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      I.          VISION


The Department of Library and Information Science (DLIS)) is a higher education department for information professionals of global standards and reputation.


    II.          MISSION


The DLIS educates students at the Bachelor level to become leaders in information centers and libraries and to conduct research to advance the field of information studies locally, regionally and internationally. Our mission, which is in-line with the mission of PAAET, is to contribute to teaching and learning excellence.




To carry out its mission, the DLIS strives to accomplish the following objectives:


1.     Prepare students at the bachelor's level to work as information specialists in the information and libraries sectors at the various libraries in government and private sectors such as public, school, academic, national, and specialised information centres.

2.     Ensure that the DLIS students acquire the knowledge, skills, and values that are fundamental to professional competence in the library and information services field that meet the job market needs of the various government and private specialists sectors in Kuwait.

3.     Support the professional development of information professionals in Kuwait through training programs, seminars, lectures, conferences and other endeavours.

4.     Raise awareness of library and information issues through meetings, lectures, public seminars, publications and social media.

5.    Build lasting relationships with students by engaging them in learning and with graduates by communicating with them effectively.

  • Origin and development of the Library and Information Science Department

The department was established in 1977 at the Teachers Institute of Education as the first program for librarianship known in Kuwait. The department's programs have evolved over the past years. Since 1998 The DLIS has offered the bachelor's level at the College of Basic Education (CBE). It is a program to qualify as a specialist in LIS to meet the needs of the various sectors of the job market in Kuwait.  The number of students registered in the academic year 2020-2021 reached 1794 (529 male students and 1265 female students).


  • The Academic Accreditation

In May 2017, the DLIS obtained its academic accreditation from "CILIP", the leading institution for professionals in the field of Library, Information and Knowledge Management in the British capital, London. It is the first department in the CBE to obtain this academic accreditation and the first program to be granted the certification by that institution in the Arabic language.


  • Distance Learning

Due to the Corona pandemic and fears of the spread among PAAET employees, distance learning has been authorised at the DLIS through accredited global educational programs such as "Teams" platform.


  • The department's activities in social media

The department publishes its news, activities and communicates with its students and alumni on Instagram @dlis_paaet and Twitter @dlis_paaet on a regular basis.


  • Graduates' employment fields

Many diverse job opportunities are available for the DLIS graduates' employment in various governmental agencies and semi-governmental institutions, such as banks, in addition to private sector institutions.
Graduates' job titles vary according to the approved titles in the workplace, including, but not limited to, for instance, the following titles: Information Specialist, Librarian/Director of a Library or Information Centre.


  • Staff at the DLIS

The department faculty include thirty members, most of whom hold PhDs from major European, American and Australian universities. In addition to fourteen members of the training faculty, most of whom hold masters and PhD degrees. They support the academic programs of the department, especially in the applied and training aspects. The department's staff also include secretarial and administrative coordinators for administrative work.


  • The capabilities of the department


The DLIS buildings are located in the CBE in Ardiya area for both male and female students. The department has classrooms and computer laboratories in these buildings equipped with modern computers and accessories and connected to the internet by optical fibers. The department also has workshops equipped with tools and references suitable for training.

  • Administrative Structure of the Department

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