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notification المنصات التعليمية
notification الدعم الفني

للتواصل مع مكتب المساعدة الخاص بالحاسب الآلي الاتصال على الرقم

او رقم البدالة في الفترة الصباحية 1806611 داخلي 1333

اضغط هنا للتواصل مع ادارات ومراكز الهيئة

 ارسال رسالة للشكاوى الى البريد الإلكتروني

للتحدث مع موظفي الدعم الفني لأي مشكلة تقنية اضغط هنا


Administrative Development and Training Department was established based on decision NO. (15/1989) released on January 7, 1989, and it was among the agencies affiliated to the director general of the public authority of applied education and training until the resolution NO. (1/2008) on the date 7/1/2008 in which the administrative development department was included among the agencies of the planning and development sector.

It is a technical department with a coordinating advisory capacity that develops management methods, systems, regulations and organizational structures and suggesting ways to develop different administrative bodies to ensure that the mission of the Authority is achieved through actions that results in changes for the better. And development is not considered as a goal, but rather the aim is to achieve the success of the enterprise at the lowest cost and at the highest level of quality.

It also develops management performance in the Authority and creates a comprehensive qualitative shift to keep abreast of future changes and developing a comprehensive development plan, examining the terms of reference of organizational units, streamlining working procedures, job descriptions and evaluating performance. 

This department has been administrated by the following gentlemen:

Doctor Fares Munahi Saud Almutairi  since 2022till present
Engineer Mohammad Abdullatef Alobaiedsince 2019  
 till 2021
Doctor Ahmed Hasan Mohammad   
since 2017
till 2019
Doctor talal ebrahem Almesed
since 2016 
till 2016
Doctor Attiyah Alshamery
since 2014
till 2016
MS. Fatima Khaled Alkhawari  
since 2013
till 2014
MR. Salem mansor Aldallal
since 2012 
till 2013
Doctor Ahmed Alazmi
since 2009
till 2012 
Doctor Adel Abdulrazag Alsaddi 
since 2004 
till 2009
MS. Meshari Abdullateef AlOthman
since 1998  
 till 2004
Doctor Faisal AlHarbi
since 1994
till 1998
Doctor Yaqoub Alrefaie 
since 1991
 till 1994

 Administrative management

Organizational unit name: Administrative development and Training Department

Organizational level: department

Organizational subsidiarity: Deputy Director General for Planning and Development – Monitoring management development and training

Affiliate organizational units:

  1. subdepartment of organizational Development and Job Descriptions.
  2. subdepartment Rehabilitation and Training
  3. Subdepartment of Work Methods and Service Development

Management Achievements

• Coordination with the Civil Service Commission regarding the organizational structure and administrative organizational units and the process of their inclusion in the integrated systems program.

• Coordinate with faculties, institutes, deanships, departments and centers of the Authority to review and prepare organizational structures for them.

• Review the organizational structure of the Authority's workplaces and define their terms of reference.

• Coordination with the Civil Service Commission and the Commission's duty stations in the preparation of the job description of the posts of the General Staff of the Commission.

• Coordination with the Civil Service Commission in the process of updating data on the central system of the Government Services Manual in cooperation with the Authority's duty stations.

• To address some departments concerned with their terms of reference for revision, opinion and observations, if any, as directed by the Civil Service Commission.

• Divide the sectors of the Authority into the staff of the Management Development Department to review and revise the terms of reference of all organizational units of these sectors.

• Cooperate with relevant duty stations to formulate the terms of reference of some of their established organizational units that were not included in the ministerial decision (5/2015).

• The terms of reference of the organizational units have been reviewed in accordance with the amendments sent to the Office.

• The continuation of the work of the team to update the data on the central system of the Directory of Government Services in accordance with the directives of the Civil Service Commission, in order to provide all the data required in the system mentioned in the form on the inventory of basic information for services sent by the Civil Service Commission.

• A reply was received from 18 duty stations at the Authority indicating and specifying the services they provide for use in updating data on the central system of the Government Services Manual.

• Work to introduce a new set of forms from some of the Commission's duty stations that clarify and specify the services provided by those centers to update data on the central system of the Government Services Manual.
Management functions
• Preparing the organizational structure of the Commission in accordance with the regulations and regulations of the Civil Service Commission.

• Supervise the preparation of the organizational structure of the Commission's duty stations and develop the necessary proposals.

• Follow up the study and review of the competencies of the organizational units in the authority in partnership with the concerned authorities.

• Review the study and analysis of approved functional names associated with the organization's structure.

•Supervise the classification of job names into groups according to specialization and nature of work.

• Follow-up the preparation of the job description and the job names of the employees of the Authority in accordance with the approved organizational structure.

•Adopt career linkages to training courses through the application of the functional skills program.

•Adopt appropriate training programs to improve the staff's efficiency and qualification for work.

• Identification of training needs for all UN-Women duty stations according to the job description approved for each job group

•Supervise programs for the development, updating and simplification of procedures and methods of work with the concerned authorities in accordance with the scientific bases.

•Supervising the marketing of training programs to keep up with the latest methods of administrative work.

• Representation of the Commission with the Civil Service Commission in relation to administrative development work and procedures.

•Oversee the preparation of the Department's annual estimated budget.

•Accreditation of companies and training institutions specialized in the implementation of training programs in accordance with the established systems.

•Follow-up on contracting procedures with training institutions implementing programs, including ensuring that program expenditures are disbursed in coordination with the relevant financial units.

• Supervising the development of the latest services with the corresponding educational institutions and third parties to market the latest services in the field of administrative development and electronic services for the administration.

•supervising the establishment of a strong network of partnerships with other departments to guide a unified approach to serving duty stations.

•Supervise access to the latest marketing techniques and improve plans for service development.

• Supervise data analysis for development and provide quality services to the Commission.

•Supervising the presentation of ideas to develop and market business methods creatively.

•Supervising the preparation of financial costs for training courses inside or outside the Authority.

• Supervising the preparation of financial studies in the field of training in various types.

•Supervising the preparation of the financial budget for training (training courses).

•Supervise programs to develop and train management staff to increase efficiency and improve work.

• Performing any other work-related tasks entrusted to it by the Direct supervisor

The department's future plans

  • Update the approved organizational structure and the terms of reference of its organizational units in the integrated systems program and follow up its final adoption and confirmation by the Civil Service Commission.
  • Prepare job description cards for job titles approved by the Authority and be approved by the Civil Service Commission.
  •  Enter job description cards into the electronic job description program.
  • Develop business models and methods of work in the Authority.
  • Convert the paper services provided by the Authority to the external public into electronic forms according with the Government Services guide.
  • Identification of the functional skills.
  • Linking the career to the training path to raise the efficiency and the level of the general staff of the Authority.