توصيف المقررات

الطوارئ الطبية

توصيف المقررات الطوارئ الطبية.pdf

رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعاتالتوصيف العلمي للمقرر (عربي)التوصيف العلمي للمقرر (انجليزي)
المقررات التخصصية الاجبارية
AMS 100

Emergency Medicine 1



This unit prepares the student to act as an effective team member of an ambulance crew by providing the initial fundamental professional knowledge and skills for emergency health services. The student will understand the role of paramedic and paramedic services in the provision of health care with the broader health care system.   The unit also the basics of pre-hospital care such as the establishment of safe practice environment, Scene assessment, patient assessment and basic life support.
 Patient assessment in this unit will be in the form of focused clinical examination and documentation. The basics of airway and ventilation management will also be covered in this unit.


توصيف المقررات الطوارئ الطبية


 AMS 116Medical Terminology




This course is intended to assist those studying in the fields of medicine and health care by learning a word-building system for defining, using, spelling and pronouncing medical words. Thousands of words may be built by learning the Latin and Greek parts. This course is designed for students who wish to work in hospitals and physicians' offices as medical secretaries and/or transcriptions.  


 EL 101

English 101



This is a general compulsory English course for students who are joining The College of Health Sciences for all specialization. This course aims at helping students acquire the ability to use English for daily communication confidently. The emphasis will be on the basic skills listening, speaking, reading and writing. All four skills must be accomplished by both. This course is given to students scoring 60% and above in the placement test.



AMS 115


Cell Biology


Students will demonstrate knowledge of characteristics, structures, and functions of life systems; the process, continuity, and diversity of life; and the interactions of organisms with each other and their environment. The course will be designed to prepare the student for further study in scientific and medical fields. An introductory study of cell biology and intracellular mechanisms. Topics include structure of a cell structure and components, transport across the plasma membrane, protein synthesis, DNA and RNA, cell division and finally types of tissues. A special emphasis on the scientific methods (practical session).



SS 112

Work Ethics and loyalty


33-This course is designed to familiarize the student with the fundamental responsibility of the Emergency Medical Technician to conserve life, to alleviate suffering, to promote health, to do no harm, and to encourage the quality and equal availability of emergency medical care. Emergency medical technician practices should be governed by ethical principles including; autonomy, justice, beneficence, and non-maleficence.

AMS 121

Emergency Medicine 2

  -This course is designed to familiarize the student with the fundamental responsibility of the Emergency Medical Technician to conserve life, to alleviate suffering, to promote health, to do no harm, and to encourage the quality and equal availability of emergency medical care. Emergency medical technician practices should be governed by ethical principles including; autonomy, justice, beneficence, and non-maleficence.

AMS 121


Emergency Medicine 2




Those who deliver care in the pre-hospital setting are integral members of the trauma care team. This module will tune the student's skills and knowledge through lectures and simulated laboratory classes to become a competent member in the pre-hospital trauma usual or unusual challenges.


NSC 127


Medical Chemistry for EMT


This course is designed to introduce medical chemistry as a course that relates the different branches of chemistry with the life science. Chemistry studied in this course is divided into: General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.


EL 102

English for EMT 102



This English course is designed for EMT students. This course prepares adult students for the work place, the community and the home. Communicative competence in English is of critical importance in achieving self-sufficiency.


AMS 122


Anatomy and Physiology 1


This course is designed to familiarize the student with the structure and organization of various systems of the human body. It deals with the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system, urinary system, endocrine system and reproductive system.


SS 101


Islamic studies 22-This is an elective course for emergency medical technician students. Islamic studies address the principles of Islam as a religion and civilisation at present.  One way of applying Islam principles to the current civil world is introducing the prophet Mohammad's morals and ethics during the call of Islamic religion. Another way is to learn incident Muslims applied principles and solid system that led to a well-integrated community. Teaching students Islam studies will consolidate student's morality and ethics.

AMS 212

Emergency Medicine 3



Medical emergencies require the Emergency medical technician to evaluate several aspects concerning the situation and the patient in a very short period of time. In this module the student will be able to critically analyze the patient subjective and objective data to construct a differential diagnosis for common presentations in medical emergencies. The student will also demonstrate the appropriate management for medical emergencies.


AMS 211

Clinical Practice 1


35-This module consolidate
es the knowledge and skills related to patient assessment and life support in the pre-hospital environment. Emphasis will be placed on two aspects; conducting diagnostic techniques; in the form of focused history and physical examination; and the second aspect is the systematic approach to trauma patients. The module also discusses the management of special patients; pediatric and pregnant women.

AMS 210


Emergency Ethics and Laws

33-Understanding and describe the ethical and legal issues that the student could face in the line of work. It provides the student with his rights, duties and responsibilities in relation to employment as an emergency medical services employ.

AMS 214


Clinical Medicine 33-

The study of disease processes affecting the human body in relation to etiology, pathological changes in structure and function symptoms and signs, pertinent diagnostic procedures, common complications, preferred treatment, outcome, and preventive measures. Special emphasis is placed on medical terminology.


PS 217

Pharmacology 1


As an introduction to pharmacology, this course will provide a broad overview of pharmacological principles with an emphasis on therapeutics. Topics covered include introduction to pharmacology, origins of drugs, How drug work, Concentration and effects, drug regulations and control, factors affecting drug activity, terminology, dosage calculation, routes and formulations, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic range, pharmacodynamics, selectivity, toxicity, and drug interactions.   Drug classifications will be introduced using diuretics, narcotic analgesics, and cardiovascular medications as examples.


AMS 221

Major Incident and Crisis Management


33-Understanding the knowledge and skills to integrate the principles and procedures of major incident and disaster medical responses. Also the student will be able to implement a major incident response plan for a multi-victims situation. Major incident prevention, preparedness, response and recovery are the main course principles and techniques that the student will be learning. Field exercises will be taken a place throughout the course, to provide the student with the appropriate experience of major incidents medical response. There will be a one week session presented by a personnel from the fire department

AMS 223

Ambulance Driving


24-The Driving course focuses on the 'left-hand seat' position with greater emphasis placed on the candidate's skills and theoretical knowledge

AMS 222


Hospital Internship Rotation






In this course, students will be able to learn hospital emergency department triage, resuscitation, patient assessment and management during medical or surgical emergencies. Students will get the opportunity to be exposed to different departments in different hospitals in Kuwait including; emergency department, medical wards, intensive care unit and cardiac care unit. It is completed under the supervision of medical ER personnel.

AMS 226


Psychology for EMT


This course is a relatively new field which is evolving and developing as one of main areas of applied psychology. It targets building the skills of Emergency medical Technician as a caregiver. Along with technical proficiency, the EMT should demonstrate care during helping one person in distress.   often the inconvenient reactions of fellow humans complex such a mission. Therefore, as part of this course; student will understand the effect of illness on patient psychology, grief stages and some psychological disorders they might get across during their career. The course also highlights the needed skills to manage challenges of working in emergency medical services for instance, burn out, acute stress, sleep deprivation effect and fatigue.


AMS 233

Summer Internship in EM stations

416-The course offers knowledge and practical experience in multi-victim situations, major incidence and management, ambulance driving and emergency ethics and law. The course is offered by the emergency medical services department of Kuwait and the duration of the course is 11 weeks. The entire period of the course will be practical aspects of prehospital care in different ambulance unit centers in Kuwait directly and to casualty department indirectly. Final assessment at the completion of the course will be by examination in the ambulance unit and the department (Applied Medical Science department).