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Department of Environmental Health

Applied Environmental Science Program - Click here


Program Information
Instructional LevelBachelor or Science
Instructional AreaEnvironment
Original Developer(s)Dr. Areena Murad, Dr. Bader Al-Kha;af
Last Revision Date12/29/2004
Revision HistoryBy Dr. Bader Al-Khalaf and Dr. Areena Murad


Target Population
This program is designed for individuals seeking jobs in the area of Environmental Field and Laboratory Sampling and Analysis and Environmental Research.


The Applied Environmental Science Program prepares graduates to work in the government and private sectors in the area of Applied Environment. Graduates receive a BSc Degree in Science and gain knowledge in assessing environmental problems, application of environmental pollution criteria and standards to environmental quality control, and environmental risks analysis and management.


Career/Job Titles
1.Environmental Science Educator/Promoter
2.Environmental Lab Technician
3.Environmental Analyst Assistant


Related DACUM Studies DACUM A
OrganizationPAAET, CDC
FacilitatorDr. Areena Murad; Dr. Bader Al-Khalaf


Entry Requirements
1.High School Graduate with Science Inclination 
2.High School GPA of minimum 70%
3.Satisfactory result on the personal interview administered by the Department
4.Placement tests: English (minimum 65%), Mathematics (minimum 65%), Chemistry (minimum 65%) or 60% minimum score on placement tests and successful completion of the preparatory semester with minimum score of 65%


Program Outcomes


A.Apply emergency planning procedures
B.Use portable labs for environmental monitoring
C.Calibrate portable equipment
D.Collect environmental data
E.Conduct evaluation of the status of the environment
F.Write report on environmental status
G.Demonstrate understanding of principles of environmental monitoring
H.Communicate monitoring information


A.Demonstrate understanding of principles of GIS
B.Read maps
C.Use GPS for positioning in space
D.Create contour maps


A.Apply knowledge of principles of modeling to dispersion model analysis
B.Apply basic oceanography principles to model analysis
C.Apply basic meteorological principles to model analysis
D.Identify source of emission (type, etc.)
E.Identify type of model
F.Complete data entry (use mathematical formulas)
G.Calculate ambient conversions
H.Apply KUEPA regulations (comparison of ambient emissions)
I.Use USEPA regulations (comparison of ambient emissions)



A.Develop sample EMS
B.Maintain EMS model
C.Use models for EMS for occupational analysis
D.Develop policy procedures
E.Conduct baseline study for EMS
F.Demonstrate understanding of principles of EMS


A.Conduct HAZOP
B.Demonstrate understanding of principles of EIA
C.Write HSEIA plan
D.Demonstrate understanding of principles of exposure assessment (dose-response)
E.Apply PHA


A.Demonstrate understanding of economics of treatment system
B.Communicate hazard information
C.Determine optimum treatment
D.Identify waste type
E.Practice waste management rules and regulations
F.Specify collection system
G.Specify treatment system and disposal
H.Maintain data QC/QA standards
I.Demonstrate understanding of principles of waste management
J.Monitor the disposal sites
K.Sample waste
L.Analyze samples


A.Conduct hazard identification
B.Recommend measures for hazard mitigation
C.Measure hazard levels
D.Identify risk matrix
E.Prioritize risk
F.Locate hazardous spots ("hot spots")
G.Carry out exposure assessment
H.Communicate hazard information (community, media, stakeholders, etc.)
I.Calculate hazard levels


A.Maintain and calibrate air sampling equipment
B.Maintain and calibrate radiation measuring equipment
C.Maintain and calibrate water sampling equipment
D.Maintain and calibrate sludge sampling equipment
E.Maintain and calibrate chemical waste sampling equipment
F.Maintain and calibrate soil sampling equipment
G.Maintain and calibrate medical waste sampling equipment
H.Maintain and calibrate biological sampling equipment


A.Identify sample location (geographical)
B.Transport the sample
C.Transfer sample custody to the lab
D.Report sampling information
E.Record sample custody information
F.Assess sampling results
G.Identify sample size
H.Identify sample matrix
I.Identify sample type
J.Identify sampling equipment to use
K.Prepare sampling equipment
L.Preserve the sample
M.Identify sampling strategy
N.Collect needed samples



A.Perform biological analysis of water
B.Perform air analysis
C.Perform physical oceanography analysis
D.Perform chemical oceanography analysis
E.Perform chemical analysis of sediments
F.Perform biological analysis of sediments
G.Perform terrestrial biological analysis


A.Use Stockholm Agreement Protocol for analysis of environmental samples
B.Use OSHA Protocol for analysis of environmental samples
C.Use EPA Protocol for analysis of environmental samples
D.Use WHO Protocol for analysis of environmental samples
E.Use MSDS Protocol for analysis of environmental samples
F.Use ROPME Protocol for analysis of environmental samples
G.Use Shuaiba Industrial Area Protocol for analysis of environmental samples


A.Assess environmental data
B.Enter data into computer
C.Sort data
D.Do data transformation and coding
E.Run statistical package (SPSS)
F.Retrieve results of analysis


A.Demonstrate understanding of principles of design of environmental experiment
B.Use scientific method in experimental design
C.Interpret results of data central tendency and dispersion
D.Interpret results of linear correlation
E.Interpret results of ANOVA analysis
F.Interpret results of linear regression
G.Interpret results of significance test


A.Collect references
B.Conduct baseline analysis
C.Prepare and conduct presentation
D.Define scope of work
E.Interpret data (results)
F.Draft recommendations
G.Draw conclusions
H.Organize the report order


A.Demonstrate understanding of principles of biodiversity
B.Demonstrate understanding of principles of biodiversity conservation strategies
C.Practice biodiversity legislation and regulations
D.Demonstrate understanding of biodiversity conventions results and recommendations
E.Apply principles of biodiversity monitoring to conservation practice
F.Demonstrate understanding of principles of establishing of protected areas


A.Demonstrate understanding of principles of marine ecology
B.Demonstrate understanding of principles of terrestrial ecology
C.Demonstrate understanding of principles of ecotoxicology
D.Demonstrate understanding of principles of population dynamics
E.Demonstrate understanding of principles of ecosystem conservation


A.Work with other organizations
B.Practice available regulations (national, local)
C.Acquire and organize data on laws and regulations
D.Write recommendations
E.Communicate recommendations


A.Demonstrate understanding of basic principles of design
B.Demonstrate understanding of basic terminology of design
C.Read blueprints (electrical, mechanical, logos)
D.Demonstrate understanding of principles of ergonomics


Core Abilities

19.General Education Outcomes
1.Apply scientific concepts and terminology.
2.Develop familiarity with the scientific method.
3.Explain the cell concept in the organization of living things.
4.Discuss the energy intake, storage, and use in living systems.
5.Describe the concept of atoms and molecules and their relationship to all matter.
6.Describe the symbols for the importance of the major atoms found in living things: C, H, O, N, Na, and K.
7.Explain the concept in the organization of living things.
8.Understand the basics of sound, light, and electromagnetic waves
9.Report Writing
11.General Chemistry
12.Apply mathematical symbols and concepts to area of study.
13.Use word processing software to employ the writing process to create effective paragraphs, expository writings, and business correspondence utilizing appropriate methods.
14.Create documents following appropriate layout and design.
15.Solve simple equations.
16.Use given formula(s) to solve problems.
17.Demonstrate the concept of balanced chemical reactions.
18.Technical Reporting (Associate Degree)
19.General Education Chemistry and Physics - General Education Chemistry and Physics at FVTC provides students with a physical science foundation so that they may recognize and apply scientific concepts in their programs, careers, and lives. Student will have acquired the tools to develop logical, problem solving skills. Problem solving includes data collection and analysis. The acquisition of data required participation as a member of a team, as well as utilization of computers and laboratory equipment. The analysis of data requires decision making, interpretation, and communication of results. Critical thinking in the physical sciences demands a basic understanding of the relationships between matter and energy. In Physics, the emphasis is on concepts of energy such as mechanics, heat, fluids, light, electricity, and magnetism. In Chemistry the emphasis is on the structure (atoms, compounds, and mixtures) and changes (chemical reactions) of matter.
20.Determine laboratory procedures needed for correct diagnoses.
21.Integrate the fundamental chemistry conc. of measurement, calc., observation, and occupational applications.
22.Use the writing process to prepare and present written documents.
23.Apply scientific concepts and methods
24.Use a scientific calculator to perform mathematical calculations.
25.Perform mathematical calculations.
26.Use research effectively and correctly to create oral and written presentations.
27.Read and understand written passages.
28.Student will demonstrate knowledge of introductory computer concepts with hands-on application. .
29.Apply economics to the environmental research and experimental design
30.Use various communication strategies to share meaning orally.
31.Recognize appropriate sources for current information.
32.Written Communication (Associate Degree)
33.Biology - The student who successfully completes Biology demonstrates a knowledge of the unity and diversity of life and the dynamic interactions among all organisms. Students differentiate among organisms, their role in the biosphere and their relationship to each other. Students will apply this knowledge to responsible utilization of earth's resources and appropriate preservation of the environment. Students work safely and carefully in a laboratory setting and apply this skill to acquiring and interpreting data in their occupational field.
34.Interpret basic statistical data.
35.Use percent formula(s) in solving applications.
36.Use both United States Customary System and the Metric System of measurement, and convert between the two systems.
37.Interpret current trends impacting the workplace.
38.Understand governmental participation at the grass-roots level.
39.Upon completion of the Economics course, individuals will be able to:
40.Oral/Interpersonal Communication (Associate Degree)
41.Introduction to Computer Literacy (2 and 3 credits) - The computer novice who successfully completes Introduction to Computer Literacy (2 credits) will demonstrate knowledge of introductory computer concepts through exploration and hands-on application. The concepts explored include basic computer systems, operating systems, Internet and email, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentation graphics and social issues of computer use. The student who successfully completes Introductory to Computer Literacy (3 credits) will have additional keyboarding experience.
42.Algebra - The student who successfully completes Algebra will apply basic algebraic concepts (integers, equations, factoring, graphing, formula rearrangement, and systems of equations) and problem-solving skills to meet specific Computer Information Systems program requirements.
43.Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2 - A student who successfully completed Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2 will have the knowledge of the complex structural and physiological interrelationships within the human body. This will be accomplished by a study of the cellular basic of life and a comprehensive study of all the major body organ systems, fluid, electrolyte, and acid base balance through study of current scientific knowledge and investigation during applicable laboratory activities. The student will be able to integrate and apply this information in their program courses, clinical and community setting, and continued professional advancement.
44.Microbiology - The student who successfully completes Microbiology demonstrates a knowledge of the dynamic relationship between microorganisms and the human body in health and disease. The student can apply this knowledge to their program courses, community and clinical health care needs, and continued professional advancement. Students differentiate among the variety of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and helminthes), their natural habitat, structural features, and method of transmission. Students will begin the process of applying this knowledge to basic principles of treatment and prevention of disease in their occupation field. Students use critical thinking skills and strategies for solving problems: interpretation of microbiology laboratory data, demonstrating understanding of isolation procedures in a hospital setting, predicting why and how public health strategies prevent community outbreaks of infectious diseases. Students work safely with microorganisms in the laboratory and apply this skill to prevention of disease in the health care setting and for their own safety. Students work successfully in laboratory teams and, utilizing computers, complete laboratory data analysis.
45.General Chemistry (Associate Degree) - Students enrolled in the Associate Degree Nursing, Dental Hygiene, Natural Resources, Agriculture Science and Technology, and Fire Protection Technology programs will have gained experience with inorganic chemical structures, e.g. writing and balancing chemical equations. They will also have studied organic chemical structure, properties, and names, and to a lesser extent, reactions in organic chemistry.
46.Economics - Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
47.Introduction to Psychology - Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:


Information Literacy and Research

A.learner identifies, locates and uses informational tools for research purposes

Global Perspective

A.learner demonstrates understanding of the value of a global perspective on society with respect to past, present and future events

Apply academics

A.learner transfers academic knowledge and principles to life and work situations

Work effectively in teams

A.learner demonstrates awareness of and respect for individual team member's differences.
B.learner completes own share of tasks necessary to complete project/activity.
C.learner encourages team members by listening and responding appropriately to their contributions.
D.learner gives and accepts constructive criticism.

Develop self-awareness

A.learner recognizes his/her individual self-worth, strengths, weaknesses and potential for growth
B.learner recognizes his/her individual biases and values
C.learner demonstrates the ability to give and receive constructive feedback
D.learner develops time and stress management skills
E.learner sets goals and devises strategies for educational, personal, and professional development in a changing world, consistent with his/her abilities and circumstances
6.Communicate effectively utilizing reading, writing, speaking and listening skills

Scientific, Mathematical & Technological

A.learner collects, organizes, computes and interprets quantitative and qualitative data and/or information
B.learner applies mathematics, science and technology to make decisions

Use technology

A.learner recognizes the impact of technology
B.learner selects and uses appropriate technology related to the course

Behave ethically

A.learner accepts responsibility for his/her actions
B.learner demonstrates respect for the rights, views, and work of others
C.learner exhibits personal, professional, and academic honesty
D.learner recognizes his/her responsibility to personal, social, professional, and educational environments and makes informed decisions based on that responsibility
E.learner displays behavior consistent with the ethical standards within a discipline or profession

Use mathematics

A.learner performs computations using appropriate methods
B.learner demonstrates knowledge and application of measurement
C.learner reads, interprets, and generates graphical information
D.learner demonstrates knowledge and application of formulas
E.learner uses critical thinking skills in a mathematical context

Think critically and creatively

A.learner applies the principles and strategies of organized thinking
B.learner practices analytical, explorative, and innovative thinking
C.learner applies problem-solving steps
D.learner makes decisions based on analysis
E.learner evaluates information, ideas, and problems
F.learner accepts all ideas during brainstorming sessions
G.learner collects data through probing questions and research
H.learner respects the contributions of others
I.learner uses techniques such as brainstorming to acquire alternative solutions
J.learner makes inferences and connections
K.learner demonstrates open-mindedness
L.learner demonstrates comparison skills
M.learner persists in the search for truth
N.learner presents ideas for critical evaluation

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

A.learner thinks critically
B.learner solves problems using basic research, analysis and interpretation

Communicate effectively

A.learner applies appropriate reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills to express information, ideas, and opinions
B.learner interprets non-verbal communication

Use appropriate technology

A.learner selects procedures, equipment, tools and resources to produce desired results.
B.learner analyzes technology resources to meet needs.
C.learner demonstrates knowledge of technology on the job and in personal life.

Communicate in written for effectively (in English)

A.learner communicates effectively in written forms
B.learner uses appropriate technology that supports or facilitates communication

Apply scientific and mathematical knowledge

A.learner collects, organizes, computes and interprets quantitative and qualitative data and/or information
B.learner applies mathematics, science and technology to make decisions

Think critically in the problem solving process

A.learner thinks critically
B.learner solves problems using basic research, analysis and interpretation

Have global prospect of the local problems

A.learner demonstrates understanding of the value of a global perspective on society with respect to past, present and future events

Use computer technology

A.learner recognizes the impact of technology
B.learner selects and uses appropriate technology

Develop job-seeking skills

A.learner identifies job possibilities
B.learner writes a resume
C.learner completes an application for a job
D.learner participates in an effective interview
E.learner accepts or rejects a job offer
F.learner develops a record keeping system for job search
G.learner researches job clusters to determine possible careers
H.learner determines career choices and alternative using personal information and career research
I.learner sets long-range and short-range goals
J.learner develops a plan of action to achieve goals
K.learner networks with peer groups and people in their career field

Social and Civic Responsibility

A.learner demonstrates ethical and cultural awareness
B.learner demonstrates an understanding of cultural diversity
C.learner demonstrates effective and appropriate modes of social interaction
22.Act responsibly

Work cooperatively

A.learner works with others to complete tasks, solve problems, resolve conflicts, share information, and offer support with a global and cultural awareness
24.Demonstrate civic, global, environmental and cultural responsibility

Use language, both oral and written, while working with others to learn problems

A.learner initiates and participates in conversations to understand a task or problem
B.learner develops a plan within a group for allocating time and effort to seek multiple resources (utilizing technology whenever possible) and to share information
C.learner records, organizes, and evaluates information relevant to solving problems
D.learner demonstrate in-depth analysis and possible solutions as a group through presentations, artifacts, and/or written reports

Cultivate global awareness

A.learner expresses an understanding of the interconnections and interactions among people and systems
B.learner accumulates knowledge of, and experience with, people in his/her own and other cultures, and how they live, think, communicate, and view the world
C.learner describes the impact of the global economy on life, work, and opportunities
D.learner recognizes the commonality of human experiences across cultures
E.learner recognizes the influence of diverse cultural perspectives on human thought and behavior

Learn effectively

A.learner takes responsibility for self as a learner
B.learner applies the learning process: assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating
C.learner identifies, assimilates, and integrates information and ideas
D.learner organizes and uses learning activities in a lifelong process

Solve problems

A.learner identifies problems to be solved, tasks to be performed, or decisions to be made.
B.learner formulates alternative solutions, processes, or decisions and identifies potential consequences.
C.learner selects appropriate solutions, processes or decisions.
D.learner evaluates problems, monitors the feedback and revises plans indicated by the findings.

Use science and technology

A.learner demonstrates knowledge of scientific terminology and principles
B.learner uses scientific principles appropriately in problem-solving and decision-making
C.learner applies the scientific method by organizing, analyzing, and interpreting data
D.learner uses appropriate scientific equipment, methods, and safety precautions
E.learner describes the changing nature of the interaction among science, technology, and society
F.learner uses critical thinking skills to approach and use new technology

Demonstrate social interaction

A.learner behaves appropriately in a variety of situations, circumstances, and roles
B.learner works effectively in pairs, as well as small and large groups
C.learner demonstrates awareness of, and respect for, personal differences
D.learner recognizes conflicts and uses conflict resolution skills when appropriate

Take responsibility for her or his own actions.

A.learner acknowledges one's actions
B.learner acknowledges one's role in group activities
C.learner reviews the results of one's actions
D.learner identifies the successes resulting from one's actions
E.learner identifies any problems resulting from one's actions and makes adaptations
F.learner evaluates and acts upon feedback
32.Apply effective problem solving strategies


Program Course Detail

Course 1. -- Values and Loyalties
Course NumberSS 112
Course TitleValues and Loyalties
Contact Hours45
CategoryGeneral Education Requirement


Course 2. -- Islamic Education
Course NumberIE 101
Course TitleIslamic Education
Contact Hours30
CategoryGeneral Education Requirement


Course 3. -- English 1(ESP)
Course NumberENG 115
Course TitleEnglish 1(ESP)
Contact Hours60
CategoryLanguage Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course is a critical reading for special purposes and expository writing offers training in the writing process, the development and organization of expository prose, and research techniques. The course emphasizes quality in logic and direction.


Course 4. -- Mathematics for Environmental Sciences
Course NumberNSC 111
Course TitleMathematics for Environmental Sciences
Contact Hours60
CategoryMajor Requirement
Course DescriptionThe course is designed to introduce basic analytic and geometric properties of the algebraic functions with heavy emphasis on the trigonometry. Topics included are: algebraic and trigonometric techniques, coordinate geometry, functions and relations and their graphic representation, and common logarithms.


Course 5. -- General Physics
Course NumberNSC 112
Course TitleGeneral Physics
Contact Hours60
CategoryMajor Requirement
Course DescriptionStudy of principles and applications of concepts in mechanics, energy and heat, wave motion, sound, light and waves , electricity and principles of nuclear physics, and dimensional analysis in problem solving. Students of physics gain a conceptual understanding of physical systems. Students use algebra, simple statistics, and trigonometry to understand forces. They engage in experimentation, scientific reasoning and logic, and data analysis and evaluation.


Course 6. -- General Chemistry
Course NumberNSC 146
Course TitleGeneral Chemistry
Contact Hours60
CategoryScience Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course covers fundamental principles and laws of chemistry. Topics include measurement, atomic and molecular structure, periodicity, chemical reactions, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, gas laws, and solutions.


Course 7. -- English Composition
Course NumberEN 116
Course TitleEnglish Composition
Contact Hours60
CategoryLanguage Requirement


Course 8. -- Organic Chemistry
Course NumberNSC 131
Course TitleOrganic Chemistry
Contact Hours60
CategoryScience Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course is designed to introduce organic compounds: their structures and functions in living organisms. Emphasis is made on the chemistry of living state: lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids.


Course 9. -- General Biology
Course NumberNSC 150
Course TitleGeneral Biology
Contact Hours60
CategoryScience Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course is designed to provide the student with a background in the basic principles of biology. It will acquaint students with the classification, structure and function of living organisms. It will enable students to identify representative members of different taxonomic groups of living organisms, as well as the structural characteristics of these groups. Emphasis is made on ecology, population, cellular and organismal biology, genetics, and the diversity of life, and how you relate to your environment.


Course 10. -- Environmental Science
Course NumberENV 101
Course TitleEnvironmental Science
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionThis course intended to provide a background of the basic chemical, physical and biological concepts and processes that help to understand environment and how it works; analyze relationship between humans and the environment including causes of environmental problems and consequences of human impact on the environment; identify major environmental problems and pros and cons of possible solutions.


Course 11. -- General Elective
Course TitleGeneral Elective
Contact Hours45
CategoryGeneral Elective
Course DescriptionGeneral elective course may be taken in areas of social studies, computer, or general science and education.


Course 12. -- Technical Writing
Course NumberEN 216
Course TitleTechnical Writing
Contact Hours90
CategoryLanguage Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course addresses the principles and methods of oral and written communication required in the work environment. It provides both a theoretical ground and practical experience in the field of workplace writing. In addition to creating memoranda, resumes, reports, proposals, and presentation materials, students will explore such topics as collaboration, document design, the ethical position of the workplace writer, and the special challenges posed by the increasingly international context of today's workplace environment Students will complete assignments in the classroom setting. Students will focus on interviewing skills, problem-solving skills, and technical correspondence demonstrating accuracy in grammar and mechanics.


Course 13. -- General Microbiology
Course NumberNSC 155
Course TitleGeneral Microbiology
Contact Hours60
CategoryMajor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course is designed to expose students to the general concepts of microbiology including the morphology, physiology, and genetics of microbes and the importance of microbial activities from medical, industrial, and ecological standpoints.


Course 14. -- Office applications
Course NumberCS 155
Course TitleOffice applications
Contact Hours60
CategoryMajor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course is designed to provide students with a basic knowledge of computer software. It is also designed to give students a practical usage of office used applications such as word processing, spreadsheet, slideshow, database and e-mail.


Course 15. -- Environmental Geology
Course NumberENV 216
Course TitleEnvironmental Geology
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionThis course intended to provide a background of concepts and processes that allow us to make meaningful assessment of problems related to human interactions with nature in terms of natural disasters and natural resources management, environmental ethics and human population growth consequences.


Course 16. -- Analytical Chemistry
Course NumberNSC 246
Course TitleAnalytical Chemistry
Contact Hours60
CategoryMajor Requirement
Course DescriptionStudy of the fundamental principles of quantitative analytical chemistry including basic statistics. An intensive laboratory experience which applies these principles to gravimetric, volumetric, colorimetric, chromatographic, and electroanalytical determination. Analytical chemistry concerns itself with the techniques and methods that answer the questions "What?" and "How much?" in the analysis of the chemical composition of matter. "What?" is the province of qualitative analysis, while "How much?" is the province of quantitative analysis. In this course, our focus will be with "How much?" -- the problems associated with the quantification of the amount of a species present in a given sample. A thorough understanding of quantitative analysis is a vital necessity for virtually all physical and biological scientists who are obliged to collect analytical data and apply statistical treatments to the data. A study of quantitative analysis is also of benefit in that it places the highest premium upon careful, orderly work and intellectually honest and fair observation. There are skills worthy of cultivating regardless of one's ultimate field of endeavor.


Course 17. -- Environmental Chemistry
Course NumberNSC 346
Course TitleEnvironmental Chemistry
Contact Hours60
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionEnvironmental chemistry is a branch of chemistry devoted to characterization and understanding of the chemical compositions, structures, processes, and behaviors of the environment in general, the earth surface system in particular, in its natural and perturbed states, and transport, transformation, fate, and cycling of natural chemical substances as well as pollutants within and between the compartments of the earth surface system, on various spatial and temporal scales. In a broader sense with applications in mind, environmental chemistry is also cross-linked to environmental toxicology, environmental geology, environmental biology, environmental remediation and waste treatment, environmental risk assessment, environmental medical sciences, and environmental social sciences. Generally speaking, environmental chemistry may consist of three areas: The chemistry of the natural environment, the chemistry of the polluted/disturbed environment, and the chemistry of environmental treatment and remediation. This course is designed to introduce to the students our current knowledge and understanding, as well as the fundamental concepts and principles, of environmental chemistry and their applications.


Course 18. -- Marine Environment
Course NumberENV 221
Course TitleMarine Environment
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course Descriptionhis course examines physical, chemical, geological and biological aspects of the oceans, including formation of the earth and oceans, brief history of the science of oceanography, concept of plate tectonics and how the earth looks today, basic chemistry of seawater and the physics of sound and light in a water and ocean currents and the way the oceans determine our climate. Special emphasis is on marine biology: nutrient cycling and adaptations, primary productivity and oceanic food webs, primary consumers, and invertebrate animals, fish and marine mammals, marine communities and marine resources and pollution of the ocean.


Course 19. -- Sustainable Development
Course NumberENV 222
Course TitleSustainable Development
Contact Hours45
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionThis course centers on the relationship between economic development and the environment, focusing on the concept of sustainable development. Time will be devoted to defining the term, examining its historical context, evaluating its meaning from a variety of perspectives, and assessing progress and prospects for its implementation. One premise of the course is that the implementation of sustainable development will require action at all levels of human activity: the international, national, state, local, and individual. Sustainability itself has been elevated to the status of a new global environmental and social ethic, it is the goal that guides and directs our actions. This course provides critical examination of the concepts of sustainability and insight to contemporary issues in environmental policy and management.


Course 20. -- Environmental Regulations
Course NumberENV 224
Course TitleEnvironmental Regulations
Contact Hours45
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionCourse is designed to introduce a global and local attempts to regulate the environment. The central issues are social movements, international environmental regimes, major environmental regulations and tools which help you to find the law, interpret it and use it.


Course 21. -- Climatology
Course NumberENV 226
Course TitleClimatology
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionCourse is designed to provide students with general knowledge of climatology in terms of its definition, physical factors, climatic zones distribution, relationships, and dynamic processes.


Course 22. -- Foundation of Engineering Seminar
Course NumberENV 241
Course TitleFoundation of Engineering Seminar
Contact Hours15
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionA course designed to introduce students to the requirements for general engineering: introduction to engineering graphics and blue prints interpretation, engineering terminology and abbreviations, and environmental systems designs analysis.Topics included are: interpreting drawings and blueprint reading in machine trades, types of lines used on a drawing, and how parts are shown in different views, Dimensioning and Tolerancing and engineering economics and thermodynamics.


Course 23. -- Introduction to Statistics
Course NumberSD 105
Course TitleIntroduction to Statistics
Contact Hours60
CategoryGeneral Education Requirement
Course DescriptionCourse is designed to introduce basic statistical concepts: central tendency, dispersion, variability and comparisons.


Course 24. -- Desert Environment
Course NumberENV 311
Course TitleDesert Environment
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course


Course 25. -- Environmental Analysis
Course NumberENV 313
Course TitleEnvironmental Analysis
Contact Hours60
CategoryMajor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course introduces physical, chemical and biological analysis of environmental samples. Topics included are: sampling strategies, procedures and quality control; sample preservation; laboratory analysis and data quality assurance.


Course 26. -- Air Pollution Management
Course NumberENV 314
Course TitleAir Pollution Management
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionAir quality protection, already a major concern throughout most of the world, is expected to increase in importance in the foreseeable future. In the U.S., the milestone Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 have given a strong impetus to this area of environmental management. At the present time, several billions of dollars are being spent each year to protect air quality, and the statutory and regulatory programs of the federal and state governments are reaching into all aspects of our society. This course explores the nature of critical local, regional, continental and global problems associated with air pollution and covers the historical evolution of such problems. It examines the complex regulatory and institutional framework controlling air quality management and explains current air quality management concepts and processes. Specific topics studied in the course include the history of air pollution, identification of atmospheric pollutants and their sources, effects of air pollution, emission and ambient air quality sampling and analysis, monitoring and surveillance networks, transport and dispersion of air pollutants, air pollution modeling and climatology, air quality criteria and standards, elements of regulatory control, and engineering control concepts, devices and systems.


Course 27. -- Meteorology
Course NumberENV 316
Course TitleMeteorology
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionThis course is a study of atmosphere and how its working. It intends to provide comprehensive background in the basic meteorology and its tools and methods. Topics included are: structure and processes in the atmosphere, Earth-Sun relationship, atmosphere-environment relationship and recent global climate changes, specifically those induced by human activity.


Course 28. -- Environmental Instrumentation
Course NumberENV 323
Course TitleEnvironmental Instrumentation
Contact Hours60
CategoryMajor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course is an introduction to laboratory and field portable instrumentation base applications to monitoring of environmental parameters. Topics included are: setting, calibration, running and maintaining of instrumentation as well as instrumental analytical methods


Course 29. -- Solid Waste Management
Course NumberENV 324
Course TitleSolid Waste Management
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionThe course gives an introduction to management of solid wastes. Collection, separation, thermal and biological treatment and construction, operation and monitoring of sanitary landfills is in focus. The course concerns alternative strategies for waste management and recycling of different types of solid waste. These methods include incineration, composting and anaerobic digestion. Environmental assessment of the different waste management options with respect to energy and resource consumption as well as environmental pollution is also included in the course. Basic engineering design, planning, and analysis problems associated with storage, collection, processing, and disposal of solid wastes are also included.


Course 30. -- Environmental Computer Applications
Course NumberENV 325
Course TitleEnvironmental Computer Applications
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionThis course is a brief introduction to creating, manipulating and analyzing databases using Excel and SPSS software with emphasis on their applications for environmental data storage, organization and analysis.


Course 31. -- Principles of Ecology
Course NumberENV 327
Course TitlePrinciples of Ecology
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionThis course should enable you to understand key concepts, general principles, and terminology fundamental to ecology. You should gain a working knowledge of the interdisciplinary nature of ecology and become acquainted with approaches to undertaking ecological research. We will examine ecological processes at the individual, community, and ecosystem level and discuss both abiotic and biotic factors involved in the interactions between organisms and their environment. Field and laboratory exercises will give you hands-on experience working with live organisms and applying ecological methods.


Course 32. -- Speciality Elective
Course TitleSpeciality Elective
Contact Hours45
CategorySpeciality Elective


Course 33. -- Water Quality Management
Course NumberENV 414
Course TitleWater Quality Management
Contact Hours60
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionThroughout history, the planning and management of water resources has remained among the chief concerns of society. For example, water shortages in parts of the world over the next 25 years will pose the single greatest threat to food production and human health. This course examines the basic physical and chemical aspects of the applied interdisciplinary science of hydrology and offers a broad perspective on the underlying hydrologic processes that directly influence sound water planning and management decisions. The organization of this course around the unifying concepts of the hydrologic cycle and the watershed allows application of hydrologic theory to local problems of water quantity and quality. Laboratory and field work provide opportunities to measure stream and ground-water flow, construct physical and computer models of flow, sample for and analyze water quality, conduct hydrologic site investigations, and design simple engineering solutions for hydrologic hazards such as floods and droughts.


Course 34. -- Remote Sensing and GIS
Course NumberENV 416
Course TitleRemote Sensing and GIS
Contact Hours60
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis class is an introduction to a rapidly growing technology of the satellite imagery used in remote sensing as applied to environmental studies with emphasis on Saudi Peninsula area. Course provides hands-on experience in digital image processing techniques. In addition GIS technology will be introduced as related to GPS and map interpretation.


Course 35. -- Conservation Biology
Course NumberENV 417
Course TitleConservation Biology
Contact Hours60
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionConservation biology is the science of preserving biodiversity and sustaining the earth. It is a synthetic discipline which draws upon the fields of ecology, genetics, philosophy, economics, sociology, and political science. The goal of conservation biology is the development of strategies for preserving populations, species, biological communities, and entire ecosystems. The major threat to these biological entities is the growing human population and our impact on the environment. Conservation biologists attempt to bring scientific principles and theory to bear on problems of management for preserving the richness of life on earth. In this class, we will examine human impact on biodiversity and the earth. We will also examine the contributions of theoretical biology to conservation biology. Furthermore, we will use case studies to survey the possibilities and the problems of applying conservation principles in the real world.


Course 36. -- Principles of Health Education
Course NumberENV 419
Course TitlePrinciples of Health Education
Contact Hours45
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course is designed to introduce philosophy, ethics and principles of the health education practice in schools, community, work site and hospital settings. It provides students with the background information and application on planning, implementation and evaluation of health promotion programs in a variety of settings as well as necessary communication skills.


Course 37. -- Risk Analysis and Management
Course NumberENV 475
Course TitleRisk Analysis and Management
Contact Hours60
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course will provide students with an overview of human health risk assessment particularly within the context of environmental, occupational and community settings. Students will learn about the traditional and stakeholder centered risk assessment process including hazard identification, exposure assessment, risk assessment, characterization, and communication. Case studies will be emphasized to provide a real world grounding for studentsSpecial emphasis is on the complexity of making decisions about threats to human health and the environment when people's perception of risks and their decision-making process differ from expert views. Recognizing the limitations of individuals in processing information the course explores the role of techniques such as decision analysis, cost-benefit analysis, risk assessment and risk perception in structuring risk management decisions. The policy tools such as risk communications, incentive systems, third party inspection, insurance and regulation are also explored.


Course 38. -- Environmental Economics
Course NumberENV 422
Course TitleEnvironmental Economics
Contact Hours45
CategoryMajor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course focuses on the relationship between the economy and the environment. It examines the causes of environmental problems and potential policies that can be used to address them. The role of externalities, property rights, and public goods is considered. The advantages and disadvantages of different regulatory responses are discussed. These include direct regulation and the more recent innovations such as incentive-based measures: emission taxes and tradable emission permits. The course examines methods used to value the costs and benefits of achieving a given level of environmental quality. Class debates focus on important and controversial environmental policy issues. Tools of the environmental economics, its policies and global and local environmental issues are addressed as well.


Course 39. -- Environmental Impact Assessment
Course NumberENV 423
Course TitleEnvironmental Impact Assessment
Contact Hours60
Course DescriptionThis course intended to provide the student with a fundamental understanding of environmental impact analysis process and methodologies; National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) and related regulations; various environmental documents prepared in response to NEPA requirements; international perspectives; and contemporary issues related to environmental assessment. Environmental Impact Statement spans the environmental review process and environmental impact statement preparation to integrated assessment and adaptive management. The problem-based approach will incorporate the dual facets of environmental impact assessment found in the real world: impact assessment and decision making.


Course 40. -- Environmental Research Methods
Course NumberENV 425
Course TitleEnvironmental Research Methods
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionCourse uses reading, case studies, and conceptual and mathematical modeling to develop an understanding of experimental design, data collection and analysis, and conceptual and basic mathematical models used in environmental research.


Course 41. -- Principles of Environmental Engineering
Course NumberENV 441
Course TitlePrinciples of Environmental Engineering
Contact Hours60
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionIntroduction to environmental engineering principles and survey of environmental designs and applications.


Course 42. -- Speciality Elective
Course TitleSpeciality Elective
Contact Hours45
CategorySpeciality Elective


Course 43. -- Internship
Course NumberENV 521
Course TitleIternship
Contact Hours450
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionOn-site- job training, course description depend on the Ministry or institute visited.


Course Configuration
SemesterCourse #Course TitleCreditsContact HrsCategory
1/1SS 112Values and Loyalties345General Education Requirement
1/1IE 101Islamic Education230General Education Requirement
1/1ENG 115English 1(ESP)360Language Requirement
1/1NSC 111Mathematics for Environmental Sciences360Major Requirement
1/1NSC 112General Physics360Major Requirement
1/1NSC 146General Chemistry360Science Requirement
  Semester Total17  
2/1EN 116English Composition360Language Requirement
2/1NSC 131Organic Chemistry360Science Requirement
2/1NSC 150General Biology360Science Requirement
2/1ENV 101Environmental Science360Core Course
2/1 General Elective345General Elective*
  Semester Total15  
1/2EN 216Technical Writing390Language Requirement
1/2NSC 155General Microbiology360Major Requirement
1/2CS 155Office applications360Major Requirement
1/2ENV 216Environmental Geology360Core Course
1/2NSC 246Analytical Chemistry360Major Requirement
  Semester Total15  
2/2NSC 346Environmental Chemistry360Minor Requirement
2/2ENV 221Marine Environment360Core Course
2/2ENV 222Sustainable Development345Core Course
2/2ENV 224Environmental Regulations345Core Course
2/2ENV 226Climatology360Core Course
2/2ENV 241Foundation of Engineering Seminar115Core Course
  Semester Total16  
1/3SD 105Introduction to Statistics360General  Requirement
1/3ENV 311Desert Environment360Core Course
1/3ENV 313Environmental Analysis360Major Requirement
1/3ENV 314Air Pollution Management360Core Course
1/3ENV 316Meteorology360Core Course
  Semester Total15  
2/3ENV 323Environmental Instrumentation360Major Requirement
2/3ENV 324Solid Waste Management360Core Course
2/3ENV 325Environmental Computer Applications360Core Course
2/3ENV 327Principles of Ecology360Core Course
2/3 Specialty Elective345Specialty Elective**
  Semester Total15  
1/4ENV 414Water Quality Management360Minor Requirement
1/4ENV 416Remote Sensing and GIS360Minor Requirement
1/4ENV 417Conservation Biology360Minor Requirement
1/4ENV 419Principles of Health Education345Minor Requirement
1/4ENV 475Risk Analysis and Management360Minor Requirement
  Semester Total15  
2/4ENV 422Environmental Economics345Major Requirement
 ENV 423Environmental Impact Assessment360 
2/4ENV 425Environmental Research Methods360Core Course
2/4ENV 441Principles of Environmental Engineering360Minor Requirement
2/4 Specialty Elective360Specialty Elective
  Semester Total15  
3/4ENV 521Internship4450Minor Requirement
  Semester Total4  
  Program Total127  

* Students should take minimum of 3 credits of general electives

**  Students should take minimum of 3 credits of specialty electives

Industrial Hygiene, Occupational Health and Safety Program 


Program Information
Instructional LevelBachelor or Science
Instructional AreaEnvironment
Original Developer(s)Dr. Areena Muard, Dr. Bader Al-Khalaf
Last Revision Date12/20/2004
Revised ByDr. Bader Al-Khalaf


Target Population
This program is designed for those who is seeking jobs in the area of Industrial Hygiene, Occupational and Environmental Health, Occupational Risk Analysis and Management


This program is designed to teach and train workforce for government and private sector in the area of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health (mainly in oil industry). Graduates will be able to apply acquired knowledge to assess environmental health and occupational problems, analyze and compare environmental and occupational pollution criteria and standards, and apply mitigation procedures.


Career/Job Titles
1.Health Inspector
2.Occupational Safety Officer
3.Occupational Health Inspector
4.Industrial Hygiene Officer


Related DACUM Studies DACUM A
OrganizationCDC, PAAET
FacilitatorDr. Areena Murad, Dr. Bader Al-Khalaf


Entry Requirements
1.High School Graduate with Science Inclination
2.High School GPA of minimum 70% 
3.Satisfactory result on the personal interview administered by the Department 
4.Placement tests: English (minimum 65%), Mathematics (minimum 65%), Chemistry (minimum 65%), Physics (minimum 65%) or 60% minimum score on placement tests and successful completion of the preparatory semester (minimum 65%)


Program Outcomes


A.Demonstrate understanding of principles of environmental monitoring
B.Communicate monitoring information
C.Write report on environmental status
D.Conduct evaluation of the status of the environment
E.Collect environmental data
F.Use portable labs for environmental monitoring
G.Calibrate portable equipment
H.Apply emergency planning procedures


Direct Measures


A.Apply knowledge of principles of modeling to dispersion model analysis
B.Apply basic oceanography principles to model analysis
C.Apply basic meteorological principles to model analysis
D.Use USEPA regulations (comparison of ambient emissions)
E.Apply KUEPA regulations (comparison of ambient emissions)
F.Calculate ambient conversions
G.Complete data entry (use mathematical formulas)
H.Identify type of model
I.Identify source of emission (type, etc.)


Direct Measures


A.Develop sample EMS
B.Demonstrate understanding of principles of EMS
C.Conduct baseline study for EMS
D.Develop policy procedures
E.Use models for EMS for occupational analysis
F.Maintain EMS model


A.Conduct HAZOP
B.Apply PHA
C.Demonstrate understanding of principles of exposure assessment (dose-response)
D.Write HSEIA plan
E.Demonstrate understanding of principles of EIA


A.Demonstrate understanding of principles of waste management
B.Communicate hazard information
C.Demonstrate understanding of economics of treatment system
D.Determine optimum treatment
E.Identify waste type
F.Practice waste management rules and regulations
G.Specify collection system
H.Specify treatment system and disposal
I.Maintain data QC/QA standards
J.Analyze samples
K.Sample waste
L.Monitor the disposal sites


A.Conduct hazard identification
B.Recommend measures for hazard mitigation
C.Measure hazard levels
D.Identify risk matrix
E.Prioritize risk
F.Locate hazardous spots ("hot spots")
G.Carry out exposure assessment
H.Communicate hazard information (community, media, stakeholders, etc.)
I.Calculate hazard levels


A.Maintain and calibrate air sampling equipment
B.Maintain and calibrate water sampling equipment
C.Maintain and calibrate sludge sampling equipment
D.Maintain and calibrate chemical waste sampling equipment
E.Maintain and calibrate soil sampling equipment
F.Maintain and calibrate medical waste sampling equipment
G.Maintain and calibrate biological sampling equipment
H.Maintain and calibrate radiation measuring equipment


A.Identify sample location (geographical)
B.Assess sampling results
C.Record sample custody information
D.Report sampling information
E.Transfer sample custody to the lab
F.Transport the sample
G.Preserve the sample
H.Collect needed samples
I.Identify sampling strategy
J.Prepare sampling equipment
K.Identify sampling equipment to use
L.Identify sample type
M.Identify sample matrix
N.Identify sample size


A.Perform biological analysis of water
B.Perform terrestrial biological analysis
C.Perform air analysis
D.Perform biological analysis of sediments
E.Perform chemical analysis of sediments
F.Perform chemical oceanography analysis
G.Perform physical oceanography analysis


A.Use Stockholm Agreement Protocol for analysis of environmental samples
B.Use Shuaiba Industrial Area Protocol for analysis of environmental samples
C.Use ROPME Protocol for analysis of environmental samples
D.Use MSDS Protocol for analysis of environmental samples
E.Use WHO Protocol for analysis of environmental samples
F.Use EPA Protocol for analysis of environmental samples
G.Use OSHA Protocol for analysis of environmental samples


A.Assess environmental data
B.Retrieve results of analysis
C.Run statistical package (SPSS)
D.Do data transformation and coding
E.Sort data
F.Enter data into computer


A.Demonstrate understanding of principles of design of environmental experiment
B.Interpret results of significance test
C.Interpret results of linear regression
D.Interpret results of ANOVA analysis
E.Interpret results of linear correlation
F.Interpret results of data central tendency and dispersion
G.Use scientific method in experimental design


A.Collect references
B.Prepare and conduct presentation
C.Organize the report order
D.Draw conclusions
E.Draft recommendations
F.Interpret data (results)
G.Define scope of work
H.Conduct baseline analysis


A.Demonstrate understanding of basic principles of design
B.Demonstrate understanding of principles of ergonomics
C.Read blueprints (electrical, mechanical, logos)
D.Demonstrate understanding of basic terminology of design


A.Demonstrate understanding of basic epidemiological concepts
B.Conduct critical review of epidemiological studies
C.Prepare epidemiological report
D.Interpret epidemiological data analysis results
E.Execute data analysis
F.Conduct surveillance of the work-related conditions
G.Apply epidemiological methods


General Education Outcomes
1.Apply scientific concepts and terminology.
2.Develop familiarity with the scientific method.
3.Explain the cell concept in the organization of living things.
4.Discuss the energy intake, storage, and use in living systems.
5.Describe the concept of atoms and molecules and their relationship to all matter.
6.Describe the symbols for the importance of the major atoms found in living things: C, H, O, N, Na, and K.
7.Use the writing process to prepare and present written documents.
8.Apply mathematical symbols and concepts to area of study.
9.Use word processing software to employ the writing process to create effective paragraphs, expository writings, and business correspondence utilizing appropriate methods.
10.Use research effectively and correctly to create oral and written presentations.
11.Create documents following appropriate layout and design.
12.Read and understand written passages.
13.Student will demonstrate knowledge of introductory computer concepts with hands-on application. .
14.Apply economics to the environmental research and experimental design
15.Interpret current trends impacting the workplace.
16.Technical Reporting (Associate Degree)
17.Economics - Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
18.Use various communication strategies to share meaning orally.
19.Use a scientific calculator to perform mathematical calculations.
20.Recognize appropriate sources for current information.
21.Written Communication (Associate Degree)
22.Read and understand technical materials
23.Written communication
24.Report writing
25.General Anatomy and Physiology
27.Surveillance Methods
28.Disease symptoms
29.Solve simple equations.
30.Use given formula(s) to solve problems.
31.Demonstrate the concept of balanced chemical reactions.
32.General Education Chemistry and Physics - General Education Chemistry and Physics at FVTC provides students with a physical science foundation so that they may recognize and apply scientific concepts in their programs, careers, and lives. Student will have acquired the tools to develop logical, problem solving skills. Problem solving includes data collection and analysis. The acquisition of data required participation as a member of a team, as well as utilization of computers and laboratory equipment. The analysis of data requires decision making, interpretation, and communication of results. Critical thinking in the physical sciences demands a basic understanding of the relationships between matter and energy. In Physics, the emphasis is on concepts of energy such as mechanics, heat, fluids, light, electricity, and magnetism. In Chemistry the emphasis is on the structure (atoms, compounds, and mixtures) and changes (chemical reactions) of matter.
33.Determine laboratory procedures needed for correct diagnoses.
34.Integrate the fundamental chemistry conc. of measurement, calc., observation, and occupational applications.
35.Use percent formula(s) in solving applications.
36.Interpret basic statistical data.
37.Use both United States Customary System and the Metric System of measurement, and convert between the two systems.
38.Understand governmental participation at the grass-roots level.
39.Upon completion of the Economics course, individuals will be able to:
40.Oral/Interpersonal Communication (Associate Degree)
41.Introduction to Computer Literacy (2 and 3 credits) - The computer novice who successfully completes Introduction to Computer Literacy (2 credits) will demonstrate knowledge of introductory computer concepts through exploration and hands-on application. The concepts explored include basic computer systems, operating systems, Internet and email, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentation graphics and social issues of computer use. The student who successfully completes Introductory to Computer Literacy (3 credits) will have additional keyboarding experience.
42.Algebra - The student who successfully completes Algebra will apply basic algebraic concepts (integers, equations, factoring, graphing, formula rearrangement, and systems of equations) and problem-solving skills to meet specific Computer Information Systems program requirements.
43.Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2 - A student who successfully completed Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2 will have the knowledge of the complex structural and physiological interrelationships within the human body. This will be accomplished by a study of the cellular basic of life and a comprehensive study of all the major body organ systems, fluid, electrolyte, and acid base balance through study of current scientific knowledge and investigation during applicable laboratory activities. The student will be able to integrate and apply this information in their program courses, clinical and community setting, and continued professional advancement.
44.Microbiology - The student who successfully completes Microbiology demonstrates a knowledge of the dynamic relationship between microorganisms and the human body in health and disease. The student can apply this knowledge to their program courses, community and clinical health care needs, and continued professional advancement. Students differentiate among the variety of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and helminthes), their natural habitat, structural features, and method of transmission. Students will begin the process of applying this knowledge to basic principles of treatment and prevention of disease in their occupation field. Students use critical thinking skills and strategies for solving problems: interpretation of microbiology laboratory data, demonstrating understanding of isolation procedures in a hospital setting, predicting why and how public health strategies prevent community outbreaks of infectious diseases. Students work safely with microorganisms in the laboratory and apply this skill to prevention of disease in the health care setting and for their own safety. Students work successfully in laboratory teams and, utilizing computers, complete laboratory data analysis.
45.Biology - The student who successfully completes Biology demonstrates a knowledge of the unity and diversity of life and the dynamic interactions among all organisms. Students differentiate among organisms, their role in the biosphere and their relationship to each other. Students will apply this knowledge to responsible utilization of earth's resources and appropriate preservation of the environment. Students work safely and carefully in a laboratory setting and apply this skill to acquiring and interpreting data in their occupational field.
46.General Chemistry (Associate Degree) - Students enrolled in the Associate Degree Nursing, Dental Hygiene, Natural Resources, Agriculture Science and Technology, and Fire Protection Technology programs will have gained experience with inorganic chemical structures, e.g. writing and balancing chemical equations. They will also have studied organic chemical structure, properties, and names, and to a lesser extent, reactions in organic chemistry.
47.Introduction to Psychology - Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
48.Perform mathematical calculations.


Core Abilities

Information Literacy and Research

A.learner identifies, locates and uses informational tools for research purposes

Global Perspective

A.learner demonstrates understanding of the value of a global perspective on society with respect to past, present and future events

Apply academics

A.learner transfers academic knowledge and principles to life and work situations

Work effectively in teams

A.learner demonstrates awareness of and respect for individual team member's differences.
B.learner completes own share of tasks necessary to complete project/activity.
C.learner encourages team members by listening and responding appropriately to their contributions.
D.learner gives and accepts constructive criticism.

Develop self-awareness

A.learner recognizes his/her individual self-worth, strengths, weaknesses and potential for growth
B.learner recognizes his/her individual biases and values
C.learner demonstrates the ability to give and receive constructive feedback
D.learner develops time and stress management skills
E.learner sets goals and devises strategies for educational, personal, and professional development in a changing world, consistent with his/her abilities and circumstances
6.Communicate effectively utilizing reading, writing, speaking and listening skills

Communicate in written for effectively (in English)

A.learner communicates effectively in written forms
B.learner uses appropriate technology that supports or facilitates communication

Apply scientific and mathematical knowledge

A.learner collects, organizes, computes and interprets quantitative and qualitative data and/or information
B.learner applies mathematics, science and technology to make decisions

Think critically in the problem solving process

A.learner thinks critically
B.learner solves problems using basic research, analysis and interpretation

Have global perspect of the local problems

A.learner demonstrates understanding of the value of a global perspective on society with respect to past, present and future events

Use computer technology

A.learner recognizes the impact of technology
B.learner selects and uses appropriate technology

Develop job-seeking skills

A.learner identifies job possibilities
B.learner writes a resume
C.learner completes an application for a job
D.learner participates in an effective interview
E.learner accepts or rejects a job offer
F.learner develops a record keeping system for job search
G.learner researches job clusters to determine possible careers
H.learner determines career choices and alternative using personal information and career research
I.learner sets long-range and short-range goals
J.learner develops a plan of action to achieve goals
K.learner networks with peer groups and people in their career field

Communicate effectively

A.learner applies appropriate reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills to express information, ideas, and opinions
B.learner interprets non-verbal communication

Learn effectively

A.learner takes responsibility for self as a learner
B.learner applies the learning process: assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating
C.learner identifies, assimilates, and integrates information and ideas
D.learner organizes and uses learning activities in a lifelong process

Demonstrate social interaction

A.learner behaves appropriately in a variety of situations, circumstances, and roles
B.learner works effectively in pairs, as well as small and large groups
C.learner demonstrates awareness of, and respect for, personal differences
D.learner recognizes conflicts and uses conflict resolution skills when appropriate

Use appropriate technology

A.learner selects procedures, equipment, tools and resources to produce desired results.
B.learner analyzes technology resources to meet needs.
C.learner demonstrates knowledge of technology on the job and in personal life.

Behave ethically

A.learner accepts responsibility for his/her actions
B.learner demonstrates respect for the rights, views, and work of others
C.learner exhibits personal, professional, and academic honesty
D.learner recognizes his/her responsibility to personal, social, professional, and educational environments and makes informed decisions based on that responsibility
E.learner displays behavior consistent with the ethical standards within a discipline or profession

Take responsibility for her or his own actions.

A.learner acknowledges one's actions
B.learner acknowledges one's role in group activities
C.learner reviews the results of one's actions
D.learner identifies the successes resulting from one's actions
E.learner identifies any problems resulting from one's actions and makes adaptations
F.learner evaluates and acts upon feedback

Social and Civic Responsibility

A.learner demonstrates ethical and cultural awareness
B.learner demonstrates an understanding of cultural diversity
C.learner demonstrates effective and appropriate modes of social interaction

Use technology

A.learner recognizes the impact of technology
B.learner selects and uses appropriate technology
21.Act responsibly

Work cooperatively

A.learner works with others to complete tasks, solve problems, resolve conflicts, share information, and offer support with a global and cultural awareness
23.Analytical skills
24.Research skills
25.Interpersonal skills

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

A.learner thinks critically
B.learner solves problems using basic research, analysis and interpretation

Use mathematics

A.learner performs computations using appropriate methods
B.learner demonstrates knowledge and application of measurement
C.learner reads, interprets, and generates graphical information
D.learner demonstrates knowledge and application of formulas
E.learner uses critical thinking skills in a mathematical context

Scientific, Mathematical & Technological

A.learner collects, organizes, computes and interprets quantitative and qualitative data and/or information
B.learner applies mathematics, science and technology to make decisions

Think critically and creatively

A.learner applies the principles and strategies of purposeful, organized thinking
B.learner practices analytical, explorative, and innovative thinking
C.learner demonstrates the integration of culturally and aesthetically based knowledge and understanding into problem solving activities

Solve problems

A.learner identifies problems to be solved, tasks to be performed, or decisions to be made.
B.learner formulates alternative solutions, processes, or decisions and identifies potential consequences.
C.learner selects appropriate solutions, processes or decisions.
D.learner evaluates problems, monitors the feedback and revises plans indicated by the findings.

Cultivate global awareness

A.learner expresses an understanding of the interconnections and interactions among people and systems
B.learner accumulates knowledge of, and experience with, people in his/her own and other cultures, and how they live, think, communicate, and view the world
C.learner describes the impact of the global economy on life, work, and opportunities
D.learner recognizes the commonality of human experiences across cultures
E.learner recognizes the influence of diverse cultural perspectives on human thought and behavior

Use science and technology

A.learner demonstrates knowledge of scientific terminology and principles
B.learner uses scientific principles appropriately in problem-solving and decision-making
C.learner applies the scientific method by organizing, analyzing, and interpreting data
D.learner uses appropriate scientific equipment, methods, and safety precautions
E.learner describes the changing nature of the interaction among science, technology, and society
F.learner uses critical thinking skills to approach and use new technology
34.Apply effective problem solving strategies



Program Course Detail

Course 1. -- Values and Loyalties
Course NumberSS 112
Course TitleValues and Loyalties
Contact Hours45
CategoryGeneral Education Requirement


Course 2. -- English (ESP)
Course NumberENG 115
Course TitleEnglish (ESP)
Contact Hours60
CategoryLanguage Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course in critical reading for special purposes and expository writing offers training in the writing process, the development and organization of expository prose, and research techniques. The course emphasizes quality in logic and diction.


Course 3. -- Mathematics for Enviromental Science
Course NumberNSC 111
Course TitleMathematics for Enviromental Science
Contact Hours60
CategoryMajor Requirement
Course DescriptionThe course is designed to introduce basic analytic and geometric properties of the algebraic functions with heavy emphasis on the trigonometry. Topics included are: algebraic and trigonometric techniques, coordinate geometry, functions and relations and their graphic representation, and common logarithms.


Course 4. -- General Physics
Course NumberNSC 112
Course TitleGeneral Physics
Contact Hours60
CategoryScience Requirement
Course DescriptionStudy of principles and applications of concepts in mechanics, energy and heat, wave motion, sound, light and waves , electricity and principles of nuclear physics, and dimensional analysis in problem solving. Students of physics gain a conceptual understanding of physical systems. Students use algebra, simple statistics, and trigonometry to understand forces. They engage in experimentation, scientific reasoning and logic, and data analysis and evaluation.


Course 5. -- General Chemistry
Course NumberNSC 146
Course TitleGeneral Chemistry
Contact Hours60
CategoryScience Requirement
Course DescriptionCourse Description. This course covers fundamental principles and laws of chemistry. Topics include measurement, atomic and molecular structure, periodicity, chemical reactions, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, gas laws, and solutions


Course 6. -- Islamic Education
Course NumberIE 101
Course TitleIslamic Education
Contact Hours30
CategoryGeneral Education Requirement


Course 7. -- English Composition
Course NumberEN 116
Course TitleEnglish Composition
Contact Hours60
CategoryLanguage Requirement


Course 8. -- Organic Chemistry
Course NumberNSC 131
Course TitleOrganic Chemistry
Contact Hours60
CategoryScience Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course is designed to introduce organic compounds: their structures and functions in living organisms. Emphasis is made on the chemistry of living state: lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids.


Course 9. -- General Biology
Course NumberNSC 150
Course TitleGeneral Biology
Contact Hours60
CategoryScience Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course is designed to provide the student with a background in the basic principles of biology. It will acquaint students with the classification, structure and function of living organisms. It will enable students to identify representative members of different taxonomic groups of living organisms, as well as the structural characteristics of these groups. Emphasis is made on ecology, population, cellular and organismal biology, genetics, evolution, and the diversity of life, and how you relate to your environment.


Course 10. -- Environmental Science
Course NumberENV 101
Course TitleEnvironmental Science
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionThis course intended to provide a background of the basic chemical, physical and biological concepts and processes that help to understand environment and how it works; analyze relationship between humans and the environment including causes of environmental problems and consequences of human impact on the environment; identify major environmental problems and pros and cons of possible solutions.


Course 11. -- Ceneral Elective
Course TitleCeneral Elective
Contact Hours45
CategoryGeneral Elective
Course DescriptionGeneral elective course may be taken in areas of social studies, computer, or general science and education.


Course 12. -- Technical Writing
Course NumberEN 216
Course TitleTechnical Writing
Contact Hours90
CategoryLanguage Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course addresses the principles and methods of oral and written communication required in the work environment. It provides both a theoretical grounding and practical experience in the field of workplace writing. In addition to creating memoranda, resumes, reports, proposals, and presentation materials, students will explore such topics as collaboration, document design, the ethical position of the workplace writer, and the special challenges posed by the increasingly international context of today's workplace environment Students will complete assignments in the classroom setting. Students will focus on interviewing skills, problem-solving skills, and technical correspondence demonstrating accuracy in grammar and mechanics.


Course 13. -- Office Applications
Course NumberCS 115
Course TitleOffice Applications
Contact Hours60
CategoryMajor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course is designed to provide students with a basic knowledge of computer software. It is also designed to give students a practical usage of office used applications such as word processing, spreadsheet, slideshow, database and e-mail


Course 14. -- General Microbiology
Course NumberNSC 155
Course TitleGeneral Microbiology
Contact Hours60
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course is designed to expose students to the general concepts of microbiology including the morphology, physiology, and genetics of microbes and the importance of microbial activities from medical, industrial, and ecological standpoints


Course 15. -- Analytical Chemistry
Course NumberNSC 246
Course TitleAnalytical Chemistry
Contact Hours60
CategoryMajor Requirement
Course DescriptionStudy of the fundamental principles of quantitative analytical chemistry including basic statistics. An intensive laboratory experience which applies these principles to gravimetric, volumetric, colorimetric, chromatographic, and electroanalytical determination. Analytical chemistry concerns itself with the techniques and methods that answer the questions "What?" and "How much?" in the analysis of the chemical composition of matter. "What?" is the province of qualitative analysis, while "How much?" is the province of quantitative analysis. In this course, our focus will be with "How much?" -- the problems associated with the quantification of the amount of a species present in a given sample. A thorough understanding of quantitative analysis is a vital necessity for virtually all physical and biological scientists who are obliged to collect analytical data and apply statistical treatments to the data. A study of quantitative analysis is also of benefit in that it places the highest premium upon careful, orderly work and intellectually honest and fair observation. There are skills worthy of cultivating regardless of one's ultimate field of endeavor.


Course 16. -- Enviromental Geology
Course NumberENV 216
Course TitleEnviromental Geology
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionThis course intended to provide a background of concepts and processes that allow us to make meaningful assessment of problems related to human interactions with nature in terms of natural disasters and natural resources management, environmental ethics and human population growth consequences.


Course 17. -- Anatomy and Physiology
Course NumberMED 158
Course TitleAnatomy and Physiology
Contact Hours60
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course is designed to introduce students to the structure and organization of various systems in the human body. It deals with the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, circulatory system, blood, digestive system, urinary system, endocrine and reproductive systems. Using a body systems approach, the course emphasizes the interrelationships between structure and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization of the entire human body.


Course 18. -- Introduction to Statistics
Course NumberSD 105
Course TitleIntroduction to Statistics
Contact Hours60
CategoryGeneral Education Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course will introduce the concepts of probability, including: sets, Venn diagrams, definition of probability, algebra of probabilities, counting principles, some discrete random variables and their distributions, graphical displays, expected values, the normal distribution, the Central Limit Theorem, applications, and some statistical concepts


Course 19. -- Environmental Regulations
Course NumberENV 224
Course TitleEnvironmental Regulations
Contact Hours45
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionCourse is designed to introduce a global and local attempts to regulate the environment. The central issues are social movements, international environmental regimes, major environmental regulations and tools which help you to find the law, interpret it and use it.


Course 20. -- Foundation of Engineering Seminar
Course NumberENV 241
Course TitleFoundation of Engineering Seminar
Contact Hours15
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionA course designed to introduce students to the requirements for general engineering: introduction to engineering graphics and blue prints interpretation, engineering terminology and abbreviations, and environmental systems designs analysis.Topics included are: interpreting drawings and blueprint reading in machine trades, types of lines used on a drawing, and how parts are shown in different views, Dimensioning and Tolerancing and engineering economics and thermodynamics.


Course 21. -- Public Health
Course NumberENV 274
Course TitlePublic Health
Contact Hours45
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionCourse introduce concepts of demography, fundamental aspects of public health, environmental impacts on health and principles of communicable and prevention of diseases.


Course 22. -- General Elective
Course NumberENV 212
Course TitleGeneral Elective
Contact Hours45
CategoryGeneral Elective


Course 23. -- Clinical Medicine
Course NumberMED 160
Course TitleClinical Medicine
Contact Hours45
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course will emphsis the First Aid basic procedures. It will focus on the immediate care given to the injured or suddenly ill person. It is the temporary assistance that is rendered until competent medical care, if required, arrives and takes over. This is a basic course on health care issues. This course will provide the learner the skills of First Aid practices in work or lifestyle places in locations where the EMS (Emergency Medical Services) response time is questionable.??CrLf??


Course 24. -- Environmental Analysis
Course NumberENV 313
Course TitleEnvironmental Analysis
Contact Hours60
CategoryMajor Requirement
Course DescriptionLaboratory and lecture on sampling. Field and laboratory analysis of chemical and physical agents found in the occupational and ambient environments.


Course 25. -- Air Pollution Management
Course NumberENV 314
Course TitleAir Pollution Management
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionAir quality protection, already a major concern throughout most of the world, is expected to increase in importance in the foreseeable future. In the U.S., the milestone Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 have given a strong impetus to this area of environmental management. At the present time, several billions of dollars are being spent each year to protect air quality, and the statutory and regulatory programs of the federal and state governments are reaching into all aspects of our society. This course explores the nature of critical local, regional, continental and global problems associated with air pollution and covers the historical evolution of such problems. It examines the complex regulatory and institutional framework controlling air quality management and explains current air quality management concepts and processes. Specific topics studied in the course include the history of air pollution, identification of atmospheric pollutants and their sources, effects of air pollution, emission and ambient air quality sampling and analysis, monitoring and surveillance networks, transport and dispersion of air pollutants, air pollution modeling and climatology, air quality criteria and standards, elements of regulatory control, and engineering control concepts, devices and systems.


Course 26. -- Meteorology
Course NumberENV 316
Course TitleMeteorology
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionThis course is a study of atmosphere and how its working. It intends to provide comprehensive background in the basic meteorology and its tools and methods. Topics included are: structure and processes in the atmosphere, Earth-Sun relationship, atmosphere-environment relationship and recent global climate changes, specifically those induced by human activity.


Course 27. -- Ergonomics
Course NumberENV 374
Course TitleErgonomics
Contact Hours45
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionThe Ergonomics course is concerned with the achievement of optimal relationships between humans and their work environment. Topics include the capabilities and limitations of humans and machines, simulation of design and training, principles of symbolic and pictorial displays, static and dynamic forces on the human body, responses to environmental stress, injuries from poorly designed workplaces, and repetitive motion with emphasis on prevention.


Course 28. -- Occupational Health and Safety
Course NumberENV 325
Course TitleOccupational Health and Safety
Contact Hours60
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course introduce the effects of exposure to chemical, physical, and biological agents, embracing the community and workplace environments. It examines scientific determinations of environmental risks and explores how such determinations are evaluated by affected communities and society. It employs risk analysis to integrate technical knowledge in hazard identification and exposure assessment to provide a more rational basis for environmental policies.


Course 29. -- Environmental Instrumentation
Course NumberENV 323
Course TitleEnvironmental Instrumentation
Contact Hours60
CategoryMajor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course is an introduction to laboratory and field portable instrumentation base applications to monitoring of environmental parameters. Topics included are: setting, calibration, running and maintaining of instrumentation as well as instrumental analytical methods.


Course 30. -- Solid Waste Management
Course NumberENV 324
Course TitleSolid Waste Management
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionThe course gives an introduction to management of solid wastes. Collection, separation, thermal and biological treatment and construction, operation and monitoring of sanitary landfills is in focus. The course concerns alternative strategies for waste management and recycling of different types of solid waste. These methods include incineration, composting and anaerobic digestion. Environmental assessment of the different waste managment options with respect to energy and resource consumption as well as environmental pollution is also included in the course. Basic engineering design, planning, and analysis problems associated with storage, collection, processing, and disposal of solid wastes are also included.


Course 31. -- Environmental Computer Applications
Course NumberENV 325
Course TitleEnvironmental Computer Applications
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionThis course is a brief introduction to creating, manipulating and analyzing databases using Excel and SPSS software with emphasis on their applications for environmental data storage, organization and analysis


Course 32. -- Environmental Toxicology
Course NumberENV 346
Course TitleEnvironmental Toxicology
Contact Hours60
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionThe course presents an introduction to the study of hazardous substances, their effect on humans and their action and movement in the environment. Emphasis is placed on substances of a particular concern today.


Course 33. -- Principles of Industrial Hygiene
Course NumberENV 474
Course TitlePrinciples of Industrial Hygiene
Contact Hours60
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionThe philosophy of the course is to teach students the basic tenets of industrial hygiene and to impress upon them their responsibility as health and safety professionals to anticipate, recognize, evaluate and control those environmental factors or stresses, arising in or from the workplace, which may cause sickness, impaired health and well being, or significant discomfort and inefficiency among workers or among the citizens of the community.This course also considers the principles and practices of the fundamentals of Occupational Safety & Health and its relationship to Industrial Safety with the focus on the process of safety, environmental technology and management needs of the safety professional, we will focus on the basics that the safety and health professionals need to understand before they can accept responsibility for reducing hazards and "Loss Prevention," by the conservation of our physical and human resources by protecting people, property, and the environment from undesired outcomes that depreciate them or inhibit their enrichment entrusted to them. Performance Management will be discussed throughout the semester. Stress is made on basic concepts of industrial hygiene including anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of environmental and safety hazards as they pertain to the workplace.


Course 34. -- Water Quality Management
Course NumberENV 414
Course TitleWater Quality Management
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionThroughout history, the planning and management of water resources has remained among the chief concerns of society. For example, water shortages in parts of the world over the next 25 years will pose the single greatest threat to food production and human health. This course examines the basic physical and chemical aspects of the applied interdisciplinary science of hydrology and offers a broad perspective on the underlying hydrologic processes that directly influence sound water planning and management decisions. The organization of this course around the unifying concepts of the hydrologic cycle and the watershed allows application of hydrologic theory to local problems of water quantity and quality. Laboratory and field work provide opportunities to measure stream and ground-water flow, construct physical and computer models of flow, sample for and analyze water quality, conduct hydrologic site investigations, and design simple engineering solutions for hydrologic hazards such as floods and droughts.


Course 35. -- Principles of Epidemiology
Course NumberENV 418
Course TitlePrinciples of Epidemiology
Contact Hours60
Course DescriptionCourse introduces the concepts of epidemiology, measurements of health and diseases, types of epidemiological studies, causation and environmental epidemiology.


Course 36. -- Risk Analysis and Management
Course NumberENV 475
Course TitleRisk Analysis and Management
Contact Hours60
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course will provide students with an overview of human health risk assessment particularly within the context of environmental, occupational and community settings. Students will learn about the traditional and stakeholder centered risk assessment process including hazard identification, exposure assessment, risk assessment, characterization, and communication. Case studies will be emphasized to provide a real world grounding for studentsSpecial emphasis is on the complexity of making decisions about threats to human health and the environment when people's perception of risks and their decision-making process differ from expert views. Recognizing the limitations of individuals in processing information the course explores the role of techniques such as decision analysis, cost-benefit analysis, risk assessment and risk perception in structuring risk management decisions. The policy tools such as risk communications, incentive systems, third party inspection, insurance and regulation are also explored.


Course 37. -- Speciality Elective
Course TitleSpeciality Elective
Contact Hours45
CategorySpeciality Elective


Course 38. -- Environmental Economics
ENV 422
Environmental Economics
Major Requirement
This course focuses on the relationship between the economy and the environment. It examines the causes of environmental problems and potential policies that can be used to address them. The role of externalities, property rights, and public goods is considered. The advantages and disadvantages of different regulatory responses are discussed. These include direct regulation and the more recent innovations such as incentive-based measures: emission taxes and tradable emission permits. The course examines methods used to value the costs and benefits of achieving a given level of environmental quality. Class debates focus on important and controversial environmental policy issues. Tools of the environmental economics, its policies and global and local environmental issues are addressed as well.


Course 39. -- Environmental Research Methods
Course NumberENV 425
Course TitleEnvironmental Research Methods
Contact Hours60
CategoryCore Course
Course DescriptionCourse uses reading, case studies, and conceptual and mathematical modeling to develop an understanding of experimental design, data collection and analysis, and conceptual and basic mathematical models used in environmental research.


Course 40. -- Sampling Methods in Industrial Hygiene
Course NumberENV 485
Course TitleSampling Methods in Industrial Hygiene
Contact Hours45
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionAir sampling methods for gases, vapors, aerosols and fibers including integrated, direct reading, bulk, surface and biological methods. Control procedures including instrument calibration, preparation of test atmospheres, and statistical methods for data analysis. Design of sampling strategies.


Course 41. -- Principles of HSE Inspection
Course NumberENV 484
Course TitlePrinciples of HSE Inspection
Contact Hours45
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionThis course is designed to provide students with basic information on the concepts and principles of Health, Safety and Environmental Inspection which can be used by the regulatory and HSE Departments within governmental and private organizations and ensure all activities are according to accepted standards, laws and regulations. Topics included are: definition of the environmental inspection and its objectives, inspection activities and writing inspection reports.


Course 42. -- Speciality Elective
Course TitleSpeciality Elective
Contact Hours45
CategorySpeciality Elective


Course 43. -- Iternship
Course NumberENV 523
Course TitleIternship
Contact Hours450
CategoryMinor Requirement
Course DescriptionOn-site- job training, course description depend on the Ministry or institute visited.


Course Configuration
SemesterCourse #Course TitleCreditsContact HrsCategory
1/1SS 112Values and Loyalties345General Education Requirement
1/1ENG 115English (ESP)360Language Requirement
1/1NSC 111Mathematics for Enviromental Science360Major Requirement
1/1NSC 112General Physics360Science Requirement
1/1NSC 146General Chemistry360Science Requirement
1/1IE 101Islamic Education230General Education Requirement
  Semester Total17  
2/1EN 116English Composition360Language Requirement
2/1NSC 131Organic Chemistry360Science Requirement
2/1NSC 150General Biology360Science Requirement
2/1ENV 101Environmental Science360Core Course
2/1 General Elective345General Elective*
  Semester Total15  
1/2EN 216Technical Writing390Language Requirement
1/2CS 115Office Applications360Major Requirement
1/2NSC 155General Microbiology360Minor Requirement
1/2NSC 246Analytical Chemistry360Major Requirement
1/2ENV 216Enviromental Geology360Core Course
  Semester Total15  
2/2MED 158Anatomy and Physiology360Minor Requirement
2/2SD 105Introduction to Statistics360General  Requirement
2/2ENV 224Environmental Regulations345Core Course
2/2ENV 241Foundation of Engineering Seminar115Core Course
2/2ENV 274Public Health345Core Course
2/2 General Elective345General Elective
  Semester Total16  
1/3MED 160Clinical Medicine345Minor Requirement
1/3ENV 313Environmental Analysis360Major Requirement
1/3ENV 314Air Pollution Management360Core Course
1/3ENV 316Meteorology360Core Course
1/3ENV 374Ergonomics345Minor Requirement
  Semester Total15  
2/3ENV 325Occupational Health and Safety360Minor Requirement
2/3ENV 323Environmental Instrumentation360Major Requirement
2/3ENV 324Solid Waste Management360Core Course
2/3ENV 325Environmental Computer Applications360Core Course
2/3ENV 346Environmental Toxicology360Minor Requirement
  Semester Total15  
1/4ENV 474Principles of Industrial Hygiene360Minor Requirement
1/4ENV 414Water Quality Management360Core Course
1/4ENV 418Principles of Epidemiology360 
1/4ENV 475Risk Analysis and Management360Minor Requirement
1/4 Speciality Elective345Speciality Elective**
  Semester Total15  
2/4ENV 422Environmental Economics345Major Requirement
2/4ENV 425Environmental Research Methods360Core Course
2/4ENV 485Sampling Methods in Industrial Hygiene345Minor Requirement
2/4ENV 484Principles of HSE Inspection345Minor Requirement
2/4 Speciality Elective345Speciality Elective
  Semester Total15  
3/4ENV 523Iternship4450Minor Requirement
  Semester Total4  
  Program Total127  

* Students should take minimum of 3 credits of general electives

**  Students should take minimum of 3 credits of specialty electives


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