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Course name clinical application in dentistry

Course number               DA 102

Credits        3

Hours/Week 2 Theoretical hrs. 2 Practical Hrs.

 Prerequisite (s)     none

Co requisite (s)      none

The student will be familiar with the instrument and equipment used in dental field . Also this course provides the students with basic theoretical and clinical information necessary in dental assistant practice. It is designed towards the first year students in the first semester .The instructions are performed through class presentation and on – campus lab


Cours name introduction to dentistry

Course Number : DA 101

 Credits : 3

Hours / week : 3 Theoretical Hrs. 0 Practical Hrs.

Prerequisite (s) None

Co requisite(s) None

This Course is designed assisting students to the science of dentistry and the profession of dental assistant . It is designed toward the first year students in the first semester and instruction in the course are perfumed through classroom presentation.


Course name clinical practice in Diploma

Course Number : DA 111

Credits : 2

Hours / week : 1 Theoretical Hrs. 3 Practical Hrs.

Prerequisite (s) Clinical applications in Dentistry DA 102

Co requisite(s) None

A comprehensive course designed to acquaint the student with the many aspects of assisting at chair – side in the treatment of dental patients. Among the areas included are : Patients management techniques ; taking and recording medical and dental histories ; vital signs ; Preforming and assisting with clinical examinations and charting ; assisting with local anesthesia and all areas of dental treatment , also operating and maintaining dental equipment and sterilization . it is designed towards first year students in second semester . The instruction type of this course is through class presentation and on- campus clinical practice.



Course Name: Dental Radiology

Course Number : DA 113 Credits : 3

Hours / week : 1 Theoretical Hrs. 4 Practical Hrs.

Prerequisite (s) None

Co requisite(s) None

This , course is designed to introduce the student to the science to the science of radiology. It will explain the basic concept of the x- ray image formation and will give the student the access to the new techniques of X-ray. In addition, it will enable the students to differentiate between the anatomical landmarks and pathological defects that are found in both the maxillary and mandibular arches of the oral cavity. It is designed towards the first years students in the second semester. The instructions of this course will be through classroom presentation, On campus clinical practice and field work.


Course Name: infection control in dentistry

Course Number : DA 115

Credits : 3

Hours / week : 3 Theoretical Hrs. 0 Practical Hrs.

Prerequisite (s) None

Co requisite(s) None

This Course is designed to give the student an overview of the biological burden encountered in the dental office , the philosophy of infection control in dentistry, and the methods of protecting both , the patient and the staff . In addition , current concepts of occupational safety and health risks encountered in the dental clinic environment will be presented with strategies to lower risks and improved working environment. It is directed towards the student in the campus clinical practice and files work.


Course Name: oral pathology and histology

Course Number :   DA 203

Credits : 3

Hours / week : 3 Theoretical Hrs. 0 Practical Hrs.

Prerequisite (s) None

Co requisite(s) None

This course will provide the basic understanding of diseases of the mouth and surrounding structures , and the skills necessary to detect deviations from normal in the evolution of patient health  status . in addition , it will provide an overview of the embryological development of the oral cavity and surrounding structures and the histologic structure oral tissues . the student is provided the opportunity to learn the development , structure , morphology, eruption and function of the primary and permeant dentition . this course is directed toward the student in the first semester of their second year of study. The instruction of this course is through class presentation only.


Course Name: medical emergencies in dentistry

 Course Number :  DA 204

Credits : 3

Hours / week : 2 Theoretical Hrs. 2 Practical Hrs.

Prerequisite (s) None

Co requisite(s) None

This course will provide the student with basic information necessary to successfully manage the common emergency conditions that would occur in the dental clinic. This course is directed towards the student in the first semester of the second year of their study . the instructions of this course are preformed through class presentation and on – campus clinical practical.


Course Name: clinical practice in dentistry III

Course Number :   DA 211

Credits : 4

Hours / week : 16 clinical hours.

Prerequisite (s) clinical applications in Dentistry , clinical practice in Dentistry I and II

Co requisite(s) None

This clinical experience is continuation of clinical practice and instrumentation I , II. Each student will gain additional chair – side assisting skills and experience begin to incorporate the advance functions into patient treatment procedures . this course is directed towards the student in the second semester of their study. The instruction of this course is performed through field work.


Course Name: Dental seminars

Course Number :   DA 212 Credits : 3

Hours / week : 3 Theoretical hrs. 0 practical hrs.

Prerequisite (s) none

Co requisite(s) None

A comprehensive course designed to acquaint student with the art , research and science of oral health . this course trains student to familiar with the research like skills and tools and enable them to master the presentation skills . Emphasis is on health education theories , plaque control aids , nutrition, smoking cessation and fluoride and variety of oral health related subject . this course is directed towards the student in the second semester of the second year of their study.

The instructions are performed through class presentation by the teacher and the student .


Course Name: Clinical practice in Dentistry II

Course Number :   DA 201

Credits : 4

Hours / week : 2 Theoretical hrs. 6 practical hrs.

Prerequisite (s) Clinical applications in Dentistry , Clinical Practice in Dentistry I

Co requisite(s) None

A clinical experience in which each student will be given the opportunity to learn and utilize basic assisting skills. Student will be assigned a given number of dental patient .Each student will assist with introducing the patient to the clinic operation policies , establishing record , taking vital signs, charting , planning appointment , assisting with or preforming certain dental services , performing bookkeeping entries , and dismissing patient . this course is directed towards the student in the second semester of the second year of their study. The instructions of this course are preformed through the field work.


Course Name: Dental Materials II

Course Number :   DA 202 Credits :3

Hours / week : 2 Theoretical hrs. 2 practical hrs.

Prerequisite (s) Dental material I DA 112

Co requisite(s) None

This will emphasize on teaching the student clinical application of material used in dentistry

e.g Restorative dentistry ( gold – ceramic , acrylics , cements , Models material , liner, bases and privative materials

(, orthodontics and periodontics martials ) Wires , stainless steel ,and rubber

) , and implant dentistry ( Titanium , and all related materials ) . In addition the course will demonstrate clinical handling of different dental instrumentations and use of dental equipment used to polish mix , set different dental materials . This course is course is directed towards the student in the first semester of the second year of their study . The instructions in this course is performed through class presentation and on – campus lab .



Course Name: Dental public health

Course Number :   DA 212

Credits : 3

Hours / week : 3 Theoretical hrs. 0 practical hrs.

Prerequisite (s) none

Co requisite(s) None

This course prepares student to promote oral health and prevent oral diseases – in a community

. It provides student with a broad understanding of the health care system and an objective view of the significant social , political , psychological , and economic forces – directing the system

. This course will provide student with provide students with knowledge and skills necessary to meet specific oral health needs of community groups as distinct from the traditional clinical approach , which is designed to meet the needs of individual patient . This course is directed

toward the student in the second semester of the second year of their study . The instructions of this course are preformed through class presentation and filed work .


Course Name: Management of Dental office

Course Number :   DA 114

Credits : 3

Hours / week : 3 Theoretical hrs. 0 practical hrs.

Prerequisite (s) Clinical applications in Dentistry , Clinical Practice in Dentistry I

Co requisite(s) None

This course is designed to provide student with a comprehensive overview of the dental business.

Emphasis is on practice management , communication management , business office system , and interview techniques . This course directed towards the first year student in the second semester of their study . the instruction in course are performed through clinical presentations.


Course Name: Dental material I

Course Number :   DA 112

Credits : 3

Hours / week : 1 Theoretical hrs. 4 practical hrs.

Prerequisite (s) none

Co requisite(s) None

A study of clinical application of dental materials , and their relationship to the oral environment is essential to the dental assistant . This course is designed to provide the dental assistant a sound knowledge base in the science of dental materials . Emphasis will be placed on why specific material is used rather solely upon the techniques  of manipulating materials . Objective of course is to enhance the student abilities to make clinical judgment regarding the application of dental materials and the way in which these materials react to oral environment . This course is directed toward the first year student in the second semester of their study . The instruction in this course are preformed through classroom presentation and on – campus lab .


DA 101 Introduction to Dentistry

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category Core Course Required Yes

This course is designed to introduce the dental assisting students to the science of dentistry and the profession of dental assistant.


DA 102 Clinical Applications in Dentistry

Credits 3 Contact Hours 4 Category Core Course Required Yes

In this course, the students will be familiar with the instruments and equipments used in dental field. Also this course provides the students with basic theoretical and clinical information necessary in dental assistant practice.


AMS 166 Anatomy and Physiology

Credits 3 Contact Hours 4 Category Core Course Required Yes

This course is designed to introduce student to the structure and organization of various systems in the human body. It deals with the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, circulatory system, blood, digestive system, urinary system, and endocrine and reproductive system. Using a body system approach, the course emphasize the interrelationship between structure and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization of the entire human body.


CS 108 Introduction to Computer Science

Credits 3 Contact Hours 4 Category Core Course Required Yes

This course will survey the field of computer technology and information systems. You will acquire a basic understanding of how computers process information through the integrated use of hardware and software. Computer laboratory sessions will introduce students to a variety of software packages that will include word processing, spreadsheets, graphics, communications, and database management functions.


EL 101 English Language

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category General Education Requirement Required Yes

This course is a critical reading for special purposes and expository writing offers training in the writing process, the development and organization of expository prose, and research techniques.

The course emphasizes quality in logic and direction


NSC 155 Microbiology

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category Core Course Required Yes

This course will introduce the morphology، physiology، and taxonomy of microorganisms and how they relate to man and the environment as well as new developments in the field of microbiology and what influences they will have in the future.


DA 111 Clinical Practice in Dentistry I

Credits 2 Contact Hours 4 Category Core Course Required Yes

A comprehensive course designed to acquaint the student with the many aspects of assisting at chair-side in the treatment of dental patients. Among the areas included are: patients Management techniques; taking and recording medical and dental histories; vital signs; performing and assisting with clinical-examinations and charting; assisting with local anesthesia and all areas of dental treatment، also operating and maintaining dental equipment and sterilization.


Dental Materials I

Credits 3 Contact Hours 5 Category Core Course Required Yes

A study of the clinical application of dental materials. and their relationship to the oral environment is essential for the dental assistant. This course is designed to provide the dental assistant with a sound knowledge base in the science of dental materials. Emphasis will be placed on why specific material is used rather solely upon the techniques of manipulating materials.

Objectives will be equally balanced among .the cognitive، psychomotor، and affective domains of learning and within the dental assistant scope of practice. A primary objective of this course is to enhance the student›s ability to make clinical judgments regarding the application of dental materials and the ways in which these materials react to the oral environment.


DA 113 Dental Radiology

Credits 3 Contact Hours 5 Category Core Course Required Yes

This course is designed to introduce the students to the science of radiology. It will explain the basic concepts of the x-ray image formation and will give the student the access to the new techniques of x-ray. In addition، it will enable the students to differentiate between t anatomical landmark and pathological defects that are found in both the maxillary and mandibular arches of the oral cavity


SP 123 human Relations

Credits 3Contact Hours 3 Category Core Course Required Yes

An analysis of the basic principles of learning theory as well as physical، social، and moral development as they are applied to classroom learning with emphasis upon the application of theory to practical educational situations. Basics of standardized measurement، behavior

management as applied to the classroom، and the influence of socio-cultural forces in society on education are discussed. Educational exceptionalities and laws related to them are also examined


ESP 212 English for Dentistry

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category General Education Requirement Required Yes

This course is specially designed for dental assisting program by utilizing previously learned competencies and apply it in depth in dental aspects.


DA 115 Infection Control in Dentistry

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category General Education Requirement Required Yes

This course is designed to give the student an overview of the microbiological burden encountered in the dental office، the philosophy of infection control in dentistry، and the methods of protecting. Both patient and staff. In addition، current concepts of occupational safety and health risks encountered in the dental clinic environment well be presented with strategies to lower risks and improved the working environment.


DA 201 Clinical Practice in Dentistry II

Credits 4 Contact Hours 8 Category Core Course Required Yes

A continuation to DA 111 to acquaint student with more aspects of assisting at chair-side in the treatment of different dental specialty . Among the areas included are: patients Management

techniques; taking and recording medical and dental histories; vital signs; performing and assisting with clinical-examinations and charting; assisting with local anesthesia and all areas of dental treatment، also operating and maintaining dental equipment and sterilization.


DA 203 Oral Pathology and Histology

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category Core Course Required Yes

This course will provide the student with the basic understanding of diseases of the mouth and surrounding structures، and the skills necessary to detect deviations from normal in

the evaluation of the .patient›s health status. In addition، it will provide an overview of the embryogical development of the oral cavity and surrounding structures، and the histological structure of oral tissues. The student is provided the opportunity to learn the development، structure، morphology، eruption and function of the primary and permanent dentition.


DA 114 Management of Dental Office

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category Core Course Required Yes

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive overview of the dental business. Emphasis is on practice management، communication management، business office systems، and interview techniques.


DA 202 Dental Materials I I

Credits 3 Contact Hours 4 Category Core Course Required Yes

This Course will emphasize on teaching the students clinical applications of materials used  in dentistry، e.g. restorative dentistry )gold- ceramics، acrylics، cements، modeis›materials and impression materials، operative dentistry (filling materials، liner، bases، and preventive materials، orthodontic and periodontics materials )wires، stainless steel، rubbers(and implant dentistry

)titanium، and all related materials. In addition، the course will demonstrate clinical handling of different dental instrumentation and the use of dental equipment used to polish، mix and set different dental materials.


DA 204 Medical Emergencies in Dentistry

Credits 3 Contact Hours 4 Category Core Course Required Yes

This course will provide the student with the basic information necessary to successfully manage the most common emergency conditions that would occur in the dental clinic.


DA 211Clinical Practice in Dentistry III

Credits 4 Contact Hours 16 Category Core Course Required Yes

This clinical experience is a continuation of Clinical Practice and Instrumentation I، II. Each student will gain additional chair-side assisting skills and experience and begin to incorporate the advanced functions into patient treatment procedures. In addition، this course will provide an internship for each student with a practitioner of dentistry. Arrangements are made with each

dentist and dental hygienist taking part in the program to enable the student to obtain experience in all aspects of dental office procedures. Major part of this course will be at the Ministry of Health (MOH) were students will be assigned in different dental offices.


DA 212 Dental Public Health

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category Core Course Required Yes

This course prepares students to promote oral health and prevent oral diseases-in a community.

It provides students with a broad understanding of the health care system and an objective view of the significant social، political، psychological، and economic forces directing the system. This

course will provide students with knowledge and skills necessary to meet specific oral health needs of community groups as distinct from the traditional clinical approach، which is designed to meet the needs of individual patients. In addition، the course trains student to educate dental clinics in dental office and public. Emphasis is on health education theories، plaque control aids، nutrient، smoking cessation and fluoride.


DA 213 Dental Seminar

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 Category Core Course Required Yes

This course is a continuation to DA 114. Students will be exposed to more emphasis on practice management، communication management، business office systems، and interview techniques.


SS 101 Islamic Education

Credits 2 Contact Hours 2 Category General Education Requirement Required Yes

This course will introduce the main concepts of Islam as a comprehensive way of life.


Three General Electives Courses

Credits 2 (each) Contact Hours 2 Category General Electives Required Yes

The student can register in any elective course at any time.

Description / Courses

  • clinical application in dentistry
    3 Credits
    Course Number DA 102
    Type of Course Required Elective
    Contact Hours 4
    Prerequisite -
  • clinical practice in Diploma
    2 Credits
    Course Number DA 111
    Type of Course Required Elective
    Contact Hours 3
    Prerequisite Clinical application
  • Dental Radiology
    3 Credits
    Course Number DA 113
    Type of Course Required Elective
    Contact Hours 5
    Prerequisite -
  • infection control in dentistry
    3 Credits
    Course Number DA 115
    Type of Course Required Elective
    Contact Hours 3
    Prerequisite -
  • oral pathology and histology
    3 Credits
    Course Number DA 203
    Type of Course Required Elective
    Contact Hours 3
    Prerequisite -
  • medical emergencies in dentistry
    3 Credits
    Course Number DA 204
    Type of Course Required Elective
    Contact Hours 4
    Prerequisite -
  • clinical practice in dentistry III
    4 Credits
    Course Number DA 211
    Type of Course Required Elective
    Contact Hours 16
    Prerequisite clinical application
  • Dental seminars
    3 Credits
    Course Number DA 213
    Type of Course Required Elective
    Contact Hours 3
    Prerequisite -
  • Clinical practice in Dentistry II
    4 Credits
    Course Number DA 201
    Type of Course Required Elective
    Contact Hours 8
    Prerequisite Clinical application
  • Dental Materials II
    3 Credits
    Course Number DA 202
    Type of Course Required Elective
    Contact Hours 4
    Prerequisite -
  • Dental public health
    3 Credits
    Course Number DA 212
    Type of Course Required Elective
    Contact Hours 3
    Prerequisite -
  • Management of Dental office
    3 Credits
    Course Number DA 114
    Type of Course Required Elective
    Contact Hours 3
    Prerequisite Clinical applicatio
  • Dental material I
    3 Credits
    Course Number DA 112
    Type of Course Selected elective
    Contact Hours 5
    Prerequisite -
  • Introduction to Dentistry
    3 Credits
    Course Number DA 101
    Type of Course Required Elective
    Contact Hours 3
    Prerequisite -
  • Anatomy and Physiology
    3 Credits
    Course Number AMS 166
    Type of Course Required Elective
    Contact Hours 4
    Prerequisite -
  • Introduction to Computer Science
    3 Credits
    Course Number CS 108
    Type of Course Required Elective
    Contact Hours 4
    Prerequisite -

    1 2