total Hours                            2
Category                                Science Requirement
Course Description              
This course provides an introduction to human morphology at the cell, tissue and
organ system levels of organization. The course is taught through theoretical lectures
and practical demonstration.
Course K -- Medical Terminology
Course Number                     150
Credits                                    1
Contact Hours                       1
Total Hours                            1
Category                                Science Requirement
Course Description
The Medical Terminology course provides an introduction to the principles and language of medical terminology.  Students will develop an understanding of basic medical terms including concepts of anatomy, physiology and pathology.
Course L -- Biochemistry
Course Number                     177
Credits                                    3
Contact Hours                       4
Total Hours                            4
Category                                Science Requirement
Course Description
This course explores the roles of essential biological molecules focusing on protein chemistry, while covering lipids and carbohydrates. It provides a systematic and methodical application of general and organic chemistry principles. 
Course M -- English for Medical Laboratory
Course Number                     109
Credits                                    2
Contact Hours                       3
Total Hours                            3
Category                                Gen Ed Requirement
Course Description
English for MLT students course is designed to serves many purposes which include: enhancing  medical entrants, reading comprehension skills, providing  basic vocabulary; developing basic academic and scientific writing skills; introducing students to the English medical terminology of medical laboratory science.
Course N -- Introduction to Computer
Course Number                     108
Credits                                    3
Contact Hours                       2
Total Hours                            4
Category                                Gen Ed Requirement
Course Description  
This course presents the structure of personal computers and fields of application,
communication systems, software's and data processing systems.
Course O -- Islamic Culture
Course Number                     101
Credits                                    2
Contact Hours                       2
Total Hours                            2
Category                                Gen Ed Requirement
Course Description              
This course discusses the concepts of Islamic culture: sources and characteristics;
cosmos and man; the importance of Islamic legislation; social solidarity; work and
labor's rights and duties; the importance of health in Islam; and Islam's attitude
towards contemporary issues and world ideologies.
Course P -- Parasitology I
Course Number                     210
Credits                                    3
Contact Hours                       4
Total Hours                            4
Category                                Major Requirement
Course Description              
This course deals with different types of helminth parasites which are seen in Kuwait
and neighboring countries and immigrants who come to Kuwait seeking jobs.
Course Q -- Medical Microbiology I
Course Number                     201
Credits                                    3
Contact Hours                       4
Total Hours                            4
Category                                Major Requirement
Course Description              
This course is designed to introduce students to fundamental concepts of medical
microbiology and the application of those concepts to human disease.
Course R -- Histopathology I
Course Number                     220
Credits                                    3
Contact Hours                       4
Total Hours                            4
Category                                Major Requirement
Course Description              
This course introduces the student to study and know principles of histopathology
techniques in various histopathology labs, starting from receiving the specimen,
registering, fixation and processing the specimens in a way to produce a paraffin
block ready for cutting and staining with haemotoxylin and eosin stain and then
choosing an appropriate stain for each case.
Course S -- Hematology I
Course Number                     230
Credits                                    3
Contact Hours                       4
Total Hours                            4
Category                                Major Requirement
Course Description              
This course deals with aspects of hemopoiesis, physiology, composition and function
of blood. The students will learn about various types of blood cells, their structure,
function, enumeration and differentiation. It also deals with the general and specific
aspects of the various types of anemia. The applied part of the course mainly deals
with blood sampling skin-puncture and venipuncture, specimen handling and
processing, data registration and storage and disposal of blood samples. Moreover,
there will be special emphasis on the basic hematological techniques of blood routine
examinations and the various manual and automated hematological procedures
involved in laboratory hematological blood testing and in those required for
investigation of various types of anemia. Also, students will appreciate how to
interpret the various results pitfalls and errors and the advantages and disadvantages
of each procedure. Instructions include proper procedural methodologies, quality
control use of standards and interpretation of test results will also be included.
Course T -- Clinical Chemistry I
Course Number                     240
Credits                                    4
Contact Hours                       7
Total Hours                            7
Category                                Major Requirement
Course Description              
This course is a basis of chemical pathology for medical laboratory technology
students. While reviewing and covering introductions to all those topics: diabetes
mellitus, jaundice, non-protein nitrogen metabolite, renal function test (including
urinalysis), plasma proteins, lipoprotein, electrophoresis, iron metabolism, thyroid
function test, and CSF, laboratory mathematics and the appropriate analytical aspects
used of biochemical tests with their interpretation.
Course U -- Parasitology II
Course Number                     212
Credits                                    3
Contact Hours                       1
Total Hours                            7
Category                                Major Requirement
Course Description              
This course deals with the different types of protozoa parasites which are seen in
Kuwait and neighboring countries and in immigrants who come to Kuwait seeking
Course V -- Medical Microbiology II
Course Number                     202
Credits                                    3
Contact Hours                       1
Total Hours                            7
Category                                Major Requirement
Course Description              
An introduction to the theory and application of basic immunology, including the
immune response, principles of antigen-antibody reactions and the principles of
serological procedures.
Course W -- Histopathology II
Course Number                     222
Credits                                    3
Contact Hours                       1
Total Hours                            7
Category                                Major Requirement
Course Description              
This course introduces the student to study and know the normal cells and tissues of
all the organ systems of the human body, starting from the circulatory system, skin ,
skeletal tissues…etc. in addition to the examination of the tissue and cells under the
microscope for all the organs of the human body.
Course X -- Hematology II
Course Number                     232
Credits                                    3
Contact Hours                       1
Total Hours                            7
Category                                Major Requirement
Course Description  
This course covers the areas of hematology that include both leukemia and
hematological malignancies, issues of hemostasis and coagulation, immuno-
hematology and quality assurance. It is divided into four sections. The first section is
designated to describe the process of white blood cell formation and some of their
benign disorders. Moreover, it encompasses concise and updated information about
the pathogenesis, clinical features, international guidelines for the classification and
diagnosis of acute and chronic lympho- and myeloproliferative disorders. It also
includes a brief summary on the most recent laboratory investigations required for
their accurate diagnosis and follow up. The second section is dedicated to the study of
the physiology of hemostasis. The related hemorrhagic disorders and the necessary
tests required for their diagnosis. The third section deals with the blood banking
issues. It includes the basic information important for understanding the basic antigen
antibody reaction techniques, red cell antigens and antibody systems,
pretetransfusinon testing protocols and the possible related blood transfusion
reactions. The fourth section provides basic knowledge on the quality assurance
policies and how to apply internal and external quality control programs and how to
detect report and solve the various types of laboratory errors and mistakes.
Course Y -- Clinical Chemistry II
Course Number                     242
Credits                                    4
Contact Hours                       1
Total Hours                            7
Category                                Major Requirement
Course Description  
This course is a continuation on clinical chemistry 1. While reviewing and covering
all those previous topics it focuses on: clinical enzymology, water and electrolyte,
acid base balance, calcium, phosphate and magnesium metabolism, trace elements,
laboratory mathematics and principles and applications of immunochemical technique
for specific protein analysis for RIA and ELISA and quality control. In addition
students are assigned to different clinical laboratory practice to become familiar with
laboratory operations and organization to gain experience for performing laboratory
Course Z -- Introduction to Psychology
Course Number                     114
Credits                                    2
Contact Hours                       2
Total Hours                            2
Category                                Elective
Course Description              
The course focuses on the principles and concepts of psychology and on behavioral
physiological principles.
Course AA -- Human Relations
Course Number                     123
Credits                                    2
Contact Hours                       2
Total Hours                            2
Category                                Elective
Course Description
This course is an introduction to the behavioral sciences as they apply to management. It includes a study of individual behavior as it relates to leadership traits, individual behavior in organizations, and related subjects of motivation and leadership. Students are presented with opportunities to become more effective, discerning, ethical, flexible, perceptive, and understanding in both professional and personal endeavors.

Course BB -- Kuwait and Development
Course Number                     125
Credits                                    2
Contact Hours                       2
Total Hours                            2
Category                                Elective
Course Description
Its overall goal of this course is to improve the understanding of the current Kuwait cultural environment, its components, and its relation to national and regional affairs. Instruction is in Arabic.


Course CC – Environmental Sciences
Course Number                     111
Credits                                    2
Contact Hours                       2
Total Hours                            4
Category                                Elective
Course Description
This course intended to provide a background of the basic chemical, physical and biological concepts and processes that help to understand environment and how it works; analyze relationship between humans and the environment including causes of environmental problems and consequences of human impact on the environment; identify major environmental problems and pros and cons of possible solutions.
Course DD -- Introduction to Medical Record
Course Number                     103
Credits                                    2
Contact Hours                       2
Total Hours                            2
Category                                Elective
Course Description
This course begins with an orientation to the structure and content of health information. This course will emphasize on the storage, uses, and reporting of health information and it will focuses on reimbursement and legal issues, supervision and professional development.
Course EE -- First Aid
Course Number                     2
Contact Hours                       2
Total Hours                            2
Category                                Elective
Course Description  
The course is basic information and skill practice to implement emergency
interventions in the home, work place and community. Safety measures to protect
children and adults from accidents are discussed.
Course FF -- Nutrition Science
Course Number                     101
Credits                                    2
Contact Hours                       2
Total Hours                            2
Category                                Elective
Course Description
This course is designed to teach the scientific principles of human biology using nutritional concepts to promote personal health and well being. The course will covers the nutrient categories and how they function in the body, includes nutritional implications of major diseases, food safety.  
Course GG -- intensive Clinical laboratory training in hospital
Course Number                     250
Credits                                    4
Contact Hours                       0
Total Hours                            175
Category                                Major Requirement
Course Description
This course of studies is designed to prepare the graduate to work as a member of a clinical laboratory staff. As part of a clinical lab team, students will be trained to  perform scientific laboratory testing and it will provide the knowledge, skills and professional attitude necessary to accurately and proficiently perform and evaluate clinical laboratory analyses. The whole period of this course will be spend in the clinical laboratory in hospital belong to Kuwait ministry of health.

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